5. On tlıe basis of tlıe reports referred to in paragraplıs 1, 3 and 4, tlıe Commission slıall assess lıow muclı progress Member States lıave nıade towards realising tlıeir national potentials for lıiglı-effıciency cogeneration. Tlıe Commission slıall publ islı its conclusions in tlıe report referred to in Article I O, for tlıe fırst time not later tlıan four years after tlıe entry into force of tlıis Directive and thereafter every three years. Arlicle 7 Support schemes 1. Member States slıall ensure tlıat support for cogeneration production is based on tlıe useful lıeat demand, in tlıe liglıt of opportunities available for reducing energy demaııd tlırouglı other economically feasible measures like energy effıciency measures. 2. Witlıout prejudice to Articles 87 and 88 of the Treaty, tlıe Commission shall evaluate the applicatioıı of support meclıanisms used in Member States according to wlıiclı a producer ofcogeneration receives, on tlıe basis ofregulations issued by public autlıorities, direct or indirect support, wlıiclı could have the effect of restricting trade. The Commission slıall consider wlıetlıer those mechanisms contribute to tlıe pursuit of tlıe objectives set out in Articles 6 and 174(1) of the Treaty. 3. The Commission slıall in the report referred to in Article I O present a well-documented analysis on experience gained with the application and coexistence of the different support meclıanisnıs referred to in paragraph 2. The report shall assess the success, including costeffectiveness, of tlıe support systems in proıııoting tlıe use of lıiglı-effıciency cogeneration in conformity witlı the national potentials referred to in Article 6. Tlıe report slıall furtlıer review to wlıat extent the support sclıemes lıave contributed to tlıe creation of stable conditions for investnıents in cogeneration. Artic/e 8 Electricity grid system issues 1. Witlıout prejudice to tlıe maintenance oftlıe reliability and safety oftlıe grid, Menıber States shall take tlıe necessary measures to ensure that transmission system operators and distribution system operators in tlıeir territory guarantee the transmission and distribution of electricity produced from cogeneration. 2. Meınber States shall establislı a legal framework or require transmission system operators and distribution system operators to set up and publislı standard rules on tlıe bearing oftlıe costs ofteclınical adaptations, such as grid connections and grid reinforcements, whiclı are necessary in order to integrate new producers feeding into tlıe grid electricity produced from cogeneration. Member States slıall establislı a legal framework or require transmission system operators and distribution system operators to set up and publislı standard rules relating to tlıe slıaring of costs of system installations, suclı as grid connections and reinforcements, between ali system users benefıting from tlıem. The slıaring slıall be enforced by a meclıanisnı based on objective, transparent and non-discriminatory criteria taking into account tlıe benefıts wlıiclı initially and subsequently connected producers as wel l as transmission system operators and distribution system operators derive from tlıe conııections. The rules slıall be based on objective, transparent and non-discriminatory criteria taking particular account of ali tlıe costs and benefıts associated witlı the connection oftlıe producers to tlıe grid. Tlıe rules may provide for different types of connection. 3. Member States may require transmission system operators and distribution system operators to bear, in full or in part, tlıe costs referred to in paragraph 2. 4. Transmission system operators and distribution system operators shall be required to provide any new producer wishing to be connected with a comprehensive and detailed estimate of the costs associated witlı tlıe connection. 5. Member States slıall ensure tlıat tlıe clıarging of transmission and distribution fees does not discriminate against electricity from cogeneration. Where appropriate, Member States shall put in place a legal framework or require transmission systeın operators and distribution systeın operators to ensure tlıat fees charged for the transınission and distribution of electricity from installations using cogeneration reflect realisable cost benefıts resulting from the installation 's connection to the network. Such cost benefıts may arise froın the direct use oftlıe low-voltage grid. 6. Unless tlıe cogeneration producer is an eligible customer under national legislation witlıin tlıe ıneaning of Article 17 (2) ofDirective 96/92/ EC, Member States slıall take tlıe necessary measures to ensure tlıat tlıe tariffs for tlıe purclıase of electricity to back-up or top-up electricity generation are set on the basis of publislıed tariffs and terms and conditions. Suclı tariffs and terms and conditions slıall be fıxed or approved in accordance witlı objective, transparent and non-discriminatory criteria by an independent regulatory autlıority prior ECOGENERATION WORLD 65