For us, better science is just second nature. More !han ever, today·s world demands clean, dependable energy. At GE energy, we provide a wıde range of products and services desıgned to help you delıver ımproved output and effıcıency wlııle nıeetıng ıncreasıngly strıct envıronmental requırements. Backed by more than a century of experıence and an ınstalled base of power geııeratıon equıpment ın more than 120 countrıes, we lıave the flexıbılıty to meet your nıost challengıng applıcatıons so you can breathe a lıttle easıer. Let us put the power of technology. experıence, and ınnovatıon to work for you. GE energy imagination at work • GR ea sp, a Si r t, ePaamr t, sH/y dP rl aon, ta On dp t Wi mi ni zda t Ti ounr bSi noef tsw/aTr eu rabnodc oSme rpvriecsesso /r sT/&GDe an en rda tSour sb s/t aNt ui ocnl eAa ru tEonme ar gt iyo n/ /D Aı s itrr iQb uutaeldi t yPSo ewrevri c/eCs o/n [t rnoel sr g/y PRaecnktaagt si n /g M/ ol nnsitt aolrl ıantgi o an ,n dM aDı ınatgennoasnt ci ces,