Global Busıocss Repoıts "Turkey strives to become a regional energy hub. Our geopolitical position aids us in this. Turkey has a vast domestic market and rapidly expanding domestic energy needs. Demand and supply are both here. However, the market needs to be liberalized and well functioning, with transparent and cost reflective pricing. This has almost fully been attained within the power industry. Within the gas industry, much still has yet to be achieved. Be this as it may, there is a great opportunity for Turkeywithin gas, given declining oil prices. As regulators, we have to focus on the domestic market with an emphasis on gas and oil. Our position as a nation, and energy market, willplay an important role in developing this." -Alparslan Bayraktar, Commissioner, EMRA "Within the sector itself, there is optimism. There is this ambition to connect Turkey to Europe, both physically-to make it possible for cross-border trade-and with regard to emulating European business practices. There are positive signals that the industry is moving in the correct direction. Most of the industry's fundamental issues have been addressed; however, it is undisputable that the sector requires greater transparency and greater levels of cohesiveness between what are, at present, very disjointed regulatory bodies. When one engages a govemment entity individually, it is apparent that the country's regulators are competent: they possess insight. The largest challenge for the industry, however, is found in creating a fluid, well-functioning system ofregulation. Afailure to do so will only slow the industry down." - Olav Peter Hypher, Country Manager, Statkraft "If one is to look to the past, Turkey has succeeded in many transformations, especially if compared against many of our neighbors in Eastem Europe. Our market system has evolved, as have the regulatory structures goveming the industry-greatly. Turkey's promise and challenge is rooted in the attribute that sets it apartfrom these other regional energy markets: our size. The Turkish market energy stands as large as the entirety of Southeastem Europe. It is therefore because ofthis that the changes made to the industry have such a far-reaching effect: these changes compound. It is also therefore because ofthis that it is of such importance that the Turkish govemment chooses the right approach in developing the country's energy market: for the ability of Turkey to fortify its production base, and through this, the economy. Though we predict several years of energy surplus, in 2018 this will change. Investments made in this current period, when much from a regulatory perspective remains in flux, will determine our ability as a country to meet our ambitions. Regulators would do best to tread lightly on the sector." - Cem Asik, General Manager, Sanko ...-URKEY POWER 2015 j PRE-RELEASE Thank vou, We would alsa like to sincerely thank ali the governmental bodies and associations, that took the time to give their insights into the market and share their experience and knowledge: Republic ofTurkey Ministry of Energy and Natura! Resources Electricity Producers Association (EUD) Energy Traders Association (ETD) Turkish Wind Energy Association (TUREB) Alice Pascoletti Project Director JP Stevenson Joumalist Global Business Reports GBR GLOBAL BUSINESS REPORTS Turkey Power 2015 Journalist: J P Steııenson Project Oirector: Alice Pascoletti Regional Director, EMEA: Sharon Saylor General Manager: Agostina Da Cunha Senior Partner: MungoSmith Graphic Designer: Leigh Johnson Cover image: Courtesy ofZorlu Energy A Global Business Reports Publication For updated industry news from our on-the-ground teams around the world, please visit our website at gbreports. com, subscribe to our newsletter by signing up to ourVlP list through our website, or follow us on Twitter: @GBReports. Global Business Reports 1 , ı , ı ıı ı ı r ı , ı ı , G