Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 16. Sayı (Mart 2003) / Energy & Cogeneration World - Enerji & Kojenerasyon Dünyası

,�����f Üournmrm� wo�l� MAKALE / ARTICLE Yarınlar lç:ln kOç:Ok tJlç:ııkll bla-ıınıırJI Yenilenebilir enerji kaynaklarının I ENERJi & KOJENERASYON OONYASI 46 small-scale B10-ENERGVf Q f the future Natura/ biomasses and recovered combustib/e fue/s from municipal waste are available in huge quantities in the world. Wartsila has identified a particu/ar sector within bio-energy to underpin its future growth. Through the acquisition ofSermet Oy, Wartsila BioPower is already one of the leading suppliers of boilers for biofuels in the Nordic countries There is a strong political will worldwide to make increasing use of renewable energy. Finnish subsidiaries of Kvaerner and Foster Wheeler have established themselves as global leaders at the larger end of the market, based on the wealth of experience and, expertise gained from working with the environmentally - conscious Finnish forest industry. Finland is a front-line biomass combustion know-how base in the world. Wartsila focuses on the smaller end of the bioenergy market. The company is initially offering modular boiler plants in the range of 2-25 MWth and power plants in the range of 1-5 MWe, burning wood-based fuels. This strategy was chosen due to tire exponentially larger availability of suitable fuel sources. Later Wartsila may expand both the fuel spectrum and power range. "There are several local equipment suppliers in this market, but none of them has the � capability to CC r<!-J supply biopower il! \ plants globally," explains Mr ... Jussi , Heikkinen,