zo er � 1 ' 1 '� 1 ENTEK ELEKTRİK ÜRETİM VE OTOP ıccı 2002 BİLDİRİSİ Cogerıuation, Wast.e recov,erffj �uıa6/h & 0ııı..si& (Je11erati,oıtJı THE EXPECTATIONS FOR THE FUTURE OF THE ELECTRICITY MARKET AND THE DEVELOPMENTS Works on liberalizing the electricity sector in Eastern European countries from 1980s began in our country with a twenty-year delay. Even though the market system to be set up fundamentaliy contains different motives in every country, the foliowing values need to be provided in a competitive structure: ■ To decrease the electricity cost of the consumer. ■ To increase the satisfaction of the client with an increase in service quality. ■ To contribute to the protection of the environment. in addition to these, three benefits to be provided in our country are: ■ Removal of the financial liability of the public both in the field of administration and investment. ■ Maximum use of private sector resources in order to meet the need for greater investments. ■ lncrease of productivity by setting up a transparent and rational market system. Since the regulations showing the real productivity of the system have not been completely prepared yet, we- the autoproducers can only evaluate the future's electricity market on a macro level. However, it is correct when the experiences of the same application in the world and the realities brought by the loca! conditions are gathered. The great expectation on the new system is a decrease in prices due to the competition taking into consideration of the free and dependent consumer cost. The examples around the world show !hat !here is a rapid decrease in the electricity prices at the big consumer category. For smali consumers, the decrease is on a long period of time. The basic thing here that has to be considered about the prices is not only to set up a competitive system about the prices, but also to provide it with a consistent structure (price volatility). To reach these two outputs\ the following points should be considered: ■ The supply has to be adequate. ■ An adequate reserve capacity that hinders volatility. ■ The liable cost !hat stems from the liability of the state on the BOTs and BOs. ■ The transfer value of the DSI barrages to EÜAŞ. ■ The fuel cost input. Ali factors prove that the basic determinants of the electricity price are investments and fuel input cost. So that, the main strategy to decrease the cost of the electricity should be to decrease the fuel cost. At !his point the main problem is the ECOGENERATION WORLO AUTOPRODUCERS AND AUTOPRODUCER GROUPS TODAY liability that stems from the non-transparent natura! gas treaties which were signed by BOTAŞ. Another point about the price is the liability of the BOTs and BOs. it is known that these power stations seli TETAŞ the electricity over the competition price determined by the free market conditions. Finally, in the category of free and dependent clients, it is not appropriate to expect an important decrease in the electricity price in short and middle term. in order to achieve such a goal it is necessary to: ■ follow a policy to improve the fuel cost. ■ work for the improvement of the liabilities of BOTs, BOs and others. ■ define correctly the price strategy of IHD value of barrage transfers. Making the existing system better depends on the regulations and the administration technique of Energy Market lnstitution. Another point !hat is at least important as the productivity in the new market system is the transparency and trustworthiness. The consistent run of the sector, the stability of the investments and of the existing and new entrepreneurs should be based on long-term transparent and trustworthy policies !hat wili gather the whole sector on a common ground and enable the sector to lake initiatives. These are the two important parameters for Turkey. The entrepreneurs should have some specific criteria to make investments in the sector not to create a crisis. Thus, the license regulation is very important. Most of the autoproducers are ready for the competitive structure of the future's market. But !here are some deficiencies in the infrastructure that stems from the application of the new regulations such as network regulation, consumer service regulation, ete. Perhaps the real actors who voluntarily want free competition are autoproductors. Because !hey are the ones ready to take risks, have knowledge and experience of administration. So there should be policies to encourage the autoproducers.