MAK efficiency technologies. Many of these innovative energy technologies alone and in hybrid configurations ( typically pairing an intermitent renewable with conventional generation ), are faund in applications such as CHP, supplying power, both thermal and electrical, in grid and off - grid markets. Power parks are collections of optimized distributed energy ersource technologies and processes joined by a minigrid, oflen by a district energy loop and advanced telecommunications technologies . They generally grid - connected but intended to operate as power islands. They are a key strategy far realizing the goal of accelerating the deployment of renewables and cleaner distributed energy resources and technologies. Currently few of these developments exist in the US. They are more common in other parts of !he world suchas South america, Europe, and Asia . Developing old or abandoned industrial sites is acritical ' smart growth ' strategy far economic development in urban areas. Smarter use of resources in expanding suburban areas is alsa critical . in order to provide energy consumers with value - added solutions, attract new industry and create jobs, !here is an essential need to provide reliable, energy efficient power while maintaining a sustainable environmantal quality of life. This is accomplished by using new technologies such as full cells and microturbines, linked with renewable energy sources such as photovoltaics, and integrated with energy efficient designs far the buildings and facilities. Power parks allow far new managing develpoment load that will not strain existing energy capacity on the grid, particularly during periods of high peak energy demand. Power parks are an integrated ' systems approach ' to delivering power when and where it is needed. These systems are designed to be more energy efficient and environmentally sound by utilizing far less fuel to generale the same or betler power than any previous central power generation or delivery system . Some compare !his change to !hat experienced in the computer industry with the transition from relying solely on main frames to greater reliance on laptops. Another advantage to the power park approach is that many policy barriers to implementing new energy technologies and processes are reduced when a developer owns !he electric and thermal infrastructure, and controls the design ofa microgrid on their own premises, subject to commercial codes. Well - designed power parks offer an integrated, lowest - cost, reliable system where the owner can match energy generation and delivery to energy end use through a combination of electric, natural gas, and telecommunications services. Key power park technologies can include: modular renewable and gas - fireci generation supported by a properly calibrated natura! gas system, electric and thermal energy storage, district energy heating and cooling systems, load management, and advanced telecommunication networks. ı 41 ECOGEIERATION WORLD NEW ENERGY TECHNOLOGY AND PROCESS BENEFITS The integration of combinations DER technologies within a power park development can provide a range of synergistic benefits not currently being realized. These benefils include: ■ Energy self - sufficiency - combinations of DER units can serve the entire power park energy load during low - demand periods on the grid. Since demand far heating, cooling, or power is very seldom constant over time, !he excess generation avaliable during low - demand periods can be used storage in order to increase capacity during high - demand, high cost periods. This results in betler asset utilization as the load factor on the individual DER units will be increased. İt is alsa helpful in negating high grid rates. ■ End - user power quality and reliability - combinations of DER units provide energy supply diversity and ensure against typical power interruptions. While single unit availability can be as high as 99 % (3.65 days of not being available), using a range of DER technologies can further improve energy quality by decreasing interruptions to under a second, as required by advanced manufacturing facilites, dol - coms, and biotech companies. ■ Power system reliability - betler load management reduces strain on existing constrained distribution systems. ■ lntegration with infrastructure - operation of multiple DER units will be facilitated by infarastructure development in the power park. DER units can be joined by a mini - grid to synchronize operation and control, the laller through advanced wireless or fiber optic telecommunications. A district energy loop may be included to distribute thermal energy produced by CHP operations. Alsa, low and medium pressure natural gas lines can be provided. ■ Predictable energy costs - business and instutional operations need predictability in their annual cost of doing business. The power park scheme offers such operations long - term predictability of their power costs since the capitol costs are known up front and can be allocated over area reasonable period of time. Long - term contracts far energy delivery can be determined and appropriatey laken into account. ■ Environmental Benefils - new energy technologies currently being deployed tenci to be much more energy efficient and, therefare use less fuel to create the same or a greater power supply. Release of greenhouse gases and other such emissions are thus substantially lowered. Some proven rates of efficiency range as high as 80 - 90 % when a system is designed to capture and reuse waste heat as found in a CHP system. Lower emisssions can mean less trouble siting and permitting at !he local level as well. DER TECHNOLOGY UPDATE Many DOE programmes through the Office of Fossil Energy and the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy are already involved in ' power park - like ' projects.