Autoproduction and Natural Gas Supply in Çorum region Çorum is one ofthe industry centers in Anatolia. With the enterprising and progressive spirit of the Çorum peop/e, the introvert family economy is replaced by industrialization. The industrialization efforts began by the soi/ industry (brick, tile) between the years of 1970-1980 and had an important effect on the economic structure of the city. At the same time, food industry developed as the second important sector and flour wheels estab /ished in 1930s were rep/aced by modern f/our factories with highcapacity. Para/Jel to the necessities of the two sectors, "machine manufacturing" and "mou/ding" industry branches were alsa developed; sites manufacturing the machines far brick, tile and PROGRAM Çorum Bölgesinde Otoprodüktörlük ve Doğal Gaz Arzı 16:00-17:00 Açılış Kenan Malatyalı Çorum Ticaret ve Sanayi Odası Başkanı Özkan Ağış Türkiye Kojenerasyon ve Otoprodüktörlük Derneği Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı Prof. Dr. Arif Ersoy Çorum Belediye Başkanı Dr. Yurdakul Yiğitgüden flour factories were built. in recent years, the tradition of investing on the classic industry branches were replaced by various fields far investment. Enerji ve Tabii Kaynaklar Bakanlığı Müsteşarı Süleyman Bulak DOSIDER Genel Sekreteri Other than the leading sector, the soi/ industry, in Çorum, there are other facilities of different sectors such as f/our, semo/ina, boi/ed wheat, macaroni, liquid oil, sugar, bait, egg, paper, packing, injector, zip, car radiator-exhauster-heating system, printer be/ts, furniture, parquet, enamel/ed moulding, pin, copper and zinc pane/s, copper pipe and hosepipe, shirt, thread, textile, sack, strafore, bone powder, medica/ ampou/e, LPG, ceramic, marb/e, f/oor tile, sanitary, shoe sectors. Besides, there are facilities covering machine, moulding and coating needs of these sectors and making key-end projects far the flour, semolina, bait and soil industries. in Çorum in Organized lndustry Region 46, in Sma/1 lndustry Site 101 and others 142 with a total of 289 industry sites are in operation. seminar studies of Türkiye Cogeneration and Autoproduction Association concerning the cities that will receive natural gas continued with the Çorum meeting. The meeting, which held on 20 April, 2002 in Çorum, began with the opening speech of Kenan Malatyalı Chairman of Çorum Chamber of Commerce and Manufacturers. The Chairman of Türkiye Cogen and Autoproduction Association Özkan Ağış mentioned the cogen and Yüzölçümü 12.820 km2 Nüfusu 593.945 Merkez İlçe Nüfusu 147.056 Yıllık Ortalama Nüfus Artışı Binde -3.5 Şehirleşme Oranı %41 Okur-Yazarlık Oranı %96 Tarım Sektöründe Toplam istihdam Oranı %75 Sanayi Sektöründe Toplam istihdam %5 Oranı Onbin Kişiye Düşen Hastane Yatağı Sayısı 23 Onbin K[§i 11'.l i e Du!Iil · en Hekim Sal'Jısı 18 Alaca, Bayat, Boğazkale, Dodurga, İskilip, İlçeleri Kargı, Laçin, Mecitözü, Oğuzlar, Ortaköy, - ----- - - - Osmancık Sun urlu, U_fuJrludağ_ gı .il ECOGEIIERATION WORLO Atıl Üzelgün Çorum Valisi Türkiye'de sanayide doğal gaz kullanımı ve sektöre! dağılımı Çorum Bölgesinde doğal gaz ilet i m hatlarının ve dağılımının panoraması Fuat Celepçi BOTAŞ Genel Müdür Yardımcısı Kojenerason nedir? Yararları. Değişik kojenerasyon uygulamaları. Türkiye'deki farklı kojenerasyon uygulamalarının ekonomik yönden değerlendirilmesi Mehmet Türkel Türkiye Kojenerasyon ve Otoprodüktörlük Derneği Otoprodüktörler Komitesi Başkanı ENKO Genel Müdürü Sorular-Cevaplar autoproduction applications and natural gas. The mayor of Çorum Prof. Dr. Arif Ersoy mentioned that the usage of natural gas in industry is very important far Çorum. Alsa "To build 50 MW cogeneration and autoproducer plant will be very useful in our country and Çorum has the power to build this kind of plant." Ersoy said. The ministry of Energy and Natural Resources Undersecretary Assi. Prof. Yurdakul Yiğitgüden gave information about Turkey's energy sector and the activities petrol and natural gas. - Fuat Celepçi Deputy General Manager of BOTAŞ made a presentation about the activities of BOTAŞ. General Secretary of DOSIDER Süleyman Bulak mentioned their wishes about the widespreading of the usage in the cities.