48 MAKALE / ARTICLE and its main advantage is that it is a clean energy source (93%). The survey also reveals !hat around 235,000 people (54% of the population of Navarre) have visited a wind farm. Similar results have been obtained in the first opinion survey carried out in Albacete, Castilla-La Mancha (October 2001 ), approximately two years after the wind power implementation plan for the province was started. Here, 79% of the people The clear decision to commit to renewables brings very positive results, not only in environmental but also in socio-economic terms. considered the plan to be beneficial, with 1 % against. 69% lhink that wind power is the besi way to produce electricity because it is a clean source of power (88%) and creates jobs and wealth (48%). Around 81% of the people of Albacete would be in favour of the installation of a wind farm in their area. Over 65,000 schoolchildren in educational programmes in Navarre more !han 45,000 schoolchildren from the region have laken par! to date, and in Albacete and Cuenca (Castilla-La Mancha) over 20,000 children have laken par! in an Environmental Education Programme started by EHN seven years ago since 2000. The program, designed with the help of a team of educators, aims to create an awareness among children of school age of the meaning of energy in daily life, to explain the idea of sustainable ECOGENERATION WORLD Wlnd fann in the Guerlnda rınge of hlllı, Navarre development, to encourage !hem to consider guidelines for energy saving and efficiency, and to gel them to think critically about lhe relationship between people and the environment. A new energy model is possible EHN's experience in renewables - begun in Navarre, continued in Castilla-La Mancha and with good prospects for expansion in Spain and beyond - shows that sustainable development is by no means incompatible with prosperity and the creation of Jobs and wealth. On the contrary, the cases of Navarre and Castilla-La Mancha demonstrate that the clear decision to commit to renewables brings very positive results, not only in environmental but also in socio-economic terms. As EHN demonstrates, renewables are not a dream, but a reality that points the way forward to a change in our energy model, one !hat is more sustainable from the environmental, social, and economic point of view. The future of renewables needs work to continue along three basic lines: technological development to create machinery and equipment that is increasingly competitive and reliable; a basic social consensus around the ecological advantages and a regulatory framework that acknowledges the environmental benefils of these energy sources and enables them to take off commercially.Source / Kaynak Renewab/e Ener.gy Worlcl