Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 12. Sayı (Temmuz-Ağustos 2002) / Ecogeneration World - Cogeneration, Waste Recovery, Renewables & On-site Generation - Kojenerasyon Atıktan Enerji, Yenilebilir Enerji, Yerinde Üretim

16 NEWS / HABERLER _: Cogeneration Directive: long awaited, ••!il but disappointing in many respects months of internal discussions the European Commission has fınally published its proposal for a "Directive for the promotion ofcogeneration based on a useful heat demand" today. While welcoming its publication, the two organisations representing the sector, Euroheat & Power and COGEN Europe, arevery disappointed with the text itself. Not only does the proposal lack ambition but it alsa shows several profound misunderstandings regarding the technology, its ecological benefits and the economic situation ofthe sector. As CHP operators and developers have come under strong pressure due to the liberalisation of the energy markets, both organisations underline the necessity ofa long-term politically stable European Framework fulfilling two targets: ■ to create a common understanding of the technology along with the recognition of its major benefits (substantial energy and emissions savings due to high conversion efficiency); ■ to motivate Member States to remove barriers and create favourable conditions forconsolidating existing and building up new CHP capacities. However, in order to truly meet these goals, the Directive will now need thorough revision by the European Parliament and the Council of Ministers, especially in respect of the following points: Unacceptable 50 MW threshold The Proposal contains a recommendation for Member States to focus public support capacities below 50 MWe, thereby excluding a significant share (from 25 up to 80% in some Member States) of existing capacities and a considerable share offuture potential projects from the scope of the Directive. Not only is there no economic or environmental justification whatsoever for such a threshold, it is alsa in obvious contradiction with the main objective ofthe Directive and it will to lead to sub-optimal plant design in the future. Lack of targets One ofthe main goals ofa Directive Proposal on Cogeneration must be to grow the amount ofcogeneration in the European Market. Withouttargets setting the direction for Member States there is a danger that little overall progress will be made. The CHP Strategy of 1997 set a doubling target for the EU as a whole and this could be used as a good starting point. Confusing and distorting two-step approach on the definition The two-step approach proposed by the Commission in Annexes 2 and 3 (basic definition and high-efficiency CHP) is both confusing and misleading and must be revised. Euroheat & Power and COGEN Europe considerthata single and accurate definition of CHP would provide better clarity. The basis forthis definition could be derived from earlier EU supported work, especially the so-called Protermo methodology. Euroheat & Power and COGEN Europe welcome the Directive Proposal but cali on the European Parliament and the Council ofMinisters to take action on our concerns. Europeans to ratify Kyoto Protocol EU environment ministers have formally agreed to ratifythe Kyoto Protocol, in an unanimous votewhich legallybinds member statestotheir greenhouse gas reduction commitments, averaging an 8% cutacrossthe community. in what has been described as an historic decision by both politicians and environmentalists, the go-ahead has been given forthe EU to fulfill earlier promises to enable the Protocol to come into force at the ECOGENERATION WORLD WorldSummiton Sustainable Development in September. The decision commits the European Community and its member states to deposit their instruments of ratifıcation with the UN simultaneously before 1 June 2003. Sofar, only France, Denmark, Portugal and Luxemburg have cleared the ratifıcation process at national level, but the Commission believes that the 11 others are on track to meetthe deadline. Uzun Sjireden beri I' beklenen Kojenerasyon Direktifi bir çok konuda hayal kırıklığı yarattı Avrupa Komisyonu'nun aylar süren tartışmalarından sonra "Elverişli bir ısı talebini temel alan kojenerasyonun teşvik edilmesi konusundaki Direktif" teklifi nihayet yayınlandı. Ancak sektörü temsil eden iki kuruluş, Euroheat & Power ve COGEN Europe, bu teklifin yayınlanmasına sevinirken, teklif konusunda hayal kırıklığına uğradıklarını da belirttiler. Teklif, üye ülkelerin 50 MWe altındaki kamu destek ünitelerine yoğunlaşmaları gerektiğine değinirken, böylece bazı üye ülkelerin sahip olduğu enerji kapasitelerinin (%25 ile %80 oranında değişen) önemli bir kısmını ve ilerde yapılması beklenen potensiye/ projelerin büyük bir çoğunluğunu Direktifin kapsamı dışında bırakıyor. Kojenerasyona dair direktif teklifinin en önemli hedeflerinden birisinin Avrupa pazarındaki kojenerasyon miktarını arttırmak olması gerektiği vurgulanırken, Komisyon tarafından hazırlanan Ek 2 ve 3'de yer alan iki aşamalı yöntemin (temel tanımı ve yüksek verimli CHP) karmaşık ve yanıltıcı olduğu ve revizyona ihtiyaç duyduğu belirtiliyor. Euroheat & Power ve COGEN Europe her ne kadar teklifin yayınlanmasından memnuniyet duysalar da Avrupa Parlamentosu ve Bakanlar Kurulu'nu bu konularda harekete geçmeye çağırıyorlar. Avrupa Kyoto Protokolü'nü Onaylıyor AB Çevre Bakanları, üye ülkelerin seragazı emisyonunu azaltma taahhütlerine bağlı kalmalarını yasal olarak zorunlu kılan ortak bir kararla Kyoto Protokolü 'nü resmen onayladı/ar. Şimdiye kadar sadece Fransa, Danimarka, Portekiz ve Lüksemburg ulusal düzeyde onaylama işlemini tamamlarken, Komisyon diğer 11 üye ülkenin de 1 Haziran 2003'e kadar işlemlerini tamamlayacağına inanıyor.