28 NEWS / HABERLER Central Projects Merkezi Projeler Yatırıma 'Will Use Two Thirds Of lnvestment Capital' Yönelik Sermayenin 2/3'ünü Kullanacaklar The world will need to invest US$1 6 trillion over the next three decades to maintain and expand energy supply if present trends continue, according to Claude Mandil, Executive Director of the Paris-based lnternational Energy Agency (IEA), launching a major new IEA study: the World Energy lnvestment Outlook (WEIO). Moreover, the bulk of that capital will be required for investment in central power generation, transmission and distribution projects. The study quantifies energy investment needs by fuel sector and by region in detail, and identifies the obstacles to mobilizing capital on the required scale. it concludes that power generation, transmission and distribution will absorb alması 60% of global energy investment, or alması $1 O trillion. This increases to more than 70% if investment in the fuel chain to meet power station fuel requirements is ırıcluded. in additi sion and distribution will accouı:ı n alfof global electricily sector investment. OECD countries will face challenges in financing electricity investments. This has not been a problem until now, but different fınancial risks have been introduced by the transition to competitive markets, says the IEA. While liberalization has resulted in many benefits, !here is some increased risk to investors in power generation, especially peaking capacity. There are alsa obstacles, such as public resistance to expansions in transmission networks, which lag behinct, itıestment in generation capacity in some OECD countries. Energy market reforms, more complex supply chains and the growing share 0f international irade in global supply are, in ma�y c �e(! increasing risks to investors in t�e natuaigas industry. They will require a commensu ıate increase in returns if a shortfall ih gas i 11vestment is to be averted, says the study� :---:--l However, fınancin _ g the required_ İnvest 1 en _s in_ developıng countrıes and transıt '.rn eeon 1mLes ıs the biggest and most pressing c1aııenge, says the IEA. Their fınancial needs are lar�er tharlthose of OECD countries, both in absolote terms- ar d relative to the size of the econom � . Russia,.'._s investment re q uiremen_t,, ill a ouı;ıt to 5%� f GDP and Africa's to 4%, compa(ed to only hal a percent in the OECD. e,nct1 ın @�ral, inve tment risks outside the OECD are higher, particularly for domestic electricity and downstream gas projects. The projected rate of investment will still leave 1.4 billion people without access to electricity in 2030. only 200 million fewer than now, adds the IEA. Dünya Enerji Yatırımına Bakış (WE/O) adlı yeni bir araştırma projesi başlatan Uluslararası Enerji Ajansı (IEA) Gen I Müdürü Claude Mandil'in belirttiğine göre bugün var o an trendler eğer varolmaya 'devam ederse, ö1ümüzdeki 30 yıl içinde dünya çapında enerji arzını _) / aynı düızey'de tutabilmek ve büyütmek için 16 trilyon US$ tutarında yatırım yapılması gerekecek. Dahası bu sermayenin çok büyük bir kısmını merkezi enerji üretim, iletim ve dağıtım projelerine yönelik yatırımlarda kullanmak gerekecek. Yakıt sektörüne ve bölgeye göre enerji yatırım ihtiyaçlarını sayısal olarak ayrıntılı bir şekilde belirleyen araştırma çalışması, istenilen ölçüde sermaye hareketliliği sağlanabilmesi için aşılması gereken engelleri de sıralıyor. Çalışmaya göre enerji üretim, iletim ve dağıtımına yönelik yatırımların tüm dünyada enerjiye yapılacak yatırımların yaklaşık %60'ını kapsaması ya da yaklaşık $10 trilyon olması bekleniyor. German Parliament Alman Parlamentosu Kojenerasyon lehine oy verdi votes in Favour of Cogeneration The German Parliament adopted today the country's new Law on Renewable Energies, which includes significant improvements for cogeneration installations. The Law will provide particular incentives for biomass-fuelled cogeneration plants, and it will give ali operators of cogeneration plants a more reliable basis to calculate the value of the electricity which their installations export to the electrical network. The new law establishes that installations, which bum biomass to produce electricity, will obtain an additional 2 Eurocents p er kWh electricity produced if they operate in cogeneration mode, i.e. if they use the heat generated togetherwith the electricity. in addition, certain technologies are elibigle for an additional remuneration of 2 Eurocents , ie. 4 €c altogether per kWh ENERJİ & KOJENERASYON DÜNYASI generated. The new Law alsa includes an amendment of Germany's Cogeneration Law from 2002. The amendment defınes the "usual price" for electricty, which electrical network operators have to pay to cogeneration planı operators ( in addition to an environmental supplement and the costs of avoided network use) for the electricity which they feed into the grid. in the pası, fixing the "usual price" was left to the discretion of the network operators, many of which have paid extremely low prices for cogenerated electricity. This legal loophole is now closed. When the law enters into force in June this year, the "usual price" will be the average base load electricity price at the Leipzig powerexchange EEX ofthe lası 3 months at the time. More information is provided, albeit in German only, in two press releases of the German Cogeneration Association B.KWK Alman Parlamentosu, kojenerasyon kurulumları için önemli düzenlemeleri de içeren Yenilenenilir Enerjiler konusunda yeni yasayı kabul etti. Yasa biomas-yakıtlı kojenerasyon tesisleri için belli teşvikler sağlayacak ve tüm kojenerasyon tesisi operatörlerine kendi kuru/um/arından yerel elektrik şebekesine ihraç ettikleri elektrik miktarını ve değerini hesaplamak için daha güvenilir bir zemin hazırlamış olacak. Yeni yasa, elektrik üretmek için biomas yakan tesislerin eğer kojenerasyon modunda üretim yapıyorlarsa, yani örneğin elektrikle birlikte ürettikleri ısıyı da kullanıyorlarsa, ürettikleri elektrik miktarına göre kWh başına 2 Euro cent daha fazla kazanmalarını öngörüyor.