investments in building efficiency, distribution, conversion and fuel choices, vastly different options will emerge. Most importantly, building efficiency and energy supply do not work as competing dynamics, but become alternative investment choices with differing returns. This is the area where the 'truth' !hat constructing super-efficient buildings costs more will be challenged. The shell of the building may cost more, but if the consequence is a vastly reduced investment in energy supply, !hen the overall investments in the projeci may well be less. Given the huge productivity gains possible with cogeneration and district energy approaches, they will frequently be the most viable economic, environmental and technical choices to supplying much of the electricity, heating and cooling. 100% of energy in supply 'new thinking' Service Buildings Distribution,.. JH:MH+- - Energy supply chain Figııre 2. Service - based vieıv of eneıgy. Beneflts: sysıeıııs bııild aroııııd cıııticipated service /eve/ - tai/ored ıo specijic projecıs and coııı11111ııiries - iııtegraıed energy solıııioııs coıııbining effıcienıs coııstrucıion, ıııanage111e111 and sııpply - low - cost approaclı with lıiglı reıurııs -constrnction. ıııa11aga111eııı and sııpply - /oııı - cogeneration approaches - encoıırages new utıılitily parınerslıips and oıvııerslıip boıındaires An integrated approach to building an energy supply chain to deliver a given service level will invariably end up with vastly less fuel demand, and lower total capital in the chain. in financial terms, the return on investment tor the energy supplier improves substantially, potentially challenging another truth about utility's hostility to innovative energy solutions. This challenges another truth that the current placement of the tariff meters is an immutable 'act of God' rather than an accident of history. With the right dialogue and regulatory structure, the tariff meters can conceptually be placed anywhere in the value chain, as indicated in Figure 2. On a number of residential and commercial projects being evaluated in the US by Garforth lnternational ile, the 'service to fuel' view of the world invariably leads to a general concept looking similar to that shown in Figure 3. Loca! cogeneration is almost invariably a feature, appropriately sized tor super efficient buildings or homes. The efficiency of the buildings comes from fundamental design maximizing natura! lighting and conditioning, combined with high levels of insulation, efficient windows and lighting systems, and innovative building management. in this integrated approach, non-traditional fuels, such as biomass, can frequently prove to be sound economic choices. Overall energy use of the development is usually reduced by at least halt, with greenhouse gas and other emissions cut by up to two thirds. lnterestingly, the property in these developments show greater commercial attractiveness, and can yield "Kojenerasyon: Yüksek Verim, Temiz Çevre, Enerjide Yeniden Yapılanma" ARTICLE / MAKALE substantial profil opportunities tor the developer. They also offer higher productivity and lower operating costs tor the building users or home owners. Probably most importantly, the potential returns tor the operators of the energy systems are significantly higher than current utility corporate averages, opening up a real service diversification opportunity tor the incumbent utilities and others. This improved return is, of course, largely the resul! of investing in generating assets that waste less primary fuel and are optimally sized. Ccntr,11 rnoling Community bui/dings Figııre 3. An energy - optiıııezed projeci ıısiııg cogeneration. Beııeflsı: ıııore productiviıy levers ıo pul/ - can opıimize sııpply and deıııanc/ invesmeııts - ıııulıiple clıoces for assets and revenııe owership - ar lası lıalf ıhe energy footpring - ar lası one ılıird CO, footprinı- preıııiııııı buildiııg witlı lıiglı resale aııd ren/al valııe NEW THINKING WORKS BEST ON LARGER PROJECTS in today's reality, preparing and implementing projects designed 'from the service to fuel' is likely to be most successful in largerscale projects. üne such projeci being evaluated by Garforth lnternational comprises a complete new 'village-scale' development of about 1500 homes together with a village centre and a school. The value of the energy productivity gains will probably translate into higher market prices tor the homes and will be substantial, in effect creating a bigger economic cake to share among the interested players. The environmental gains are comparably large, making a competitive, integrated approach particularly attractive to loca! authorities. A partial list of appropriate projects would probably include the explosive development of major commercial centres ali over Asia, explosive suburban development in Asia and Latin America, rehabilitation of the energy infrastructures of Central and Eastern Europe, major brownfield redevelopment in Europe and North America, and new residential communities in the US. This is by no means an exhaustive list, but these are great places to start changing the way we will provide energy services tor the next 1 00 years. On a global scale, we cannot afford to continue to waste 90% of the energy value of our fuels and hope to deliver environmentally and socially acceptable energy services tor billions of people. Communities, developers and utilities who recognize the potential value to be gained from reducing this waste are gaining substantial competitive advantages. ENERJi & KOJENERASYON OÜNYASI 1 49