Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 20. Sayı (Eylül 2003) / Energy & Cogeneration World - Enerji & Kojenerasyon Dünyası

2003 Powcr Kazaklısıan 2003 • the 2nd Kazakhstan lntcrnational Powcr Gcncration, Transmission and Distribution Exhibition and Confcrence; Alınaty, Kazakhstan 17-19 Scpteınber 2003 Mr J. Kazija, iTE Group Ple, 105 Salisbury Road, London NW6 6RG, UK Tel: +44 20 7596 5215 Fax: +44 20 7596 5111 c-mail: josko.kazija@iteexhibiıions.com web: www.itc-exhibitions.com o WoodEnergy 2003- The lntcrnaıional Tradc Fair and Confcrcncc; Augsburg, Germany 18-21 Sepıeıııbcr 2003 Ermıcrbarc cncrgicn, Koınmunikations - und lnforınationsscrvicc Gmbl-1, Unıcr den Linden 15, D-72762, Reutlingcn, Gcrmany Tel: +49 7121 3016 O Fax: +49 7121 3016 100 c-mail: redaktion@energie-server.de web: www.holz-cnergie.de o POWER-GEN Asia 2003 Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam 23-25 Sepıcınber 2003 Ms Zeph Landcrs. POWER-GEN Asia, PennWcll Corporation, PennWell House, Horscshoc Hill, Essex EN9 3SR, UK Tel: +44 1992 656600 Fax: +44 1992 656704 e-nıail: attcndingasia@pcnnwcll.com wcb: www.powergenasia.com o Eighth Grovc Fucl Ccll Symposiunı - Buildiııg Fuel Celi l ndusıries Confercnce & Exhibition Loııdon, UK 24-26 Sepıember 2003 Sarah Wilkinson, Grove Fucl Celi Syınposium Sccrctcriat, Elscvicr Scicncc, The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlingıon, Oxford QX5 1 GB, U K Tel: +44 1865 843691 Fax: +44 1865 843958 e-mail: sm.wilkinson@elsevier.com wcb: www.grovcfuclcell.com o Energy 2003- the 6th lntcrnational Power Generaıion, Transmission & Distribuıion, Oil & Gas Exhibition & Congress; lsıanbul, Turkey 24-27 Septeıııber 2003 ITF - lsıanbul Trade Fairs, CNR Expo Ccntcr, Ycsilkoy, lstanbul, Turkey Tel: +90 212 663 08 81 Fax: +90 212 663 09 73/74 c-mail: efsun.sar@itf.cxhibitions.com web: www.itf-cxhibitions.com o Po\1er Generation World Korca 2003 Seoul, Souıh Korea 29 Septcmber - 1 October 2003 Linda Wan, Terrapinn Pıe Ltd, 1 2 Priııee Edward Road #03-01, Podiurn A, Bestway Building, 079212, Siııgapore Tel: +65 6322 2749 O Fax: +65 6226 3264 c-mail: linda.wan@terrapinn.com wcb: www.powergenerationworld.com/ 2003/pgwk_KR o ÖKOTECH - 3rd lnıernaıioııal Trade Fair for Environmenıal Protection and Municipal Technology Budapest, Hungary 30 Sepıcmbcr - 3 Oeıober 2003 Zsuzsa Nyiırai, Huııgcxpo Co Ltd, PO Box 44, H-1441 Budapesı, Hungary Tel: +36 1 263 6093 Fax: +36 1 263 6086 e-ınail: okotech@hungcxpo.hu web: www.hungcxpo.hu o 4th lntcrnational Dcccnıralizcd Energy (DE) and CHP Confercııce and Exlıibiıion Rio de Jaııerio. Brazil 1-2 Oetober 2003 Nicola Walker, World Allianee for Dcccntralizcd Energy, 15 Grcat Stuart Sırcct, Ediııburg EH3 7TP, UK Tel: +44 131 6253333 Fax: +44 131 6253334 e-mail: nicola.walker@localpowcr.org web: www.localpowcr.org o Sustainable Energy Expo & Confcrcncc Los Angeles, California, USA l -3Octobcr 2003 Ellen Gecnfıcld, Dirccıor of Marketing, 1 1R Exhibiıioııs US, 708 Third Avcııuc, 4th Floor, Ncw York, NY 10017, USA Tel: +! 