38 MAKALE/ ARTICLE Ft huee Pl cCe2l i5dCe, vael ltohpoeurgsh apr er o teoyt ey pi negs caonsdt s fwi e el dl l t br i ea ll ouwn i tt hs ogseenfeorra l l y cEosst itmma ot er se o- fo ff ut et un r es i gcnoi sf itc raendt luycmt i oonr se v- at rhya, ni nt hseo mP Ce 2c5aCs e. s w De ild p l a y. For example a modeling exercise for the US rtment of Energy assumes reference case costs of oa vneur m b$e3 r0 0o0f /mk Wa n ui nfat ch teu rseercs oanrde ht aa rl tgoeft i tnhgi s$ d1 e0 c0a0d/ keW, wbhye rt eh ai ss pdieffrei ored n. cAens abdedtwe deecnotmhpel iccoatsitoonf ist hteh afut etlhceesl i g n i f i c a n t i stack, the balance of planı, heat recovery and installation costs are not electricity rates in facilities with consistent heat demands. oapl wearyast i omn aadnedcml e aari n. tAesn arnecgeards cmousctsh, mi t oi sret otoh aena r' wl y htoo skanoyws'. Ttehmepltacskomofemtoovtihnignkpamrtasinmteanyance costs will be negligible. sHuocwh e av se rt hr ee qfuui er el mc eel ni tsst afco kr sa en rdv iccai nt ag l y/ s tr se pml aecai nng t hcaotmoppoenrea nt itosn caondmpmoanientnet noafnfcueelacreelllsik.ely to be an important cost Ttiomei l ,l ucsotrnastei d ewrhaa t2t0h0e keWc ofnuoeml iccesli mwai tyh l o5 o0 %k l iek eleci ntrfici vael years eff l e ai cdii en ngctyo ai nnsdt a3l l0e%d ct haep ri tma lacl oesf fti coi fe n$c1y2, 0w0 /i tkhWs. eSr ihaol uplrdo dOu&c Mt i o n ca on sdt smfaati ul rt eo as reor uv ni cdi n g1 ci nefnr at ss/tkr Wu cht u(rree) qau ni rdi n ga sas uwmi di en gs p r e a d ol epveerl ai ztei odn ei lne cctor igc ei t ny epr raot idounc tmi oond ec ofsot sr 5o, f0 06 0. 5 hcoeunrt ss / pk We r ha (nbnausme d, on a gas price of 1.8 cents/kWh) are possible. MICROTURBINES a co l i r c n e r s a o i d s t y t u e r c n b o t in me he p s a e a t t e n d d w e m s it m h a n a r d e ll s ta ( . s il A u e b l m e-1 c i O c tr r i o k c W t it u y r ) b r g a in a t e e s s r e e i n n c g e fi a n n t c e ly i s li t i i c n e a s s t n a w ll i e th d ei nl eac thr ioc si t yp i tparl o, dr uu cn tni oi nng cfoosr t6s 0o0f06 hcoeunrtss /pkeWr hy e( 6a .r5hcaesn ltesv/ keWl i zhe di f skWoldh.through distributors) based on a gas price of 1 .5 cents / Tcowgoecneormaptiaonniepsacakreagaecdtivgealsy esen glliinnge ss uinb -E1u0rokWpe - Senertec ECOGENERATION WORLD S( 5e. 5n ekrWt e)c 'asned nEgci noep, otwy pe irc(a4l l.y7 ck oWs)t.i nAgt $f i2r s2t5s0i /gkhWt , ipnrsotdaul l cetdi o, na pcpoesat sr so fc oasr tol yu. nHd o1wOecveenr tes /l ek cWt rhi c i(t5y0 0 0 aa rnen ucaolmoppeetri tai vt ei n ga ghaoiunrsst raenl ad t i1v.e8l yc heingths / kpWr i che dg a s p r i c e ) residential/small commercial electricity tariffs. COMPETING WITH THE GRID lSi koe layr et o ebme esr og i ni ng t Dh eG f ut et ucrhen?o lNo og itews hceonmcpoemt i tpi vaer e, do r w ca o g h n a o s i l n e is s s t t a e C l n e t C m h G e a T a r - t k e g lo t e . a n d B e s u r a t c te a in d n n e b ic l e e h c f e t o r u i e c n n it d v y i r a s o n o n d l m d a e o nn s t t i s o g , n t w i h fi e h c e a r n e t pmriocpr ootrutirobni noefst haen deles mctaricl l itgyaiss eusnegdi n eosn -csai tne , a l r e a d y caonmd pfeu et el cwei tl lhs gbroi dt h- ssuhpopwl i e dc oenlseicdterircaitbyl.e Sptri rol imn gi s ee.n g i n e s Aislsthuoeusgahngdritdhecopnrniceection ce ox pmomr tae nd dbeadc kb yt o pt oh we egrr i d will weigh heavily on future in niche environments, where consistent heat loads can be found and a significant proportion of the electricity is used on-site, microturbines and small gas engines can already cômpete with grid-supplied electricity. Stirling engines and fuel cells both show i pm m r e o p d g ro i r u e v m s e s - m te f e o r n m r t s th s i e h n s o e c u o ld t s e t ec a x h n p n d o a n l e o d f g fi i t e c h i s e e , n c e ra y x n p g i e n e c t t h o e e f d nniecahre-to agrpidp-libcaastieodnsreatnadil cerleecattericaityc. ompetitive alternative to oJof nPlSaltotsweRei sseRaerscehaarcnhd MCaonnasguel tri nfgo.r E S O U R C E , part e-mail: jon.slowe@platts.com