50 ARTICLE / MAKALE Comitology Timetable Rules for specific CHP applications Additional provisions European Parliament 1st Reading • 'Cogeneratıon Commıttee' (Regulatory Commıttee according to Council Decision 1999/468/EC) to be established • First MS report 18 months after Directive comes into force • First progress report from Commission four years after Directive comes into force Council Common Position (Preliminary) • A""tRegulatory Committee'should assist the Commission on calculation of harmonized efficiency reference values and of definition of criteria for Annexes il and il 1 • First MS reports after 24 moths • Transposition of the Directive: two years Micro-CHP • Defined as <50 kWe and certified overall efficiency of 80%, units up to 200 kWe may also be included • No comparison necessary with reference case, and no need for owners to demonstrate that their power comes from CHP • No specific provisions District heating • National planning authorities to undertake mandatory • No specific provisions feasibillty studies for heating networks that could distribute CHP heat output • New annex IVa: principles for the definitions of CHP support schemes. - CHP electricity generation and supply services: fair return, as for any other producer. Support schemes should guard against distortions of competition - CHP energy efficiency services: support should be equivalent and non-discriminatory compared with other systems, and be based on actual fuel and/or carbon dioxide savings - Support should generally encourage efficiency improvements • Commission to issue new proposal on the promotion of electricity from CHP two years after Directive comes into force, because the current Directive would regulate only the definition of CHP • No additional provisions that would go beyond the Commission's approval The Council is close to reaching a common position on the Directive. At the Energy Council meeting early in May, !hey agreed on a common approach, which will alması certainly become their position in the fallowing month or so. The differences between the Council and !he Parliament are summarized in Table 1. More details are given on COGEN Europe's website: www.cogen.org. are similar to that far cogeneration), Member States started to change the situation far renewables. 1 am hopeful the same will be true far cogeneration. CONCLUSIONS There are many things going on in !he energy sector in Europe at the moment. 1 have concentrated on just one important legislative activity; many others will alsa effect cogeneration. Many questions remain to be answered. Not least among these is: how will Europe meet its Kyoto targets far cutting greenhouse gas emissions? Moreover, what will it do in the second commitment period after 2012? We are getting closer to the time to deliver against these targets. Member States have to start waking up !his issue. The options at their So where next? Befare !he summer break in 2003, !here will be a fınalization of the Council's position. Then we can expect some negotiation between the Parliament and Council. lf everything goes well, the Directive should be concluded by the end of !his year and come into force at the start of 2004. Member States will have two years to transpose the Directive into national legislation. Will it help the market far cogeneration in Europe? Cynics cry !hat it is so weak !hat nothing will change. 1 am an optimist at heart. 1 believe !hat having a legal framework far cogeneration will help. To start with, it will require the Member States to eval uate the potential and barriers to cogeneration in each of their countries. in addition, !hey will need to report progress periodically. When the Directive far Electricity from renewable Energy was finalized (many of the provisions far !his Directive ENERJi & KOJENERASYON DÜNYASI disposal are limited and each comes with its own set of problems and opportunities. One option is a strong push far more cogeneration in our energy sector. 1 hope !hat Member States rise to !hat challenge. Far the sake of our societies, we need to ensure !hat we maximize the usefulness of energy and minimize its wastage. 1 believe !hat cogeneration has a strong role to play in !his !ask.