Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 22. Sayı (Kasım-Aralık 2003) / Energy & Cogeneration World - Enerji & Kojenerasyon Dünyası

Hayat Holding Yönetim Binasında Trijenerasyon Sitemi Uygulanıyor Hi n aş ay aast ı Hd eovl da mi n ge, d eAnl t uMnei rzkaedze Y' döe Gn eetni me l SBi si nt eams ı Di çi zi na yun ıy Ag u. Şl a. mtaaras ı fr aı nsdy ao nn syi satpeıml ai ncea kk aorlaarnv et rridj ei . nBeu vsei s tseomğ u ti lme ab iihntai ynaı nc ı ,ekl eukr ut rl ai kc, aıks ıot ml aan Cb aağpl sı t losnı eE şMai nk jröor l Te rüi r vbei n Avbes oornpa sniaycoank.Soğutma ünitesi ile sağlaToplam 6.000 m2 kapalı alana sahip olan o TM l ü e a r r n b k i e n s z i , s 3 Y t 0 e ö 0 m n .0 e 1 0 ti 8 m 0 0 k B c k i a n W l a /h e s ı ı s y kı a a tm p n a ı a n s a v it e k e u 1 li r . 8 u 0 M la .0 i c k 0 a r 0 o k k b c i n a l e l / r h , ş s e o b ğ e u k t m e a e l ü e r k e t r t e i ğ b i n i l e i y o p r a . r M ale i k l r o ü r e T t ü i m r t ys a i a s s p t a e a rr m r u a f i k s, i l a e e ğ l l e e a k rld k tr e e ik n e , ed k n u il e r e u r n l j a is n ı i s tı g r t i m i j d e e a ne r l v r e a e r s i n y s d o o e n ğk au tl dmı raa byi lai ykoı tr . gÜi dr ee triilnein t ea lme katmr i ke nk aol i tret asdi ai l en bilgisayar gibi elektronik cihazların arıza od ar a tnal as raı r rduüfş sear eğkl a, nbı yaok rı m. Mmi kar os r aTfül ar br ı innd va en r Tü e n r k i i j t t e e ir n le iy e r o r i a r v . s e y J o b e n r n ü el s ö ri a r sl t t e ö e r r m , i l ei k ç o k o m a k r p ş r aıl e a z s ş öt b ı r r a lü ıl k d ım ı e ğ h ı n i g l d le e ar amraı zsar avf el a rbı aç ko ıkmd üdşuür uk şsl ea vr ı i yi leel ebr eu nçl ae rkam eb katğel .ı Bç ai nl ıaş aont os mi s taesmy o, nkuo nifl eo r ddeü zueyyuimn i ei çneür issti nsdee vBi yi neal e ri çe eçr ı iksai nr dt mea ki ht tai ybaüçy üokl af an y dı saı t smaağ,l ı ysoor . ğmui kt mt aar l av reı neı ndeürzj i edn ül ezyeeynl e sr i inset egmö ri el e üer ne et i mrj i israfı önlenirken konfor arttırılıyor. � HABERLER / NEWS Trigeneration System to be applied in Hayat Holding Management Building Hayat Holding decided on trigeneration system which it's application wil/ be carried aut by Genel Sistem Dizaynı A.Ş for Head Management Office. By this system, the need of electricity, heating and coo/ing wi/1 be met by Capstone Micro Turbine which wi/1 be set up and Heat Exchangers and Absorbtion Cooling Unit dependent on it. 180 kWe capacity system can produce 300.000 Kcal/h heating and 180.000 kcal/h cooling. Micro Turbine and Trigeneration system doesn't require much treatment. it minimizes the breakdown and treatment pauses and related expenses compared to the generator, burners and ehiller unites with compressor. The system which regulates the production amounts in respect of heating, cooling and energy levels needed inside the building, prevent the waste of energy and increase the comfort. TUftll L8Yf>U / CLASSIFICATION CERTIFICATION & THIRD PARTY INSPECTION SOCIE TY YOUR EN 45004 ACCREDIATED PARTNER iN TURKEY THIRD PARTY LNSPECTION SERVICES CERTIFICATION OF PRESSURE VESSELS, ♦ Steel Bridges and Viaducts BOILERS AND PIPES ♦ Offshore Platforms (Natura! gas, petrolcunı) ♦ Pressurc Vcsscls ♦ Power Plants (Co-generatioıı, therınal) ♦ Steaııı Boilers ♦ Natural Gas Pipelines ♦ Pressurizcd pipes (3.Party lnspcction Body ♦ Craııes for BTÇ Proiecı) ♦ Residential Buildiııgs (reinforced coııcrete aııd EARTHQUAKE SAFETY EVALUATION steel structures) OF STRUCTURES ♦ lııdustrial Stıuctııres (factories, coınplex stnıctures) CE MARKING ♦ Coastal and Harbour Stıucturcs ♦ Siınple Pressurc Vcsscls Dir. (87/404/EC) lNTERNATIONAL SUPERVISJON SERVICES ♦ Appliances Burniııg Gascous Fucls Dir. (90/396/EEC) CONDITJON SURVEYS ♦ New Hot-Water Boilers Dir. (92/42/EEC) CERTJFJCATION OF WELDERS & PRODUCTS ♦ Prcssurc Equipıncnt Dir. (97/23/EC) ISO 9000 CERTIFICATION ♦ Transportable Pressure Equipıııent Dir. (99/36/EC) TERSANELER CADDESi, NO:26, TUZLA/ ISTANBUL TEL : 0090 216 4462240 FAX : 0090 216 4461914 www.turkloydu.org ; 1!Y@turkloydu.org