Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 13. Sayı (Ekim 2002) / Ecogeneration World - Cogeneration, Waste Recovery, Renewables & On-site Generation - Kojenerasyon Atıktan Enerji, Yenilebilir Enerji, Yerinde Üretim

technical solution to improving European environment, by reducing the impact of global climate change and reducing loca! emissions, such as particulates, sulphur and nitrogen oxides. in 1997, the European Commission brought forward a strategy paper to double the amount of cogeneration in the European market place. The implications of this strategy are that cogeneration would grow to provide 18% of European electricity by the year 201 O. This, in turn, would save a further 180 million tonnes of co2 and 1000 PJ per year. The strategy also proposed ways to remove barriers to the development of cogeneration. This is a positive situation, you would think? No - the current market is very bad. Cogeneration has been a victim of weak implementation of policy objectives, partial liberalization of electricity and gas markets and the rapid rise of oil prices. This article explores the policies that may help turn the market around in favour of cogeneration. The picture for cogeneration in Europe is one of great diversity, both in terms of the share of the electricity market enjoyed by cogeneration, and the applications and plant options deployed. in some countries, namely the Netherlands, Finland and Denmark, cogeneration supplies more than 30% of electricity requirements, whilst in others it is a marginal electricity supply source. Oııııııı,,ıı_\;: �'!'igl ...... , �· F.fıfflOıı � !!11· � -�' . uıc· ı '•il . ,, 1 ' , :6_ 1 � 1 - • - :· : t �;; ··#· 1 - ' ' -- ·- . m� ai � , ; • .---· : , � · •�ı : ��' -· .H , 1- . S?Mt •·u.ı;:;- - - : ea.o. · - .. }:!, :2;0 S1.W, -�1:iii:- .37.ffl'. . .aı.-ı : : 31;5 Tlıe Germaııjigııres arefor /995. -� B&! ,�·- · 1 • --.. , .aaa :,t, 3__ı31 l ı ·: : �. ' -3lf� .•: 373Q3: '. : 22;0: 2-.8. · G,7a8& : MAKALE / ARTICLE The status of cogeneration in the various EU countries is a result of a number of important factors: O The structure of the energy sector O The policy framework O Long-term governmental priorities O Climatic conditions O The structure of the economy By far the most important factors are the policy framework and incentives or otherwise, in the energy sector to support cogeneration. Table 1 shows the changes in cogeneration usage in the last few years. in the past couple of years, the cogeneration market has been under serious threat due to: O Partial liberalization of the electricity market O Predatory pricing by incumbent utilities O Poor regulations that do not ensure fair treatment O Gas markets that have not been liberalized O Gas prices that are linked to world oil prices This has resulted in a downturn in the European cogeneration market. Figure 1 (page 46) gives various scenarios tor the Future of cogeneration in Europe. it can be seen that the market is declining fast, despite positive voices from Brussels that cogeneration is an essential element of the Europe energy and environmental policies. lf the European target for CHP is to be met, then the Member States will have to deliver substantial growth in cogeneration 375G2 , S7297 3l592 a.41 , �,e � , ,suı : 26..582, , 6t.7 ·S9Jl .,, U-'11 . _ eµ· - sn, ıtıu . . S'n25 31MS 4117'1 31329 :t7383 . mısa - asa S-13:78 37289 981 31311 3� : 31MA '\8Jil51 : '37517 t,U,(77 i1;1i:Q, ·31309 372N 31.IIIJ . �.(J; :37313 :J72!i8 : 1:fJHJ' 3.'l458 ifl37,I. · 17.GOO : '57: : a,!IMJ ffl,",7 l&D4 2:0 .3'1-DOO m-ı, : 31'276 18-.0 �- '3-1Uİ �- ' ' 87.1 3,1-3_1!6 ;� n-:ı . $"M ) ... 0.7 -49:8 47-.1 -17�5: . S6A. &U '31ıff1 71,1; 3T411 l:+.et · 1&� ·3:1-402 ,� : !l'fUJ' ı7ı41U . 3.29 37.Ur-J 31'314· � -.:r 13'.3 : aa;1_21, 75;� w 37,aıı l t�.i4 37283 · -� : t&,$ s-;o fflJtl 1,�, :)l) $7$ 1&,S,U 373&3 � � :ı� 37.ıe7 ms& •2"10.1m1· 2UI a't.lg! Soıırce: Combiııetl Heaı aıı,/ Poıı,erprotlııcıioıı (CHP) iıı ılıe EU - Sııııımt1ry ofstlllisıics 1994-/998, Eıırosıaı 2001 ECOGENERATION WORLD 45