Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 12. Sayı (Temmuz-Ağustos 2002) / Ecogeneration World - Cogeneration, Waste Recovery, Renewables & On-site Generation - Kojenerasyon Atıktan Enerji, Yenilebilir Enerji, Yerinde Üretim

2002 Euroheat & Powcr Marketing Senıinar Ferrara, ltaly 1 7-1 8 january 2002 Euroheat & Power, 26 Avenue du Diamant, 1030 Brussels, Belgium Tel: +32 2 7 40 21 10 Fax: + 32274021 19 c-mail: info@euroheat.org o Middle East Electricity Exhibition & Conference 2002 Dubai, United Arab Emirates 3-6 February 2002 IIR Exhibitions, PO Box 28943, Dubai, United Arab Eıniratcs Tel: + 971 4 336 51 61 Fax: +971 4 336 0137 e-mail: enettleton@iir-dubai.com web: www.middlecastelcctricity.conı o E-World ofEnergy Essen, Germany 13-1 5 February 2002 E-World of Energy, Messehaus Ost, Norbertstrassc, 45131 Essen, Gernıany Wcb: W\\'.e-world-of-energy.com o DistribuTECH Miami Beach Florida, USA 27 February-1 March 2002 Penn Well Registration Dept., 1421 S. Sheridan Road, Tulsa, OK 74112, USA Tel: +J 918 831 91 60 Fax: + 1 918 831 9161 e-mail: loryb@pcnnwell.com wcb: www.pennwellevents.com Techno Coınmercial Aspects of DeCentralised approach in \.Vasıe ıo Energy Jaipur, India 1-3 March 2002 Dr M. P. Poonia, Malaviya Regional Engineering Collcge, Mechanical Engineering Department, J.L.N. MargJaipıır-302 017, lndia Tel: +91 141 702861 Fax: +91 141 702954/702861 e-mai l :mppoonia@icwc2002.com web:www.icwe2002.com o Chemtex & Corrosion Middle East 2002 Dııbai World Trade Center, United Arab Emirates 12-14 March 2002 Benjamin Clenıents, Cheıntex & Corrosian Middle East 2002, PO Box 50006, Dubai, United Arab Emirates Tel: + 971 4 343 5777 Fax: +971 4 343 61 15 e-mai 1 : iec@emirates.net.ae o Power Systems Conference 2002, lınpact of Distributed Generation Clemson, SC, USA 13-15 March 2002 Dr. Adly Girgis, 303 A, Riggs Hail, Clemson, SC 29634-0915, USA o Achemamerica 2002 Mexico City, Mexico 18-20 March 2002 Ms S.Janik / Ms 1. Leininger, Dechema, Theodor-Heuss-Allee 25, D-60486 Frankfurt anı Main, Germany Tel: + 49 69 75 64 0x230/x434 Fax: + 49 69 75 64 201 e-mai 1: info@dechema.de web: www.dechema.de o Electric Power 2002 St.Louis, Missouri, USA 19-21 March 2002 Carrie M. Shapiro, The Trade Fair Group, 1220 BlalockRoad, Sııite31 O, Houston TX 77055-6462, USA Tel: + 1 713 463 9595 Fax: + 1 713 463 9997 e-mail: carries@tradefairgroup.com web: www.elecıricpowercxpo.com o Eco-Technologies Exhibition Padova, Italy 20-23 March 2002PadovaFiere, Via N.Tommaseo 59,35131 Padova, ltaly Tel: + 39 049 840 1 11 Fax: + 39 049 840 570 c-mail: sep@padovafiere.it web: www.padovafiere.it o COGEN Europe 2002 Annual Confercnce Brussels, Belgium 20-21 March 2002 COGEN Europe, Rue Gıılledellc 98, B 1001 Brussels, Belgium Tel: +32 2 772 82 90 Fax: +32 2 772 5044 e-ınail: info@cogcn.org web: www.cogcn,org o 6th European Canference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilcrs Lisbon, Portual 2-5 April 2002 Prof. Albino Reis, Rua Gago Coutinho 185-187, 4435-034 Rio Tinıo, Portugal Tel: +351 22 973 4624 Fax: +351 22 973 07 46 c-mail: conference@infub.pt wcb: www.infub.pt o Bois Energie 2002 Lons-Le-Saunier, France 4-7 April 2002 Francois Bornschein or Cecile Pierron, ITEBE, BP 149, 28 boıılevard Gambetta, 39004 Lons-Le-Saunier. France Tel: +33 384 478 100 Fax: +33 384 478 119 e-ınail: salons@itcbe.org web: www.itebe.org MIOG 2002,Marrakech lnıernational Oil and Gas Exhibition and Conference Marrakech, Morocco 14-17 April 2002 Fax:+212 22 260793 e-ınail: gefı2@wanadoo.fr o Hannover Messe 2002 Hannover1 Gerınany 15-20 April 2002 Deutsche Messe AG, Messcgclande, D30521 Hannover, Germany Tel:+49 511 890 Fax: +49 51 1 893 2626 Email: ifo@messe.de Web: www.messe.de o External Combustion Engines 2002, Ncw Strategies for Effıcient Green Power Generation Los Angelas, California, USA 1-3 May 2002 Sheila Rodriguez, lnterıech Conferences, 19 Northbrook Drive, Portland ME 04105, USA Tel: +1207 781 9800 Fax: +1 207 781 2150 e-mail: info@intertechusa.com o Technibois Energie 2002 Quebec, Canada 2-4 May 2002 Rolande Gaııvin, Geston TB ine., C.P. 1010, Victoriaville, Qııcbec G6P 8Y 1, Canada Tel: +J 418 845 8247 Fax: +J 418 845 8516 e-mail: gesttb@videotron.ca \ı.