60 2002/0185 (COD) Proposal for a DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on the promotion of cogeneration based on a useful heat demand in the internal energy market Avrupa Parlamentosu ve Konseyi'nin iç enerjipiyasasında yararlı bir ısı talebine dayalı kojenerasyonun teşviki üzerine yönerge önerisi Bu konuyla ilgili olarak Kojenerasyon ve Otoprodüktörlük Derneği tarafından EPDK'ya sunulacak bir rapor hazırlanmaktadır. Bu çalışmaya katkıda bulunmak isteyenler görüşlerini Derneğin Teknik Sorumlusu Mak.Müh. Esma YILMAZ'a iletebilirler. Ayrıca yönerge önerisinin tam metnini derneğin web sitesi www.kojenerasyon.com adresinde bulabilirsiniz. THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCJL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION, Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular Article 1 75 thereof Having regard to the proposal from the Commission 31 Having regard to the opinion ofthe Economic and Social Committee 32 Having regard to the opinion ofthe Committee ofthe Regions 33 Acting in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 25 1 of the Treaty 34 Whereas: (1) The potential for use of cogeneration as a ıneasure to save energy is underused in the Comımınity at present. Promotion ofhigh-effıciency cogeneration based on a useful heat demand is a Community priority given the potential benefıts of cogeneration with regard to saving primary energy and reducing emissions, in particular of greenhouse gases. in addition, efficient use of energy by cogeneration can also contribute positively to the security of energy supply and to the competitive situation of the European Union and its Member States. lt is therefore necessary to take measures to ensure that the potential is better exploited within the framework ofthe internal energy market. (2) Directive 96/92/EC ofthe European Parliament and ofthe Council of 1 9 Deceınber 1 996 concerning common rules for the internal market in electricity 35 provides for an important step in the completion ofthe internal market in electricity. At its meeting in Lisbon on 23 and 24 March 2000, the European Council called for rapid work to be undertaken to complete the internal market in both electricity and gas and to speed up liberalisation in these sectors with a view to achieving a fully operational internal market. in response, the Commission adopted on 1 3 March 2001 a package ofmeasures on completingthe internal energy market, including a proposal for a Directive amending Directives 96/ 92/EC and 98/30/EC concerning common rules for the internal market in electricity and natura! gas 36 • (3) The Green Paper 37 on security ofenergy supply points out that the European Union is extremely dependent on its external energy supplies currently accounting for 50% ofrequirements and projected to rise to 70% by 2030 ifcurrent trends persists. Import dependency and rising import ratios may lead to concern about the risk of interruption to or diffıcult ies in supply. However, it would be simplist ic and wrong to conceive security of supply as merely a question ofreducing import dependency and boosting domestic production. Security of supply calls for a wide range ofpolicy initiatives aimed at, inter alia, diversifıcation ofsources and technologies and improved international relations. The Green Paper emphasised furthermore that security of energy supply is essential for a future sustainable development. The Green Paper concludes that the adoption ofnew measures to reduce energy demand is essential both in terms ofreducing the import dependence and in order to limit greenhouse gas emissions. (4) The Commission's Communication "A Sustainable Europe for a better world - A European Union Strategy for Sustainable Development"38 presented at the Gothenburg European Council on 1 5 and 16 June 2001 identifıed climate change as one of the principal barriers to sustainable development and emphasised the need for increased use of clean energy and clear action to reduce energy demand. (5) The increased correct use ofcogeneration constitutes an important part ofthe package ofmeasures needed to comply with the Kyoto 31 OJ C....,...., p. 33 OJ C....,...., p. 32 OJ C.......... 1>. 34 OJ C....,....,p. ECOGENERATION WORLD 35 OJ L 27, 30.1.1997, p.20. 36 COM/2001) 125 final. 37 COM(2000) 769 final 38 COM(2001) 264 final