Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 12. Sayı (Temmuz-Ağustos 2002) / Ecogeneration World - Cogeneration, Waste Recovery, Renewables & On-site Generation - Kojenerasyon Atıktan Enerji, Yenilebilir Enerji, Yerinde Üretim

70 lndicative efficiency reference values for new separate electricity production Flıel category Oµerating elficlency Nmural ı_rn, 55� Coal ➔2t .. � Oil 42'ii Rl:ııı:w,ıblç� <111J wa�ıı: n-:ı5<:� ln the case of cogeneration units connected at the electricity distribution system, the reference values provided in the above table may be lowered with 5-10% to take account of avoided network losses. 2) For new cogeneration units as defined in Article 3, the indicative efficiency reference value ofnew separate heat production shall be an operating efficiency of90%. In the case ofheat production based on oil or coal, the efficiency reference value may be lowered to 85%. In the case ofheat production based on renewable energy sources or waste, the efficiency reference value may be lowered to 80%. In the case ofhigh temperature steam used for industrial processes, the reference values for separate heat production may be lowered to 80%. 3) For existing cogeneration units as defined in Article 3, the efficiency reference value for separate electricity production shall be based on the average operating efficiency ofthe national fossil-fuelled electricity production. Where appropriate, possible cross border trade in electricity having an impact on the reference values ınay be taken into account. 4) For existing cogeneration units as defined in Article 3 the efficiency reference value for separate heat production shall be based on the average operating efficiency ofthe national heat production ınix. 5) Subject to prior notification to the Coınınission, Member States ınay include additional aspects in the national criteria for deterınining the efficiency of cogeneration. ANNEXIV Criteria for analysis of national potentials for high-efficiency cogeneration a) The analysis ofthe national potential for high-efficiency cogeneration shall identify suitable heating and/or cooling deınands and shall distinguish between application ofcogeneration in at least the following main categories: - lndustrial cogeneration - Heating cogeneration - Agricultural cogeneration b) For each of the three categories referred to under a), the analysis shall consider: - The type offuels that are likely to be used to realise the cogeneration potentials, including specific considerations on the potential for increasing the use of renewable energy sources in the national heat ınarkets via cogeneration. - The type of cogeneration technologies as listed in Annex I that are likely to be used to realise the national potential. - The type of separate production of heat and electricity that high-efficiency cogeneration is likely to substitute. - A division of the potential into ınodernisation of existing capacity and construction of new capacity. c) The analysis shall include appropriate ınechanisms to assess the cost effectiveness - in terms ofpriınary energy savings - of increasing the share ofhigh-efficiency cogeneration in the national energy ınix. The analysis of cost effectiveness shall also take into account national coınınitınents accepted in the context of the climate change commitments accepted by the Community pursuant to the Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. d) The analysis ofthe national cogeneration potential shall specify the potentials in relation to the timeframes 201 O, 2015 and 2020 and include appropriate cost estimates for each of the time frames. ECOGENERATION WORLD