WARTSILA Mwa ai nt teer nt aa nn ck e Expansion vessel charge air and lubricating oil. The circuits are connected to a seawater- cooled heat exchanger. ( Automation, control and supervision ) The automation system is designed tor the safe, reliable, efficient and easy operation of the engines, the plant process equipment and the electrical systems. Plant operation is centralized in the control room, except tor some functions, such as separators and auxiliary units that are equipped with local control panels tor independent automatic operation. For safety, the start, stop and operation mode selection of such units is only performed using the loca! control panels. Alarms and important measurements from the process units are connected to the automation system. Operation, control and monitoring of the power plant are carried out by means of a central control panel and the Jı COGENERATION WORLO & Renewoble Energy LT pump HT pump LO cooler To maintenance water tank Sea wafer filters T e o n g o i n th e e s r Wartsila Operators lnterface System (WOIS). The main control functions are performed from the central control panel. These actions include engine start and stop, synchronization and loading. The central control panel also contains conventional, panel-mounted meters tor the generator output (kW), power factor (PF), current (A) and voltage (V). A WOIS work station provides plant monitoring, which includes schematic process displays, alarm and event lists, trend displays, as well as extensive reports of process data. ( Summary ) Wartsila NSD pioneered the concept of barge-mounted power plants tor emerging markets, a concept that has evolved into the advanced Power Commodore and continues the offer unique benefits to its customers. Technical considerations are based on the well-proven Power Master concept, adapted as necessary tor operation off shore. Flexibility, in terms of both fuel and siting, along with fasttrack delivery, are the key attractions tor developing countries. Khulna's Power Tigers bring the number of megawatts generated by Wartsila Power Commodores worldwide to 800.