•eb: www.technibois.com o ıccı 2003 9th lnternational Cogeneration & Environmcnt Conference & Exhibition lstanbul, Turkey 26-27 May 2003 Teknik Yayıncılık, Tanıtım A.$. Balmumcu, Barbaros Blv., Bahar Sk., Karanfil Apt. 2/1 1 -13 Kat 4-5 80700-01 Beşiktaş- lstanbul, Turkey Tel: + 90 212 275 8359 Fax: +90 212 288 2614 e-mail: tekyay@ıurknet.net web: www.teknikyayincilik.com o Gas lnformation Exchange-GASEX 2002 Brunei Darussalam 27-30 May 2002-02-1 1 RAI Groııp, 226/ 36-37 Rievcra Tower, 1 Bond Streeı, Muangthghani Bangpood, Pakkred Nonıhaburi 11 120, Thailand Tel: + 662 960 01414 Fax: + 662 960 0140 e-mail: gasex@bkkrai.com web: www.gasex2002.com ASME Turbo Expo 2002, Land, Sea & Air Amsterdam Rai, Netherlands 3-6 June 2002 Kelly Ann Calzarctta, USA Tel: +l 404 847 0072x235 Fax: +l 404 847 0151 e-mail: calzarcttaK@asme.org web: www.asme.org/igti o Enken 2002 Nureınbıırg, Germany 5-7 Jııne 2002 Richard Krowoza, Germany Tel: +49 9 1 1 86 1 15 Fax: +49 9 1 1 86 06 2 87 e-mail: enkon@nuernbergmesse.de o Power-Gen Europe 2002 Milan, ltaly 1113 Jtıne 2002 Ms Koula Karayianni, Pcnn\Vell Corp., PennWell House, Horsceshoe Hill, Upshire EN9 3SR, UK Tel: +44 1992 656 63 1 Fax: +44 1992 656 704 e-mail: powcrgencurope@pennwell.com web: powcr-eng-intl.com o CBI's 5th Annual Private Power in Central America Miami, Florida, USA 13-14 June 2002 Centre for Business lntelligence, 500\V. Cummings Park, Suiıe 5100, Woburn, MA 01801, USA Tel: +l 781 9392400 Fax: +1 781 939 2490 e-mail: cbireg@cbinet.com web: www. Cbiglobalenergy.coın o 5th European SOFC Forum, Science and Engineering of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Lucerııe, Switzerland 1-5 July 2002 Ulf Bossel, European Fuel Celi Forum, Morgeııacherstrasse 2F, CH-5452 Oberrohrdrorf, Swiızerland Tel: +41 56 496 7292 Fax: +41 56 4Q6 4412 e-mail: ubossel@dial.eııneı.ch o Electricity Distribution lndustry ReformsDIARY Opportunities and Challenges Kuala Lumpıır, Malaysia 5-8 August 2002-02-1 Azizan Lebai Manat, Malakoff Serhad, Malaysia e-mail: eired2002@csd.tnb.com web: www.cired.org.my o Latin Aınerica Power Monıerrey, Mexico ( 8 August 2002 PennWell Corp. USA, 1421 S. Sheridan Road, Tulsa, OK 741 12, USA Tel: +l 918 831 9160 Fax: +l 918 831 9161 Web: www.pennwellcvcnts.com o Earth Suınnıit 2002 Johannesburg, South Africa 2-1 1 Septembcr 2002 UNED Forum c/o UNA-UK 3 Whitehall Coıırt, London, SWJA 2EL, UK Tel: +44 20 7839 7171 Fax: +44 20 7930 5893 e-mail: rgardiner@earhsumınit2002.org web: www.earthsumınit2002.org PowerGen Asia 2002 Singapore 2-4 October 2002-02-1 1 Penn\Vell UK, PenWell House, Horseshoe Hill, Upshire,Essex EN9 3RS, UK Tel: +44 1992 656 600 Fax: +44 1992 656 700 Web: www.pennwellevcnts.com o Energy Asia Shanghai, China 15- 18 Ocıober 2002 Deutsche Mcsse AG, Messcgelandc, D30521 Hannover, Germany Tel: +49 511 890 Fax: +49 51 1 8932626 c-mail: info@messe.de web: www.messe.de o 14th Conference for the Electric Supply lndustry, CEPSI Fııkuoka, Japan 5-8 November 2002 Kyushu Electric Power Co., ine., 1-82 Watenabe-dori, 2-choınc, Chuo-ku, Fııkuoka 810-8720, Japan Tel: +81 92 761 3031 Fax: +81 92 733 1435 Web:www.acsieap.com o EPM- PowerTech 2002 Hanoi, Viet Nam 19-22 November 2002 Michael Dreyer, Hannover Fairs Asia Pte Ltd, 81 B Pagoda Street, Singapore 05924 Singapore Tel: +65 220 7633 Fax: +65 220 9733 e-mail: epm@hfasin.com web: www.epm-victnam.com o ELEC 2002 Paris-Nord, Francc 9-13 Decenıber 2002 Elec Promotion, 23 rue Galilee, 751 16 Paris, France Tel: +33 1 53 23 99 99 Fax: +33 1 53 23 99 70 e-mail: info@elec.fr web: www.elec.fr o PowerGen International Orlando, Florida USA 10-12 December 2002 PennWell USA, 1421 S. Sheridan Road, Tulsa, OK 741 12, USA Tel: +I 918 831 9160 Fax: +l 918 831 9161 Web: www.pennwellevcnts.com ECOGENERATION WORLD 1 171