Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 108. Sayı (Mart 2014)

Transportation of 918 tons Reactor from Derince Port to Tupras Refinery by 20 axles 4 file Goldhofer PST/SL-E trailer on the barge. Transportation of 56 units of power plant equipment including HRSG Modules, Generators, Transformers and Steam Turbines max. 236 tons from lskenderun Port to Erbil-lRAQ. areket • Project transportation • Heavy and oversize cargo transportation • Crane rental services • Alternative lifting and skidding methods • Road surveys • Loading and discharging operations • Mechanical, electrical installation of wind turbine generators 1 1 r 1 r t4:i'➔ ' ' hareket -\ HEAVY UFTING \ AND pROJECT TRANSPORTATl �N operates in Turkey, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece, lraq, ıran, Jordan, Qatar, Kazakhistan, Libya, Russia, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, Yemen www.hareket.com.tr Head : lstanbul/Turkey Tel :+902163114141 Fax :+902163114145 hareket@hareket.com.tr Branch : Ankara/Turkey Tel :+903124406333 Fax :+90312441 5676 ankara@hareket.com.tr Branch : Mersin/Turkey Tel : +90 324 238 22 08 Fax : +90 324 23822 07 mersin@hareket.com.tr Transportation and installation of 19 units Nordex NlOO/RlOO turbines at Silivri Turkey. Branch : Jeddah-5audi Arabia Tel : +966 (2) 633 30 30 Fax : +966 (2) 689 98 77 saudihareket@saudihareket.com ,•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••