Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 13. Sayı (Ekim 2002) / Ecogeneration World - Cogeneration, Waste Recovery, Renewables & On-site Generation - Kojenerasyon Atıktan Enerji, Yenilebilir Enerji, Yerinde Üretim

46 ıHOa� wo�ın MAKALE / ARTICLE Figııre 1. Sc ııarios for tlıefııture ofcogeneratioıı iıı Eıırope 28 24 20 Q) fü 16 � Q) o.. 12 8 __ CHP growth under present policies, before impact of liberalization e Target according to EU CHP strategy on 1937 __ COGEN Europe's target growth based on favourable market conditions The decline in the market based on a forecast in 2000, il no new policies The forecast tor market decline in 2001/2 it no new policies 4 -+-----,----"T"""---.--------.-----r-----, __ The post-Kyoto scenario from the study future cogen 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 over the next few years. Firstly, COGEN Europe stili believes that, if immediate action is taken, the target could be met by 201 O. However, the clock is ticking and it becomes increasingly unlikely that a share of European electricity of 18% by 2010 will be achieved. Secondly, COGEN Europe continues to assert that the long-term share tor cogeneration in Europe could be as high as 30%. Where is this growth likely to come from? Figure 2 (page 48) shows a possible sharing of the growth target by Member States. At the time of writing, the European Commission is preparing a proposal on a European CHP Directive with the aim to define specific policy mechanisms tor the wider use of CHP. Yet, this Directive is not the only piece of European legislation with relevance to CHP. Rather, a whole plethora of European Directives is under preparation, which in a number of ways will affect CHP in European Member States and candidate countries alike. Some of the provisions contained in these Directives are targeted specifically at CHP, whilst the implications in other cases are rather of an indirect nature. The contents and processes of these torthcoming legislative measures will set an important framework to the development of CHP in the years to come. EXISTING EU LEGISLATION RELEVANT TO CHP Betore talking about upcoming legislative measures, it is useful to be aware of the current situation, i.e. existing legislation. The tollowing provisions, which are already in torce, are of relevance to CHP. 1996 IPPC Directive (Directive 96/61/EC concerning integrated pollution prevention and control) Sets out common rules on permitting tor industrial installations: all installations covered by the Directive must ECOGENERATION WORLD 2020 obtain a permit from the authorities to operate; permits must be based on the concept of 'Best Available Techniques (BAT)'; CHP is likely to be defineci as BAT tor large combustion plants. Electricity Directive (Directive 96/92/EC concerning common rules for the internal market in electricity) Aims to create a gradual transition from the tormer national, monopoly-based electricity systems with captive customers to a competitive electricity market as an element of the internal market within the EU territory; establishes common rules tor the generation, transmission and distribution of electricity; allows Member States to require that CHP installations are given priority in the dispatching process. 1998 Gas Directive (Directive 98/30/EC concerning common rules for the internal market in natural gas) Partly modelled on the Electricity Directive; establishes common rules tor the transmission, distribution, supply and storage of natural gas; aims to gradually develop an open, competitive gas market; allows Member States to discriminate against smaller CHP schemes by not giving them early access to the market - unlike all other electricity producers, regardless of their size. 2001 Renewables Directive (Directive 2001/77/EC on the promotion of electricity produced from renewable energy sources in the internal electricity market) Applies only to bio-fuelled CHP installations; obliges Member States to set national indicative targets, to ensure guarantees of origin tor electricity from renewable energy sources, and to create conditions tor swift administrative procedures; requires the Commission to evaluate national support schemes with a view to the possibility of drawing up a Community support framework. �