212 661 3500 ex. 3256 Fax: +! 212 661 3705 c-mail: egrecnfıcld@iir-x.com wcb: www.sustainablcexpo.com o Elcctric lndonesia 2003 Jakarta, lndonesia 1-4 October 2003 Stephcn Luff, Overscas Exhibition Scrviccs Ltd, 1 1 Manchcstcr Squarc, London Wl U 3PL, UK Tel: +44 20 7862 2090 Fax: +44 20 7862 2098 c-mail: clccindo@montnet.com wcb: www.montnct.com o World Forum on Energy Regulaıioıı Roıne, ltaly 5-9 Oetober 2003 Ega Professional Congress Organizcrs, Viale Tiziaııo 19, 00196 Roıııe, ltaly Tel: +39 06 328121 Fax: +39 06 32401434 e-nıai1: cncrgyforuın@cga.it wcb: www.cnergyforuın2003.org o QWETEX 2003 - Qaıar Waıer and Electricity Technology Exhibiıion and Conference Dolıa Ciıy, Qaıar 6-8 Ocıober 2003 Trans Continental Fairs Managcmcnt, PO Box 43697, Abu Dhabi, Uniıcd Arab Emirates Tel: +971 2 679 54 44 Fax: +971 2 679 51 36 c-mail: thcccs@cmirates.nct.ae wcb: www.qwetex.com o QWETEX 2003 - Qatar Waıer and Eleeıriciıy Teehnology Exlıibiıion and Conference Doha Ciıy, Qaıar 6-8 Oetober 2003 Trans Continental Fairs Management, PO Box 43697, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Enıiraıes Tel: +971 2 679 54 44 Fax: +971 2 679 51 36 e-mail: theees@emirates.net.ae web: www.qwetex.com o POWER-GEN Middlc Eası 2003 Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates 13-15 Ocıober 2003 Klıalid Al Fanek, PcnnWell Corporaıion, PcnnWell House, 1-lorseshoc Hill, Upshire, Essex EN9 3SR, UK Tel: +44 1992 656614 Fax: +44 1992 656704 c•ınai l: attendingpgmc@pennwell.com wcb: www.power-gen-middlceast.com o Grecn Powcr 4 - Sustainable Energy Developnıenı for lmproved Qualiıy of Life Ncw Delhi, lndia 16-17 Ocıobcr 2003 Priya Kapoor, lnternational Publicaıions & lnformaıion Services, PO Box 6650, Ncw Delhi 110 018. l ndia Tel: +91 il 25554 2551 Fax: +91 11 5158 9329 c-nıail: iis@bol.nct.in wcb: www.lndiaCore.info o lnternational Confercnce on Waste Managcmcnt - C\carcr Cities, Cleaner Environmcnt � From Littcring to Producer Responsibiliıy Vienna, Austria 20-23 October 2003 Barbara Glasner, Gutwinski Managcment Lohnsıeinsırasse 36 2380 Perchtoldsdorf, Austri a Tel: +43 1 86632 21 Fax: +43 1 86632 33 c-mail: bglasncr@gutwi nski.at wcb: www.gutwinski.at o Energy Effıeiency Expo Londoıı, UK 21-23 October 2003 Judi Knaggs, IIR Exhibiti ons, 2nd Floor, Nine Elms Lane, London SW8 5NQ, UK Tel: +44 20 7344 3841 Fax: +44 20 7344 3890 e-mail: jknaggs@irrltd.co.uk web: www.cnergy-cxpo.org o Bclekıro 2003 - Trade Show for Elecırieal Enginecring, Electronics