Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 12. Sayı (Temmuz-Ağustos 2002) / Ecogeneration World - Cogeneration, Waste Recovery, Renewables & On-site Generation - Kojenerasyon Atıktan Enerji, Yenilebilir Enerji, Yerinde Üretim

ANNEXIII Methodology for determining the efficiency of cogeneration production Values used for calculation ofefficiency ofcogeneration production and primary energy savings shall be determined on the basis ofthe expected or actual operation ofthe unit under realistic conditions. a) High-efficiency cogeneration For the purpose ofthis Directive high-effıciency cogeneration production shall fulfil the following criteria: production from new cogeneration units shall provide primary energy savings ofat least 10% compared with the references for separate production of heat and power; - production from existing cogeneration units shall provide primary energy savings of at least 5% compared with the references for separate production of heat and power; - production from cogeneration units using renewable energy sources and from cogeneration installations with an installed capacity below I MWe providing primary energy savings in the range 0-5% may qualify as high-effıciency cogeneration; - Member States may introduce principles whereby production from cogeneration units below the thresholds referred to in this Annex may be considered to be partially fulfılling the efficiency criteria. Ifsuch principles are applied, appropriate methodologies for determining the reduced efficiency of such production, calculated in proportion to the reduced primary energy savings, shall be developed by the Member State and shall be notifıed to the Commission. in such cases, the reduced effıciency ofthe cogeneration production shall be clearly displayed on the certifıcate of origin. b) Calculation of primary energy savings The amount ofprimary energy savings provided by cogeneration production defıned in accordance with Annex II to this Directive shall be calculated on the basis ofthe following formula: Pl•:S = I - CHJ' Hıı l{cf Hrt Wlıere: PES is primary energy savings CHP Hhis the heat effıciency ofthe cogeneration production + CHJ' l·:rı RcfLıı RefHh is the heat effıciency ofthe reference for separate heat production CHP Ehis the electrical efficiency ofthe cogeneration production RefEh is the electrical efficiency ofthe reference for separate electricity production x I OO'ii Subject to prior notifıcation to the Comnıission, Member States may use other formula leading to the same results to calculate the primary energy savings fronı cogeneration. In the cases where alternative formulas are used, such fornıula shall be published by the Menıber State. c) Efficiency reference values for separate production of heat and electricity The principles for defıning the references for separate production of heat and electricity referred to in Article 5(2) and in the formula set out in paragraph b) ofthis Annex shall establish the operating efficiency ofthe separate heat and electricity production that cogeneration is assumed to displace. To define the efficiency reference values, the following principles shall be applied: 1) For new cogeneration units as defıned in Article 3, the comparison with new separate electricity production shall be based on the principle that sinıilar fuel categories are compared. The following indicative efficiency reference values for new separate electricity production may be used: ECOGENERATION WORLO 69