30 NEWS / HABERLER lnfrastructure details will be kept secret The US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has approved rules to keep secret certain information about power plants, large transmission lines and oil and natura! gas pipelines, citing post-September 11 security concerns. in keeping the information away from extremist groups, the rules would alsa restrict the general public's access. lnformation to be kept secret includes pipeline maps and electricity grid flow diagrams, said the Commission. Other off-limits information includes pipelines inspection reports, detailed blueprints and emergency action plans that energy plants must file with regulators. lmmediately after the September 11, 2001, attacks on US cities, FERC and other agencies withdrew public information on critical energy facilities. However, FERC is the first government agency to develop formal rules on how to handle such sensitive records. Windfarm Sainte-Ode (Belgium) officially opened One of the wind energy converters of DeWind GmbH, one of the industry's most innovative manufacturers of wind energy converters, was opened to the public. More than 600 invited guests, including the Sainte-Ode's major Jacques Pierre, honored Mr. Claude Boever, who through his engagement was responsible for seeing the project realized. More than 4000 guests at the opening of the Windfarm Sainte-Ode made it into a big "fete". The biggest wind farm in the Province of Wallony, the Sainte-Ode Windfarm has six DeWind D6 1.25 megawatts with a hub height of 91.5 meters installed and in operation since February 2003. The wind farm is operated by the Renewable Power Company, Amberloup, Sainte-Ode. The electricity produced is supplied to the Belgian grid, which is operated by the utility company Electrabel. The energy yield of the wind farm is about 18 000 MWh/y, enough to supply more than 5000 households. ENERJi & KOJENERASYON o0NYASI The Sainte-Ode Windfarm was an important step toward both politically and economically for the development of wind energy in Belgium and many new wind farms are now expected, commented Jose Daras, Minister of Transport, Traffic and Energy of the Province of Wallony,. DeWind's Managing Director Hugo L. Schippmann spoke about the longstanding and good relations with Claude Boever: "Windenergy now sets new signals in Belgium. This is a central and important challenge for DeWind and one which we want to accomplish here in this country." DeWind can supply three types of genAltyapı bilgileri gizli tutulacak ABD Federal Enerji Düzenleme Komisyonu (FEDK), 11 Eylül sonrası güvenlik önlemlerine bağlı olarak, enerji santralleri, yüksek iletim hatları ve petrol ve doğal gaz boru hatları ile ilgili belirli bilgilerin gizli kalmasına yönelik yasayı onayladı. Aşırı uç grupların bilgiye ulaşmasını yasaklayan bu yasalar kamusal bilgi alışını da sınırlamış oluyor. Komisyonunun yaptığı açıklamaya göre gizli kalacak bilgiler arasında boru hattı haritaları, elektrik şebekesi akım diyagramı, boru hattı denetleme raporları, detaylı planlar ve acil eylem planları yer alıyor. Böylece FERC, 11 Eylül sonrası hassas bilgiler konusunda resmi yasalar çıkaran ilk hükümet bürosu oldu. Sainte-Ode (Belgium) Rüzgar santrali resmen açıldı Sektörün en yenilikçi rüzgar enerjisi dönüştürücülerinden olan DeWind GmbH şirketine ait bir rüzgar enerjisi dönüştürücüsü biri Saint-Ode'de halka açıldı. 600'den fazla kişinin davet edildiği törene, Sainte-Ode Belediye Başkanı Jacques Pierre ve projenin gerçek/eşmesine önemli katkıları bulunan C/aude Boever de katıldı. Wallony Bölgesinin en büyük rüzgar santrali olan Sainte-Ode'de Şubat'tan beri faaliyet gösteren 1,25 MW'lık 6 adet DeWind D6 bulunuyor. Santralin işletmesini Renewable Power Company, Amberloup, SainteOde yaparken, üretilen elektrik E/ectrabe/ adlı kurum tarafından işletilen Belçika şebekesine gönderiliyor. Santralin enerji üretimi 18 bin MWhly, 5000 konutun enerji ihtiyacını karşılayacak seviyede.