and Lighti ng Berlin, Gerınany 22-24 October 2003 Messe Berlin Gmbf-1, Messedamm 22, D14055 Berlin, Gernıany Tel: +49 30 3080 O Fax: +49 30 3038 2120 e-ınail: belektro@messe-bcrlin.de web: www.belektro.com o CIER 2003 - 3rd lnıernaıional Conferenee for Rcnewablc Encrgy, Energy Saving and Encrgy Education Havana, Cuba 28-31 Ocıober 2003 Dr Conrado Moreno, Technical University for Renewable Energy, CUJAE, Marianao 19 390, Ciudad Habana, Cuba Tel: +537 260 5060 Fax: +537 267 1644 e-mail: ci er2003@ceter.ispjae.cdu.cu web: www.ispjae.cu/eventos/ci er o Power lndia 2003 Mumbai, lndia 4-7 Noveıııber 2003 Winmark Services Pvt. Ltd, Rizvi Nagar, A208, 2nd Floor, S.V. Roadi Sanıacnız (West), Muıııbai 400 054, lndia Tel: +91 22 610 3824 Fax: +91 22 616 2459 e-mail: winmark@india-tech.com wcb: www.i ndia-tech.com /�����r���ijllO� WO�l� DIARY o Sinergy - ıhe lnternational Encrgy Forum Rimini, ltaly 5-8 November 2003 Claudia Costella, Rimini Ficra S.p.a., Via Emilia 155, 47900 Rimini, Italy Tel: +39 0541 744457 Fax: +39 0541 744204 e-mail: c.ıorre@riminifiera.it web: www.riminilicra.it o IPPEX 2003 - 5th lndcpeııdenı Power and New Energy Expo Chiba, Japan 1 1-13 Noveınber 2003 Mesago Mcssc Frankfurt Corporation, IPPEX 2003 Show Managcıııeııı Offıce, Mackawa Kudan Buildiııg 3F, 2-3-7 Kudan-kiıa, Clıiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0073, Japan Tel: +81 3 3262 8441 Fax: +81 3 3262 8442 e-mail: info@ippcx-jp.com web: www.ippex-jı>.com o POWER-GEN Latin Anıeriea Sao Paulo, Brazil 11-13 Novcnıber 2003 Alice Jacobs, PcnnWell Corporaıion, PcnnWell House, Horseshoe Hi ll, Esscx EN9 3SR, UK Tel: +44 1992 656634 Fax: +44 1992 656704 e-mail: alicej@pennwcll.com web: www.powcrgenlatin.com o Encrgy Effıciency Asia - Clean, Renewable & Effıcienı Encrgy for Asia Singaporc 18-19 Novcıııbcr 2003 IIR Exhibitions Pıe Ltd, 101 Cecil Strccı #09-03, Tong Eng Building, Singaporc 069533, Singapore Tel: +65 6227 0688 Fax: +65 6227 0913 e-nıail: energy@iirx.com.sg web: www.energyasiacxpo.com o Energy Asi a 2003 - running alongside Power Transıııission Control Asia 2003 Shanghai, China 18-21 Noveınber 2003 Ms Judy Zhu, Hannover Fairs China Ltd, 24A Ncw Shanghai lnternaıional Tower, 360 Pudong Rd. Souıh, Slıanghai 200120. China Tel: +86 21 6886 3286 Fax: +86 2 1 6886 3797 e-mail: energy-asia@hfchina.com web: www.energyasia.com o ICCI 2004 - 10 th lnternatioııal Cogcııeration & Enviroıımeııt Confereııce & Exhibition lstanbul, Turkey; 20-21 May 2004 Feraye Parçalı, Sektöre! Fuarcılık Ltd. Şti., Balmumcu, Barbaros Blv., Bahar Sk., Karanfil Apt. 2/16, 34349 Beşiktaş- İstanbul, Turkey Tel: + 90 2I2 275 8359 Fax: +90 212 274 9273 e-mail: info@icciconference.com web: www.icciconference.com ENERJi & KOJENERASYON DÜNYASI 71