OPENING CEREMONY SPEECHES these problems, which will always keep its priority. Minett also said, "Especially environmental and power supply security concerns supported developments in this particular technology which resulted in formation of pressure power against power supply security and price levels. Cogeneration has an important role in achieving environmental targets in EU, Japan, USA and in many other countries. But there are great differences between expectations ofpo/icy makers and results obtained and received at the end of adopted policies that are put into practice. What we actually have to do is to eliminate this gap. From left ta right M. Ali Türkoğlu, Özkan Ağış, Zeki Çakan, Doç. Dr. H. Yurdakul Yiğitgüden, Ümit ôzerol, Temel Eryılmaz EU has a target to bring cogeneration usage to 18% until 2010, which is set in 1997. That stood to be both rea/istic and approachab/e with obstacles standing ahead. Since 1997, neither EU nar member states stepped forward to reach that aim. That's why the possibility to reach 18 % /eve/ for 2010 increases day by day. We are in the third period where commitments are to be realized which means establishment and construction ofpower stations is immediately required in several parts of Europe in necessary numbers. Far that reason I see several associations in Europe like Turkish Cogeneration and Autoproduction Association taking important role in forcing governments to hand/e these issues. " lstanbul Metropolitan Municipal Mayor Deputy Ümit Özerol started his speech saying in general power continues to be the most important opportunity to lie in the hands of governments and societies throughout the civilization. özerol said: "Power is the /ocomotive of our socioeconomic development. Cogeneration technologies which al/ow simultaneous electrical and thermal power generation are =1Qj ECOGENERATION WORLD M. Ali Türkoğlu considered to be the most appropriate and efficient power generation systems providing stations to be in action in short term when power bottleneck situation of Turkey is taken under consideration. Every year Turkey's power demand increases ata rate of 10%, but the increase in power generation capacity is always left behind this rate. By the end of 2000 installed capacity of cogeneration systems in use reached 2734 MW and total instal/ed power of systems under construction is 110 MW today. As today primary fuel reserves decrease and global competency increase, it is inevitab/e to have continuity in power inputs and to provide quality with minimum cost. So cogeneration is one of the leading modern power generation techniques." Energy Market Regulatory Authority Vice-President Ali Türkoğlu started his speech in the opening ceremony by saying: "As we al/ know, tor the /ast two decades public finance resources were inadequate to supply the high demand. Moreover, in order to supply these resources several /aws such as 3096, 3996 were published and several models were applied such as build-operate, build-operate-transfer, transfer of enterprise rights and autoproduction. "Today, total installed power of 173 autoproducer systems in production is about 3400 MW which is app. equa/ to 14% of Turkey's total energy power and 12% of its consumption. in the Electric Market Law, autoproducer model framework is preserved which has been more successful in recent regulations relatively. So not to exceed 20% of electric power produced by autoproducers in one year, an amount determined and designated by the committee can be sold in competitive environment. it wi/1 on/y be possible to seli more than 20% ofproduced e/ectrica/ power in the market when production license is received. Mutual agreements bound by special legal agreements Zeki Çakan wi/1 define and regulate the sa/es of this extra power to partners or individual consumers. I would like to note that as an institution, we are wide open to ali kinds of opinions and suggestions to establish a power infrastructure to transform Turkey into a p/ace where resources are rationally consumed, negative effects on environment and general health are minimized, new technologies and power services are deve/oped in addition to new resources and where economic and social expectations are provided. in order to get