Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 1. Sayı (Ocak 2001) / Cogeneration World & Renewable Energy - Kojenerasyon Dünyası & Yenilebilir Enerji

Mehmet TÜRKEL MANAGING DIRECTOR OF ENKO (Energy & Cogenerotion) LTD. COGEN:RATIONCAPACffY BY REGION-%(0+C+E) ,.,_ M.ARlv)).RA • MEDllm.RANEAN -EAN CENTEAA.ANATa.l A 1 SOUTI-E.t-ST A�TOL� BLPCKSEA 1 E AST ANATOl� CCG EN ERATION CAPACrTY BY CATEGORY TURKEY CHART 3 .... lWEREWıWATICN 1 OPERATION\l Ut-OERCONSmUCTICN 700 fil) 9l) 400 :ı::o a::o 100 � 8l) ;e, iID 8l) 5'.lJ 4l) :ıı:ı a::o m 5 ! "' COGENffiAll(lılCIP,CCITY BYPR0.1NCES-MW TCPTEN (q 4ll 2ZI 22) CHART 4 Oi :ı; � CO'.BERAllOICJ>i'AaJYBfP!n,lN:ESMY lO'lcN A mı aı öı � 1 i il " "' " i � � :ı: � § CHART 6 �� Jb COGENERATION WORLD & Reneable Energy CHART 7 Total installed capacity for the sites under construction is 1733 MW. Marmara Region is 71 % of this amount with Aegean 15 %, and total of these regions is being 86 %. This is due the availability of more natural gas to Marmara and extension of the natural gas pipeline to Aegean Region. New natural gas pipeline to lzmir will be completed by mid 2001. Following Regions are South East Anatolia by 6%, Central Anatolia by 4%, Black Sea and Mediterranean by 2% .(Chart 2) Future of cogeneration shows a totally different picture as new autoproducer companies flourish in the Turkish Market. New applications awaiting approval from the Ministery of Energy and Natural Resources make a total of 3554 MW and a strong move towards the Mediterranean Region. Mediterraneans percentage share is 46 %, a very big jump if expectations becomes a reality by 2005. MARMARA Mediterranean's big jump is mainly due coGENERArı oN cAPAcırv sv REGıoN-% (E) to new sites which .,.. ■%2 "'" ■ MEOITERRANEAN AEGEAN are very huge in capacity, as a single unit. Since our main concern is the growth of the cogeneration percentage in the Turkish Electricity Market, the size of the units ■ SOUTHEAST ANATOUA EAST ANATOLIA ■ BLACK SEA ceNmAL ANATOLIA is not our main concern. Additional CHART 5 Cogeneration sites in Marmara Region are not as big as its present power, only 30 % of the expected growth. Aegean Region is stili going steady in the expected projects with 14 % share. Central Anatolia has 8 %, Southeast Anatolia has only 2% where Black Sea and East Anatolia regions have no share at all. (Chart 3) As a final remark for the total picture, Marmara Region will have the halt of the cogeneration market and will stay as a leader till 2005. üne quarter of the Turkish capacity will be operating in the Mediterranean Region and rest to follow as 13% for Aegean, 7% for Central Anatolia, 2% for Black Sea and South East Regions and none for East Anatolia Region. (Chart 4) Therefore generation of more than 43.000 GWh/year by 2005 by Autoproducers is an achivable forecast. When we look at the total picture the capacity becomes 7,761 MW. Present operations with 32%, sites under construction with 22% and projects under evalution with 46% share, are the major parts of the total cogeneration capacity in Turkey.(Chart 5) ( COGENERATION BY PROVINCES) Let's now take a look to ali cogeneration sites from another perspective, top ten provinces in each category. As usual the starting point is operational sites in each province. Kocaeli, the heart of Turkish industry has the highest figure in installed capacity which is almost 700 MW. Bursa is again one of the industrial provinces of Turkey as being the second in the top ten with 438 MW. Then comes İzmir the third largest province of Turkey after İstanbul and Ankara as the third in the top ten with 227 MW capacity. Other provinces are seen on the Chart 6. Chart 7 shows the ongoing cogeneration construction activities in