Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 11. Sayı (Mayıs-Haziran 2002) / Ecogeneration World - Cogeneration, Waste Recovery, Renewables & On-site Generation - Kojenerasyon Atıktan Enerji, Yenilebilir Enerji, Yerinde Üretim

ALARKO-CARRIER SANAYİ VE TİCARET A.Ş THOUGHTS ON ABSORPTION CHILLER GROUPS AND FIELDS TO USE; SMALL SCALE LOCALIZED FIELDS OF USE FOR CHILLED WATER Absorption Chillers can be the right solution tor today's known air-conditioning requirements, and should continue to be the right solution tor tomorrow's uncertain situation. Socially and environmentally acceptable, and with their operation assured despite what happens to the cost and availability of electricity, selecting an absorption ehiller is the responsible choice of system designers and purchasers. Due to the increasing price of fossil based fuel types, energy savings I one of the most important issues of today's world energy agendas. Nowadays co-generation plants investments also are very popular issue in Turkey, which is new in application but also known tor a very long time in theory and tor the initial applications. With absorption chillers it is possible to use heat energy to prepare chilled water. These units decrease the electricity demand and maintenance needs. Thermal spring water resources in Turkey can be used to supply the cooling necessary in resort complexes, hotels ete nearby and also will give the possibility to seli the chilled water to neighboring facilities using shared-meters. The theory of the combined LiBr+Water system that has an objective to use the heat is based on the principle of boil water at low temperature; in other words the heat of the resource which is at low energy level is received through "evaporation". The heating resource can be waste vapor, hot water, funnel gases, underground thermal spring water ete. Payback periods of the all expenses must be considered tor each project. it takes only 1 to 3 years. Absorption chillers need low maintenance; solution pump and refrigeration pumps are only moving parts of the units. Another benefıt of absorption ehiller is low noise and vibration. lnstallation locations no longer need to be in heavily isolated locations, or far away from occupied spaces. Also it has low consumption levels of power. lnstallation of microprocessors into the system will allow the control of several functions within the system such as pumps in the cooling towers, fan engines, tower by-pass valves ete. OJgeneration, -Wast e recoııı ABSORBSİYON LU SU SOĞUTMA GRUPLARI, KULLANIM SAHALARI, SOGUTULMUŞ SUYUN •• •• KUÇUK DE OLSA •• BOLGESEL KU LLAN I M I NA YÖNELİK •• •• DUŞUNCELER. Günümüzde enerji sakını mının önemi, fosil kaynaklı yakıt fiyatlarının yükselmesi sebebiyle belirgin şekilde artmakta ve işletmelerin kaynaklarını etkin biçimde değerlendirmesi kaçınılmaz olmaktadır. İşletmelerin atık enerjilerinin değerlendirilmesi için kullanılan absorbsiyonlu su soğutma, ülkemizdeki uygulamalara bakıldığında yeni, ancak teori ve ilk uygulamaları dikkate alındığında uzun zamandır bilinen bir sistemdir. Absorbsiyonlu su soğutma grupları; ozon tabakasına dost, işletme giderlerini azaltarak karlılığının artırılmasında yardımcı, düşük bakım giderleri gibi özellikleri sebebi ile Türkiye pazarında da yerini almalıdır. 'ı �- �l'OJ(rrıMı .,..__,__,_�"lUMf"11.ı.�l -- Yp l' 1 •��F�r�;;ı -� J.., , L ECOGENERATION WORLO 49