Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 21. Sayı (Ekim 2003) / Energy & Cogeneration World - Enerji & Kojenerasyon Dünyası

MAKALE/ ARTICLE stream. Most of that growth is expected ta come from international markets: in 2001 Nuon acquired a major wind player in Spain, Desarrollos Eolicas (DESA), which had a 130 MW installed base at the time and which owns the rights ta develop another 620 MW in Spain. Nuon is developing 5 windfarms in Germany - three of which were operational at year end 2001 - far a total of 106 MW.lt is alsa targeting offshore wind markets fallowing its experience with the Blyth windfarm off the UK coast. in Asia, Nuon owns a 55% stake in a 24 MW windfarm in Guangdong, PRC and is developing windfarms in lndia through Karma a joint venture with Weizman Ltd. The Dutch utility is actively looking at renewable energy projects to add to its portfalio. The company is looking to avoid any investments that can be viewed as environmentally suspect, including large hydro projects. The facus is wind, biomass and mini-hydro. Another small European utility seeking to build its portfalio in RE projects - part and parcel of a globalization strategy - is Energi E2 of Denmark, farmerly SK Power. E2 is a leading wholesale electricity generation and trading company, owned by a consortium that includes both major electricity retailers in Denmark, NESA and SEAS, With the start-up of its new Avedore 2 plant on 1 January 2002 (570 MW electricity, 570 MJ/ s heat), total annual production capacity includes 4,700 MJ/s of heat, and 1,600 MJ/s of steam, giving the company a 94% market share of electricity production in eastern Denmark, and a 70% share of total heat consumption. E2 is transitioning its production base from traditional coal to a largely cogeneration base. Ten of its 17 power plants are small-scale, gas- or biomass-fueled CHP stations; the Avedore 2 plant isa state-ofthe-art generator able to burn a variety of fuels, with up to a 66 95% efficiency rate. At least 10% of its fuel is expected to be biomass, with annual use of up to 150,000 tons of straw and up to 50,000 tons of wood chips. Wind has played a small role in E2's portfalio ta date, but that is changing rapidly. in Denmark, E2 does not have any of its own capacity online, but purchases from existing wind providers with a capacity totalling 166MW. The company's participation in two large offshore wind projects will add significantly to its portfalio in 2003: E2 is a 50% stakeholder in a joint venture constructing the 158.4 MW Nysted Offshore Wind Farm, due to be completed in October 2003 (72 turbines of 2.2 MW each). With an increasingly "green" power base, significant experience in cogeneration and biomass, and progress on the wind learning curve, E2 has begun ta leverage these competencies to expand regionally. E2 seeks to wield its "clean" edge to compete in the Nordic sub-region, but its recent investments alsa signal an intent ta move beyond. in late 2001 E2 acquired wind assets in Sweden (23 turbines) and Greece (31 turbines) far a total of 47.1 MW.ln August and October of 2002 E2 acquired stakes in two contiguous hydro facilities in Norway, first with a 33.3% stake in Narvik Energi, which has164 MW of hydro facilities and additional rights of 19MW, and more recently the preliminary agreement to acquire as ENERJİ & KOJENERASYON DÜNYASI t:nt' I Greenı•uwt'r E�·�•; ::;, ec:k Mlıl Amıc rlı:ıııı lht' Re OU\'11 Sl·oııbh l'owırr EIIN Eııt r;c I t:2 CMlllınt ı>!l C■ ipine t:ııru� ►:nır rııy Gıtınr:sıı t'.lıı ıı m IVl'C Nuou l,lıılon Ft>nosa RWE llııqu,n Slııdl Rrnr;l\ııblr:ıı J•:nt- rıty D t H l[Jf} S \ı:;,. Mlı,thl) khrr Powıtr Aııııuııl Cıpatlty \'.:2001 (.\IW) o CHP oHydro oWlnd o Solar ■ Goothormaı cBiomass ■Wasta oOthor 500.0 1,000.0 1,500.0 2,000.0 2,500.0 3,000.0 stake in Eklem ASA subsidiary Salten Kraftsamband (SKS). E2 AND Narvik will acquire, respectively, a 16.3% and 5.2% share in SKS, which is about twice the size of Navik. On 30 October 2002 E2 closed on the acquisition of U.S. ıpp Cinergy's Spanish subsidiary, Cinergy Renovables lbericas SL. The new company, ENERGI E2 Renovable lbericas has a 93 MW renewablesbase, largely wind with a small amount of hydro and biomass power, ongoing projects that will bring the total ta 250 MW, and a projeci pipeline of another 450 MW. Spin-off RE Subsidiaries Far Europe's larger utilities,which have largely become conglomerations of gas, water and electric utilities in a deregulated environment, forging a unified RE strategy has been tricky, and perhaps of a lower priority. Spain's Endesa and ltaly's Enel have responded by establishing dedicated RE subsidiaries that are directing their renewables activities on a global basis. An Enel GreenPower SpA (EGP) stratecgic objective ta reach 4,000 MW of renewable energy by 2006, and Endesa Cogeneracion y Renovables' (ECyR) RE target of 3,600 MW by 2006, pit these companies squarely against lbeRenova, Nuon and E2 in Europe's RE utility competition. Figure 3 shows the renewable portfalios at year-end 2001 of the leading RE utilities or business units, not including mainstream hydro-electric generating capacity. Theoretically speaking the largest renewable providers in the world are State Power of China, with 33,800 MW of hydro capacity at YE 2001, Hydro Quebec of Canada with over 30,000 MW, and Eletrobras of Brazil with 23,558 MW. The figure includes only the hydro facilities included within the RE business unit, typically small-scale hydro facilities. it alsa includes cogeneration capacity and geothermal energy. EGP claims to have global leadership in renewables, and when the hydro facilities within the EG portfalio are included, they do have over 2,500 MW of capacity, including a substantial geothermal component. Endesa's co-gen base contiributes ta nearly 2,000 MW within the ECyR portfalio at year end 2001, including a substantial, and rapidly growing wind generation base of 825 MW. Both companies are actively looking to build their RE portfolios, and leverage their capabilities globally. EGP's international scope was widened with the acquisitions of CHI Energy, ine. in December 2000 and Energia Global lnternational, Ltd. (EGI) in June 2001, and their consolidation under a single management team. CHI, headquartered in