2001 7th lnternational Cogeneration & Environment Conference & Exhibition May 24-25, 2001 Swissotel, lstanbul - Turkey 09:00-1 0:00 1 0-00-1 1 :00 1 1 :00-1 1 :30 1 1 :30-1 3 :00 1 1 :30-1 1 :45 1 1 :45-1 2:00 12:00-12:15 1 2:15-12:30 12:30-1 2:45 1 2:45-1 3:00 1 3:00-1 4:00 1 4:00-15:30 1 5:00-1 5:30 1 5:30-1 6:00 1 6:00-1 7:30 1 6:00-1 6:1 5 1 6:1 5-1 6:30 1 7:00-1 7:30 1 7:30-1 9:00 1 9:00-20:00 Registration Opening Ceremony TENTATIVE PROGRAM Ozkan AGIS (Chairman of Cogen Association) 24th May, 2001 Ton Van Der DOES (Chairman of Cogen Europe) Gokhan YARDIM (BOTAS) Melih AKALIN (Ministery of Environment Vice Undersecretary) Ali Mufit GURTUNA (Mayo"r of lstanbul) Cumhur ERSUMER (Minister of Energy and Natural Resources) Coffee Break Session 1 Chairman: Mujdat BALI (PETROL iSLERi) Liberalisation Prospects and Efforts for the Future of Fuel Market (Developments and Progress in Natural Gas, LPG, NAPHTA, High Grade Coal, Fuel Oil Markets) Osman DEMIRAG (TPAO) Husamettin DANIS (TUPRAS) Ayse INKAYA (BOT AS) Valery NOSOV (GAZEXPORT) Omer IRSIDAR (AYGAZ) Questions-Answers Lunch Session 2 Chairman:Vaman AKAR (ENERJISA) Project Development: Feasibility, re-Estimating, lncentives, Financing, Taxation of Cogen Releted lnvestments Questions-Answers Coffee Break Session 3 Chairman: Jaap SUKKEL (COGEN PROJECTS) Developments in Cogeneration, Gas Turbines and Engine Technologies, Trigeneration and Combined Heat and Cooling Systems Johannes M. MATERS (EUROPEAN ENERGY COMMISSION) Gunther HANREICH (EUROPEAN ENERGY COMMISSION) Questions-Answers Panel Chairman: Simon MINETT (COGEN EUROPE) Security of Quality in the Energy Sector Panelists: Cogen Europe Executive Committee Members Reception