�7th lnte,natlo,?,C�eQJon & Envı,onment Conference & Exhibition May 24-25, 2001 Swissotel, lstanbul • Turkey 09:00-1 1 :00 10:45-1 1 :00 1 1 :00-1 1.30 1 1 :30-13:00 1 2:30-1 3:00 13:00-1 4:00 14:00-1 6:00 1 5:30-16:00 1 6:00-1 6:30 1 6:30-1 7:15 TENTATIVE eONFERENCE PROGRAMi<nE ısth May, 2001 Session 4 Chairman: Ton van der DOES (COGEN EUROPE) Typical Cogen Applications in European Countries and District Heating Questions-Answers Coffee Break Session 5 Chairman: Faruk AYGUN (AK ENERJi) Operation, Maintenence and Environmental lssues Questions-Answers Lunch Panel Discussion Autoproduction lssues Chairman: Ozkan AGIS (COGEN ASSOCIATION) Panelists: Faruk AYGUN (AK ENERJi) Savas YILDIZOGLU (ERDEMiR) Yaman AKAR (ENERJISA) Yuksel GULER (ZORLU ENERJi) Muzaffer YOSMAOGLU (ENTEK) Questions-Answers Coffee Break Conference Evaluation and Announcement of the Next Conference For paper abstracts 31th January, 2001 Papers to be presented during the Conference will be announced by 1 st March, 2001 For the full text, 7th April, 2001 Technical Supporters: COGEN EUROPE COGEN ASSOCIATION Organized by: TEKNİK YA ViNCiLiK, TANITIM A.Ş. Balmumcu, Barbaros Blv. Bahar Sk. Karanfil Apt. 2/11-13 Kat:4-5 80700-01 Beşiktaş - ISTANBUL Tel: +90.212 275 83 59 (pbx} • 347 04 25 (pbx) Fax: +90.212 288 26 14 e-mail : tekyay@turk.net ��� url: www.teknikyayincilik.com