Makale O Bir başka deyişle, petrol rezerv bölge ülkelerinde görülen çalkantılı durumlar güvenilirlik faktörünü doğrudan etkilemiş görünmektedir. Öz olarak söylemek istenirse, petrol piyasalarındaki değişimler, istikrarla yakın ilişkilidir ve dünyayı ve de ülkemizi yakından ilgilendirmektedir denebilir. Kaynaklar fi] TUĞRUL, A. B., (20 I I) "Nuclear Energy in the Energy Expansion of Turkey ", ''journal of Energy And Power Engineering, Vo/. 5, No /0, pp. 905-9/0. [2] TUĞRUL, A. B., ÇiMEN S. (2013) "Energy lnitiatives for Turkey", "/nternational Conference on Economics and Econometrics - ICEE 20/3", 2-3 Aralık 20/3, Dubai-BAE, Proc. pp. 40-44. [3] TUĞRUL, A. B., (2009), "Türkiye'nin Enerji Açılımları ", "15. Uluslararası Enerji ve Çevre Konferansı ICC/-2009" İstanbul, Bildiri Kitabı s: 15-1 7. [4] IEA (2012) Key World Energy Statistics. [5] GEA (20 I 2): Global Energy Assessment -Toward a Sustainab/e Future, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge UK and New York US and the lnternational lnstitute for Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg -Austria. [6] BP (20/2) Statistica/ Review of World Energy. [7] PARRA, F. (20IO) Oil Po/itics: A Modern History of Petro /eum, New York: I.B. Tauris [8] Energy Charter Secretariat ( 2007), "Putting a Price on Energy -lnternational Pricing Mechanisms for Oil and Gas", Brusse/s [9] EIA, (2013), US. Energy lnformation Administration lnternationa/ Energy Statistics fi O] PATIL, G. P., (2002). "Weighted Distributions ", Encyclopaedia of Environmetrics, Volume 4, pp 2369-2377, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, Chichester. fi /] ILDIRIM, A., (20/0), ''Türkiye'nin Petrol Arz Güvenliği" Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İTÜ Enerji Enstitüsü. [12] ENGİN, B., 2014, Türkiye Doğal Gaz Arz Güvenliği ve Gelecek Projeksiyonu ile İncelenmesi, [ 1 3] ÇITAK, E., Dünya Petrol Piyasası Değişimlerinin İncelenmesi ve Risk Analizi ile değerlendirmesi, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İTÜ Enerji Enstitüsü, (Teslim aşamasında). Bu makale ICCI 20 l 4'te bildiri olarak sunulmuştur. PIPELINE SECURITY 2015 FORUM 25-26 March 2015 Istanbul / Turkey Mövenpick Golden Horn Hotel Major challenges for the energy pipeline industry Turkish pipelines have increasingly become targets for sabotage and as a result advanced security is required to protect this critical infrastructure. Securing pipelines from threats such as sabotage, attack and theft has become a major challenge for companies operating in high risk areas. The Pipeline Security 2015 Forum, taking place in Istanbul, Turkey, on 25th-26'h March 2015, will be a high level platform where pipeline operators will meet and discuss the most pressing security challenges in the sector. The Forum will address major challenges for the energy pipeline industry such as insecurity and terrorism, political tensions, counter-terrorism, challenges for transnational pipeline networks, employee protection, oil siphoning, community engagement, special incident investigation methods or the effective implementation of latest cutting-edge security technologies. • Speakers include senior representatives from: • Ministry of Energy and Natura! Resources, Turkey • Undersecretariat for Defence Industries Turkey • Trans Anatolian Natural Gas Pipeline Project (TANAP) • EAGE LC Turkey • GE Oil and Gas MENAT/CIS/Russia • West African Gas Pipeline Company • ConocoPhillips Algeria • West African Gas Pipeline Company Limited • Izmir University of Economics • Weatherford -Iraq • ABB • ASIS International Turkish Chapter • NEPAL Oil and Gas Services Limited • GAIL (India) Limited • Sonatrach Algeria Email: Phone:+44 207 111 1615 •