Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 24. Sayı (Mart 2004) / Energy & Cogeneration World - Enerji & Kojenerasyon Dünyası

18 NEWS / HABERLER Seven million Europeans could switch to green energy More than seven million people across Europe could be consuming renewable energy by 2008, according t-o new market research. The consumers in six countries could switch to green energy if offered the right incentives by their utility companies, 'lays Datamonitor in its report, ' Waking thf Gft'en Giant.' While less than l'"o of customers in most countries currently accept green tariffs, two million people in the Netherlands (30%) have agreed to obtain rc'newables m a move that suggests "environmental sentiment could become a powerful force." "To date, governments have done little to encourage green tariffs at the residential level, preferring to place responsibility on generators and utilities to supply certain amounts of green energy," it explains. "The household customer's involvement has therefore been minimal, with many stili unaware they can choose green energy, or even what it entails." Daiamonitor says 75% of utility executives in Austria, lreland, Finland, Germany, Sweden and the UK believe green energy to be "little more than a tool with which to improve their corporate image," with only two eking the environment as the motivation behind theirgreen option. it blames thisperception ror the confusion and ignorance among consumers, and forthe restricted marketing budgets to promote green power. in the United Stales, utilities have obtained conversion rates of up to 5% with annual budgets of less than US$1 00,000, andthe report says utilities in Europe must change their marketing theories to succeed. They have become increasingly effective .it targeting consumers on standard electricity, but explains that the marketing rules are "significantly different for an emotionally-driven product such as green energy." Customers reject promotional direct mail, "preferring a straightforward and factual approach to ENERJi & KOJENERASYON DÜNYASI what is essentially a serious issue," it suggests. "Utilities have been wary of targeting ;i market perceived to be expensive and with few rewards," says Datamonitor analyst Alex Patient. "lf utilities are to succeed in developing the green market's vast potential, not only must they assign larger and sustained budgets to marketeers, but they must alsa adopt the emotionally driven marketing theories applicable to this non-standard product range." Customers of renewable energy are three times more loyal than conventional consumers, and utilities must change their ways to cater to this clientele, the report suggests. The green market is noi too small and does not require ,in extensive marketing budget to IIL successfully exploited, as evi denccd in the U.S., since a gre"i customer is less price-sensitive, more satisfied and have a higlur customer lifetime value. Thi potential market in EuroRe for premium green energy is 35 million, or 23% of the customer base, although less than 1 % currently use renewables, notes the report, Comparable products, such as (.-oth-ical investment funds or Fair Trade coffee, have not captured more than a handful of environmentally aware and active customers, and the report concludes that customers are "unaware, uninvolvcd or may be wary of the product on offer." The key barrier to acceptance of green power in Europe is "cu'i-tomcr understanding and trust o) green energy as a concept," and customers must be informed that their support benefits the environment and that their effort is recognised. Utilities must lure and retain less environmenrally-activf customer by providing "selr-gi'ari-fication and congratulations" to such customers. Datamonitor conducts analyses in energy ,ind five other industry sectors. it sril-i the report for US$3,995. www.datamonitor.com 7 milyon Avrupalı yeşil enerjiye geçebilir Yeni pazar araştırmasına göre, Avr pa'da yedi milyondan fazla insan u ın 2008 'e kadar yenilenebilir enerji tüketmesi söz konusu olabilir. Dat monitor, 'Yeşil Devi Uyandırmak' isima ­ li raporunda, kamu şirketleri tarafın dan doğru teşvikler verilirse 6 ülke tüketicilerinin, yeşil enerjiye geçebile ceğini ifade ediyor. Çoğu ülkedeki tüketicilerin % 1 'inden azı şu an yeşil tarifeleri kabul diyor, Hollanda'da iki milyon insan (%30), "çevresel h siyet güçlü bir kuvvet olabilir" tea z s iyslae, yenilenebilir enerji elde etmeyi kabul etti. Datamonitor, Avusturya, İrlanda, Finlandiya, Almanya, İsveç ve İngi tere'deki kamu yöneticilerinin %75'il , yenilenebilir enerjinin kurumsal imaj larını daha iyiye götüren bir araçtan daha fazlası olduğuna inandıklarını belirtiyor. Rapor, yenilenebilir enerji müşteri rinin geleneksel müşterilerden üç k lae t daha sadık olduklarını, kamu şir lerinin ise müşteriye hitap et k m et e yollarını değiştirmek zorunda oldu ğunu öne sürüyor. Yeşil pazar çok küçük değil ve kapsamlı bir p lama bütçesi de gerektirmiyo azar r. Rapor, şu anda %1'den azının yenilenebilir enerji kullanmasına rağmen, Avru pa 'daki potansiyel yeşil enerji p rının 35 milyon olduğunu ya da müşatzea ri tabanının %23'ünü oluşturduğunu ifade ediyor.