Levent TORUNOGLU DAS ENERJİ Some of DAS ENERGY references shall be summarized as follows; A power plant consisting of 1x18V28/32H (3700 Kw) MAN B&W Holeby gen set with its auxiliary equipments is currently in operation at Ortadoğu Rulman Sanayii Tic. A.Ş.(ORS) - Polatlı/ANKARA till Sept 1st 1998, providing the cooling demand of the factory by waste heat recovery boiler and an absorbtion ehiller. Another unit consisting 1x16V28/32H (3300 Kw) gen set with its auxiliaries is currently in operation at Med Union Containers A.Ş.- Sasalı Çiğli/İZMİR till April 1st 1999. Second co-gen unit of Ortadoğu Rulman San. ve Tic. AŞ. -consisting 1x18V28/32H (3700Kw) MAN B&W Holeby Gen Set has started operation in August 1999. Samur Halı AŞ. power plant with 2x18V28/32H (5400 Kw) MAN B&W Holeby Gensets and Isparta Mensucat A.Ş. Power plant with 3x18V28/32H (11000 Kw) MAN B&W Holeby Gen Sets started power production in June 2000. in addition to above projects following MAN B&W Holeby co-generation units are currently under construction ; Çetinkaya Mensucat A.Ş.power plant 3x18V28/32H (11.000 Kw) Anadolu Efes Biracıl ık Ve Malt San.A.Ş.power plant 1x18V28/32H(3700 Kw) Akbaşlar Tekstil A.Ş.power plant 1x18V28/32H (3800Kw) Under current circumstances, diesel systems burning No:6 Fuel Oil are in the lead through their low energy costs, obtainability and reliability. As the investors can not get the guarantee of continious natural gas obtainability and the policy of periodical increases in the natural gas costs; power li1 ııı J ., J .. ! ' J .. ! ;ı P.. ıe:!!11 JJ JJ 63 .. c:ı 151 .l 1 o .. C) . - - ' . . .. ,. ' . . ,, ;. .( 1 ı;: ·G• ı . . ' ., . . ' ... . • • 1 ' ' 1 • 1 • ■ ' � ► ■ • • • • • plants operating with N:6 Fuel Oil are mostly preferred recently. lf compared with the other fuel alternatives No:6 Fuel Oil provides 'cheapest energy cost' because this fuel can be used on any load and is the cheapest. AII though detailed statements declaring on-going construction works of natural gas pipelines are made by the authorities, great deal of natural gas shortage is being expected. it seems impossible to get 14 billion m3 of natural gas through west circuit before financial troubles of the realted countries are solved even if the constructions are completed. it is a must to make a loop addition (190 km) and diameter extention at Ukrain anda new compressor station at Tarunito. Erzurum-İmranlı-Kayseri-Ankara pipe line which is the second phase of East circuit will not be available before 2002. Turkmenistan-Turkey natural gas pipeline is also stopped because of financial troubles. Krasnovo-DoskAnkara line has a long distance and requires a financial source of 3,5 billion USD. it does not seem to be possible to get enough finance from international financial foundations to complete the project before the years 2004-2005. As a conclusion, it is obvious that the number of diesel co-generation systems burning No:6 Fuel Oil will rise under current circumstances, if No:6 Fuel Oil is compared with other fuel alternatives among obtainability, storage and cost stability. As a result of government incentives for the fuels used for energy production and due to the decreases made on the heavy fuel oil prices it is a fact that diesel co-gen systems are more attractive for the investors as they reach 3-4 cent/kWh electricity cost while systems with alternative fuels reach 5-7 cent/kWh. COGENERATION WORLD & Renewoble Energy l!