Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 118. Sayı (Mayıs-Haziran 2015)

TGroalndshpoofertraPt5ioTn/SoL-fE1t2ra5i6lert.ons liebherr Port Crane with 2 pes. 24 axles 2 file Transportation of 300 mts turbine from Samsun Port to Kırıkkale. Loadlng of 510 tons tank in to the vessel by 2 units of Demag CC 2800-1. areket • Project transportation • Heavy and oversize cargo transportation • Crane rental services • Alternative lifting and skidding methods • Road surveys • Loading and discharging operations • Mechanical, electrical installation of wind turbine generators operates in Tur1<ey, Azeıbaijan, Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece, lraq, ıran, Jonınn, Qatar, Kazakhistan, Libya, Russia, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tur1<menistan, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, Yemen www.hareket.com.tr Heıd : İsıanbuVTurl<ey Ptıone: +902163114141 Fax : +902163114145 harekel@harekeLcom.tr Brınch : Ankara/Turl<ey Plıone: +90 312 440 63 33 fax +90 312 441 56 76 ankar.ı@hareket.com.tr Brınch : Mersin/Turl<ey Plıone: +90 324 238 22 08 fax : +90 324 238 22 07 meısm@hateket.com 1r Branch : İzmir/rurl<ey Plıone: +90 232 835 48 47 Fax +90 232 835 47 52 izmir@hareket.com.11 Brınch : Jealn.Sadfaiil Plıone: +966 (2) 6333030 fax +966 (2) 689 98 77 saooharekel@saudihaıel<tt. Brınch : Erbil-lraq Ptııne: +964 751 056 30 58 iı3Q@haıeket.com.11 ııııııııııııııııııııııııııııııııııııı,