Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 14. Sayı (Kasım-Aralık 2002) / Ecogeneration World - Cogeneration, Waste Recovery, Renewables & On-site Generation - Kojenerasyon Atıktan Enerji, Yenilebilir Enerji, Yerinde Üretim

Like the GT 10B, the GT 10C is a low weight, heavy duty industrial gas turbine, designed to meet customer demands for a highly reliable, clean and efficient driver. Other customer values, such as Low Life Cycle Cost, planı compactness and short delivery time, are also addressed in the design. The complete gas turbine unit is mounted on a single foundation frame into which the lube oil tank MAKALE / ARTICLE is integrated. Ali the auxiliary Figııre 2: GTJOB aııd GTJOC: difereııces aııd similarities systems such as starting motor and electrically driven back-up systems are also mounted on the base frame. Designed for robust simplicity Reliability is a key customer requirement, since customers are dependent on the smooth and uninterrupted supply of power and heat for their businesses. in order to ensure such reliability, the GT10C design philosophy is based upon simplicity, robustness and the use of proven technology. The GT 1 O turbines are designed and developed to incorporate size and weight advantages of the aircraft derivative gas turbine while at the same time maintaining the robustness, flexibility and long life advantages of the traditional industrial gas turbine, operating with axial air and gas flow through the turbine. The GT10C, like the GT108, is a 2-stage compressor turbine and a 2-stage power turbine, where the gas generator can be assembled together with the new or existing power turbine. The GT1 0C thus has a typical ALSTOM frame design with a minimum number of parts. The compressor rotor and the two-stage bolted compressor turbine module form a single shaft, which rests in two standard hydrodynamic bearings of the tilting pad type. The two-stage power turbine also forms a single unit resting in two standard hydrodynamic bearings of the same type as the gas generator rotor. The power turbine is then coupled to driven equipment.(Figure 1) Modularisation, few parts, long component life and easy inspection ensure long time between overhauls and low maintenance costs. in this respect, as in others, experience from operation with the GT108 has been incorporated into the further development of the GT10C. The main focus on development in the larger turbine has been concentrated to the core engine in order to improve performance and emissions yet further, while the design of auxiliary systems has, ta a large extent, been kepi. The GT1 0C OLE combustor is based on that of the GT10B, which has proved to be extremely reliable during the million+ operating hours the fleet has accumulated so far. Design particulars of the GTl O turbines The gas generator comprises inlet housing, compressor, combustion system, compressor turbine and bearings. The new shortened inlet beli mouth has an elliptical shape to give a continuous acceleration to minimize the boundary layer into the compressor blading. The inlet housing consists of a casing, which directs the incoming air to the compressor first stage and which bears the guide vanes and the shroud ring carriers. The GT10C gas generator rotor has the same overall length as the GT10B but with eleven stages, as opposed to ten. The guide vanes of the first two stages are variable, actuated by a control mechanism and a variable speed electrical motor. There are slots for bleeding off air downstream of the second and the sixth stage The compressor casing, covering the whole compressor section, is horizontally split to facilitate servicing and replacement of components. The compressor rotor is built up from a number of discs, electron beam welded together, as for both GT108 and GTX100 A diffusor section at the compressor discharge decelerates the flow and directs the air into the combustion chamber. To enable a flow increase from 79 kg/s to 90 kg/s, the area of the inlet and first two stages were increased by about 15%. A new stage was added to increase the pressure ratio from 14.4 to 18, resulting in slightly modified channel height from stage 4 to 11 as compared to stages 3 to1O in GT 108.(Figure 2) The flow field in the new compressor is based on GT108. However, the outlet velocity profile at the exit guide vane was straightened to improve the pressure recovery of the compressor diffuser. The profiles of the new blading (based on GTX100) have lower loss levels as well as considerably wider working range than the old diffusion-controlled airfoil profiles The margin to surge is kept at the same reliable level as GT10B. The exhaust has a new design, based on GT108, but retains supports at the rear of the turbine in the same position as for GT10B. ECOGENERATI ON WORLD 51