66 to their entry into force. 7. Meınber States shall designate one or more conıpetent bodies, which may be an independent regulatory authority, to monitor and benchmark the tariffs and terms and conditions offered to cogeneration producers when back-up or top-up electricity is purchased or when excess electricity is sold. The body shall publish for the fırst time three years after the entry into force of this Directive and thereafter every third year a report outlining the fındings ofthese assessrnents. The report shall be forwarded to the Conımission. 8. Menıber States shall particularly facilitate access to the grid system ofelectricityproduced fronı cogeneration units using renewables energy sources and installations with a capacity less than I MWe, as set out in Annex III, a). Article 9 Administrative procedures 1. Mernber States or the competent bodies appointed by the Member States shall evaluate the existing legislative and regulatory franıework with regard to authorisation procedures or the other procedures laid down in Article 4 ofDirective 96/92/EC, which are applicable to cogeneration installations, with a view to: (a) encouraging the design ofcogeneration installations to match economicallyjustifıed demands for heatoutput and avoiding production ofmore heat than useful heat. (b) reducing the regulatory and non-regulatory barriers to an increase in cogeneration; (c) streamlining and expediting procedures at the appropriate adrninistrative level; and ( d) ensuring that the rules are objective, transparent and non-discriminatory, and take fully into account the particularities of the various cogeneration technologies. 2. Member States shall - where this is appropriate in the context ofnational legislation -provide an indication ofthe stage reached specifıcally in: (a) co-ordination between the different administrative bodies as regards deadlines, reception and treatment of applications for authorisations; (b) the drawing up of possible guidelines for the activities referred to in paragraph 1, and the feasibility ofa fast-track planning procedure for cogeneration producers; and (c) the designation of authorities to act as mediators in disputes between authorities responsible for issuing authorisations and applicants for authorisations. 3. The Comrnission shall, in the report referred to in Article 1 1 and on the basis ofthe Member States' reports referred to in Article I O( 1 ), assess best practices with a view to achieving the objectives referred to in paragraph l . Article 10 Member States' reporting 1. Member States shall, not later than two years after the entry into force of this Directive, publish a report with the following content: (a) effıciency reference values for separate production ofheat and electricity referred to in Article 5 (2); (b) principles for defıning the national effıciency reference values for separate production ofheat and electricity referred to in Article 5 (2); (c)analysis ofnational potential for high effıciency cogeneration referred to in Article 6( 1 ); (d) analysis ofbarriers, which may prevent the realisation ofthe national potential for high effıciency cogeneration referred to in Article 6(3); (e) examination ofthe measures taken to facilitate access to the grid systern ofelectricity produced from cogeneration and, inler alia, tlıe feasibility of introducing two-way metering for cogeneration units installed in residential buildings; (f) evaluation ofthe existing legislative and regulatory framework referred to in Article 9(1 ) and 9(2). 2. Member States shall not later than two years after the entry into force of this Directive and hereafter every three years publish a report on progress towards increasing the share oflıigh effıciency cogeneration referred to in Article 6(4); 3. Member States shall subınit to the Commission on an annual basis statistics on national electricity and heat production froın cogeneration, in accordance with the nıethodology shown in Annex II. They slıall also subınit annual statistics on cogeneration capacities and fuels used for cogeneration. Article 11 Comnıission reporting On the basis of the reports submitted pursuant to Article 8(7) and Article 1 O ( l ) and (3), the Coınmission shall review the application of ECOGENERATION WORLD