50 KtGftlDATIOfl wo�ın RÖPORTAJ / INTERVIEW CENFUEL. TEKNOL.QJ YENl BİR A TERNAT IS lF l: L. t a E e l c t k e o n r g o n e a lo n t j e if is r b i a it r k io o y n n a u k W s ıt u o o n r l l d a d a n , y c b e e u n n i f t v u e e e k lnolojinin tMe ümdsüi lrc Yi l earr idnı dmecnı sSı cRi eo nb tee c h G e n e l rt B B e e l l l l e e m m a a r r e e , ' n b i n i r g ç ö o r k ü ş t e l e k r n i o n i l o a j i l d ı . i ö ü ç n ri e n c t d e im e t i i h c n a i d ç r e i b f y i a r e a r t l e iy ak e l n d t o e ığ l o b ı j n a in ı ; ş in l a a n d b c ı u ğ a ık k b a d i d r a a y h r ı a l Yh ıeznl ıi bi l ei rr lteedkinğoi nl oi j ig öü rr ümneüd ioğlian ni bceelni rftui yeol r . öt enkcneo, l oi çj ii ns di ; ekböuml uünr üann yk üalk, ıcl mi vaasvı ned a n sa üylıfkül ar ngmi bai szı na ır avrel ı bbui l nelşaer ınnl esr ii lni s v e çaölüzmüinneybuimlir oükrüsnitlegriebi kolayca dk aö yn nü aş tmüar üsl ımn ıe ss ianği l asyaağcl ı ay ko r .ş eSkui yl duen ümr ae dt i dl eenl ebr iun yaaykrı tı ş, ti ısr tı lemnamseı ny eı ns a ğ l a r k e n çk eu vl l ar enyı me l ea tr kı ni sai dn ea zdai rğaenr dk aö hmaü ra z . i ç ys aanktı mrallıl at ür ır, bki nol ej er ,n ekroams yboi nne sçi es tver imml e r i ve benzeri sistemlerde kullanılması p üzlaenrlianneayna bu çevreci teknoloji pılan testler ve dlaebvoarmatuevdaiyroçr.alışmaları halen oCl emnafsu eı nl ı nt eykannoıl osjıirsai nbi ni r edki ğoenro m i k zaav raanrtlaı jmı daad dkeölme rüdreynaak rı lımn daı dr ıal dnı ğöı n c e s biç e ö in v lg iye ç e y e d e v e r e t o a lş k uı i y n rl o m il r iğ a v i s eı m y ki a n o k i l m a ıt y u ın la m i ş s ıyteonr,ilen cg ee nt ifr umeel ka yi çr iı cn ad kea kr buol l naun ı al akbt ii fl i yhoarl.e dMeağl iiyşetitğini icneknuful l aenl ıtmekanmoloajci sı ni ,a göre d Bs o e e ç ğ ll e e a n m l e g a k a r ze o ı ' n l a d u o g ğ l ö m u re a y d T e ığ r ü l ı e r k r v d i e y e e k e ö iç k m i o n ü n d r o e ü m , n iktevke çb ei r vsr ee çdeonset uk . oAl mn caaskı aBçeı l sl eı nmdaarne uhyegr u n by eu nsi i st et ek nmoi l okjui dl lea noml dauyğau i kgni bai , ei tnms ae nk l a r ı vi çei nb çu on ku nç da baau zhuanr cvaen mz oarsl uı gbei r rseükrtei ğçi n i olduğunu söylüyor. ECOGENERATION WORLO A NEW ALTERNATIVE: CENFUEL TECHNOLOGY in our interview with Mr. Robert Bel/emare, vice-President of Scientech, he gave us info advramntaatgioens,adbroauwtbtahceksnew technology: Cenfue/. He answered our questions on its , fields of use, its cost and ete. Ecogeneration World: Please could you tel/ us cenfue/ technology? Robert 8ellemare: Sure. The cenfuel technology removes the undesirable components in coal on prior to combustion. These could be things like ash, mercury and sulfur. So what it does with those undesirable things is actually to convert them into potentially solvable products such as silica and alumina. The scientists have tested many types of coal from bromide to anthracite and this substance comes out 99.5 percent pure prorated in ali tesis run over the lası twenty years. So it seems to be a great advance in how you might think of using coal in power plants and other applications. E. W.: Ok. in which systems can we use cenfuel; in turbines, in diese/ engines or in boi/ers? R. 8.: Good question. 1 think it conceptually can work in all. Certainly it boils water, as it's a fuel properly designed for boiling water. Alsa because of this coal is so clean, we believe it would work which means: not only combustion turbines but also combined cycles, cogeneration systems, certainly, and those types of things wi ll become possibilities. E. W.: Please cou/d you tel/ us the advantages of using cenfuel? R. 8.: The predicted advantages are that you remove the pollution before you bum li=�ıının GELECEĞW TEMİZ KÖMÜR TEKNOLOJİSİ Left to right: Robert Bellemare, Leslle Nielsen raal st hoeer ct hoanno ma fi tcear l .y oBuy bouumr i t . i t i s calculations, the fuel can be produced at a very competitive price point. Otherwise we would not be here. You can also transport it to the location that you want to u a s s e it. The other interesting pect of the process is that you Wcahnileuse it to activate the carbon. we were looking at power plants, the same process can be tuhsaetda rtoe aml saok eh i ignhd uvsatlrui ae ld .c a r b o n s E. W.: What is the cost of the using cenfuel in CHP and in combined cyc/e power plant? R. 8.: it depends on how you look at the cost. in US terms, we would say we could seli it by your calculations for something in a range of 2 or 3 dollars per million BTU. Now, by comparison just to give an example, my understanding is that: many people in Turkey pay over 4 dollars per million BTU for natural gas. So on a fuel-to-fuel comparison that is one one way to look at it. The other way to look at it is i f you think of it as a combined projeci, 1 have a cenfuel plant with my power plant combined where we find in a combined cycle type operation. When we do the estimates, we usually come out in the 3 to 4 cents per kilowatt of our range. AII this is depending on what you are buying fuel for, you know, how much energy is within that fuel when you sEt.art. W.: Do we need extra equipment or do we have to be extra-equipped to use cenfue/ technology? R. 8.: No, in fact I think that gets the lası. For example in the power plant because of many environmental problems that are now solved before you bum it, you do not need as much pollution control equipment. So you have vast capital costs in the power plant. But it's a fuel with a different nature. Even though it is derived from coal,