Discover a wealth of information, benefits, and services - t} NFPA® INTERNATIONAL iObtain the benefits of the world leader in fire protection and life safety and access to NFPA's tecnical products through a membership ! -se-c�tioneWş ..,..-:_�-- .... --·" - � Join today and gain access to exclusive NFPA benefits NFPA wi/1 helpyou doyourfob better - more quick/y, more accurately and with the latest fire and life safety code information available anywhere. Nowyou can be among the first to � --�� \ NFnA � d :te ·'""· know about changes in codes and standards, as we/1 as new methods and technologies in rft "'1 up a =--=-ı . _ _ _ .......... .... .. ....�� ��l fıre and lıfe safety �-F�RF�ıi'����tt����J!" " �:.... oO NFPA Cod:iiİs � . .:· - • .... =-..::= NFPA N .. :t� ;� �� �.;�� • Subscription to the NFPA Journal® - This full-color professional journal wiil keep you informed of the latest news and trends in fire prevention and life safety issues. (A $34 value) • Technical Assistance - Get help with your codes and standards questions. As a ınember, you can speak directly to an NFPA fire, electrical, or life safety specialist. • Section Membership - Section membership lets you target your membership privileges to your areas of interest. Gives you access to regional meetings, special newsletters, and seminars in one of 1 6 industry-specifıc Sections. • Member Discounts - Take l 0% offali NFPA products, services and seminars, including ali NFPA code books. This benefıt alone could cover the cost of your NFPA dues. • Voting Rights - After 1 80 days (6 months) ofmembership, you, as an individual named on the membership, are entitled to vote on the codes and standards adopted by NFPA. • Offıcial Member Web Site - Access up-to-the-minute updates to critical information you need to know. Now you can review the NEC® online, anywhere, any time. Receive an NFPA Catalog�--� • For more information on purchasing NFPA products, please call us at + 1 -6 1 7-770-3000 or visit our website at: NFPA Türkiye Distribütörü § :"'''''"� TEKNİK YAYINCIUK, TANITIM A.Ş. § , 'İ � Balıııuıııcu, Barb<1ros Bulıwı, Bahar Sok. .Kar.ıııfil ApL � ��s No: 2/11-13, Kat.4-5 Beşi,taş 80700-01 lstanbul/ Türkiye � •� Tel : +90 212 275 83 59 (Pbxl +90 212 347 04 25 ;ss--:; Faks:+902122749273 +902122882614 �\.,� url: w,vw.ıelı.nikyayincilı e-p0sıa: info@tekrıılı.,,1,ıncilılı..coın www. teknikyayincilik. conı