For the purpose of this Directive, the following defınitions shall apply: (a) "cogeneratioıı" shall mean the generatioıı in one process oftherınal energy and electrical and/or mechanical energy. For practical reasons and based on the fact, that the use of the heat output for different purposes requires different temperature levels of the heat, and that these differences influence effıciencies ofthe cogeneration, cogeneration shall be divided into tlu-ee classes: "industrial cogeneration", "heating cogeneration" aııd "agricultural cogeneration"; (b) "industrial cogeneration" shall mean the generation in one process ofelectrical and/or mechanical energy and thermal energy useful for industrial production generally with heat temperatures of l 40°C ar higher; (c) "heating cogeneration" shall ınean the generation in one process ofelectrical and/or rnechanical energy and therrnal energy useful for heating purposes in district heatiııg systerns ar directly in buildings generally with heat teınperatures between 40°C and I40°C; (d) "agricultural cogeneration" shall mean the generation in one process ofelectrical and/or ınechanical energy and thermal energy useful for agricultural heating ofgreenhouses, aquaculture plants and similar applications generally with heat teınperatures between I 5°C and 40°C; (e) "useful heat" is heat produced in a cogeneration process to satisfy an econoınically justifıed demand, on the basis ofthe effıciency criteria laid down in Annex III, point c. 2; useful heat could via a secondary process be used ta generate useful cooling; (1) "electricity from cogeneration" shall mean electricity generated in accordance with the ınethodology laid down in Annex II and in a process linked ta production of useful heat; (g) "district heatiııg" shall mean a system supplying commercially heat in the form ofhat water ar steam to users via a distribution network; (h) "district cooling" shall meaıı a systeın supplying chilled water ar hat water or steam to chillers via a distribution network; (i) "back-up electricity" shall mean the electricity that has ta be supplied through the electricity grid whenever the cogeneration process is disrupted or aut of order; (j) "top-up electricity" shall mean the electricity that has ta be supplied through the electricity grid in cases wlıere the electricity demand is greater than the electrical output ofthe cogeııeration process. (k) "heat effıciency" shall nıean annual useful heat output divided by the fuel input used far heat produced in a cogeneration process and for gross electricity production.. in the case ofcogeneration with district heating useful heat output is nıeasured at the point of outlet to the heat distribution network decreased by a realistic estimation of losses in the distribution network. In the case of other cogeneration applications useful heat output is nıeasured at the point of use; (1) "electrical efficiency" shall mean annual electricity production nıeasured at the point of outlet oftlıe main generators divided by the fuel input used for heat produced in a cogeneration process and gross electricity production; (m) "overall efficiency" shall ınean the annual sum of electricity production and useful heat output divided by the fuel input used for heat produced in a cogeneration process and gross electricity production; (n) "effıciency" shall ınean efficiency calculated on the basis ofNet Calorifıc Values offuels (lower calorifıc value) which means that the latent heat ofvaporisation of ınoistı.ıre is not inclı.ıded; ( o) "high effıciency cogeneration" shall ınean cogeneration ıneeting the criteria outlined in Annex ili; (p) "effıciency reference value for separate production" shall mean efficiency ofthe alternative separate productions ofheat and electricity that the cogeneration process is assuıned to displace. ( q) "Power to Heat Ratio" slıall mean the relation ofelectrical energy to useful therınal energy; (r) "cogeneration unit" shall mean a unit ınainly intended for cogeneration processes as defıned under point a); when a cogeneration unit generates only electrical energy or only thermal energy it is stili to be defıned as a cogeneration unit, but its output shall not be considered cogeneration for the purpose of this Directive. (s) "cogeneration installation" shall ınean an installation ınade up ofone or more cogeneration units. A cogeneration installation ınay include equipınent where it is possible to generate only electrical energy or only thermal energy. The output froın such equipınent shall not be considered cogeneration for tlıe purpose of this Directive; (t) "new cogeneration units" shall mean cogeneration units having started operation on, or after, 1 January 2004; (u) "existing cogeneration units" shall ınean cogeneration units having started operation before I January2004. In addition, the definitions in Directive 96/92/ and in Directive 2001 /77/EC slıall apply. Arlicle 4 Guarantee of origin of electricity from cogeneration 1. Member States shall no later than two years after the entry into force of this Directive ensure that the origin of electricity produced in cogeneration units can be guaranteed as suclı within the meaning ofthis Directive according to objective, transparent and non-discriıninatory criteria laid down by each Member State. Meınber States shall ensure that this gı.ıarantee of origin ofthe electricity is issı.ıed to this effect in response to a request. 2. Menıber States shall designate na later than one year after the entry into force of this Directive one ar ınore coınpetent bodies, independent ofgeneration and distribution activities, ta supervise the issue ofthe gı.ıarantee of origin referred in paragraph I Meınber States ar ECOGENERATION WORLD 63