Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 27. Sayı (Temmuz-Ağustos 2004) / Energy & Cogeneration World - Enerji & Kojenerasyon Dünyası

Wind Pawer Electranica Achieving Lower Cost, Higher Efficiency, and Superior Reliability Currently, there ((re V((St are(IS ofthe world witlı loıver ıviml speeds tlıan are econoınically viablefor electric power generation. Darren Hamınell, Princeton Power Systems, USA describes a new developınent in poıver electronicsfor sınall wind tıırbines tlıat could ııuıke generating wind poıver at tlıese sites a reality. ldeally, wind turbines operate at variable blade speeds, proportional to tchoemsppoeneedn tos f sttheea dwyi nadn. dT hpirse dmi catkaebsl e ,s tar en sds easl l oowns btlhaed ebsl aadneds ot ot h es pr e e d tuhpe at nu dr b ci naep tguer ne emr aot roer ei sn ce or gnyn ewcht ee dn dt hi ree cwt li yn dt og tuhset su. t ii lni t yr egarl i i dt y, , i th oc awne voenrl ,y i f ruusne aat poonwe esrp ceoendd, i tpi or onpeor r at i so naa l btuof ftehrebgert iwd 'esefnr et qh eu etnucr yb.i nTeh eg esnoel ruat itoonr ai sn tdo tahney udtei l ist yi r egdr i fdr.eTq hu ei snwc ya, yd, itchtea tteudr bbi yn et hgee nsep reaet do rocf at nh ep rwo idnudc ea npdo wb l ea rd ea ts , farnedqutehencpyobweefor rceoenxdpitoiortnetor twhiell uetnilsituyrgertidh.at it i s converted to the proper Figııre 1: T/ıe "pıılse ıra in" valıage ılıaı P W M devices aulpııı is afıen sııitab/e far drivirıg indıısıria/ ıııaıars (as laııg as ılıey are we/1 - insıal/ed in c/ase praxiıııiıy ta eaclı aı/ıeı), bııı is caıııpletely 1111accepıab/e far exparıing ıa ılıe ıııiliıy grid. Tv ahrei apbol ew- sepr eceodn vsemr taelrl swt hi nadt at ur er b ii nnec so r ap roeraat ecdr iitni ct oa l t ol i ndka yi 'ns tahdev asnycset edm . nHootwi ed ev ea rl , ftohret hpi so waep rp lei cl eact itor on n, i ac sn dd tehsei ginnse vui st aebdl et osdi daey eafrfee ci nt s mo fa nl oywc a s e s es mf f iacli el nwci yn,d pionodru sr et rlyi a. bRi l iet yd, u ac ni ndg ht ihgeh ccoosstt aonf dt h ei nscer euansiitnsg atrhee hruer tl iianbg i l itthye e t a u n n r e d b r in g e e f y f s ic a c i n e a d n n c s y h t i a m o v f u e l p a o s ti i w n g g e n r if m i e ca l a e r n c k t t e r e t o f gn fe r ic o c s w t s ft o h o r n i n v l a o t r h w i e a e b y rl i e e n ga s r p t s h e e te o d c c o s o s m m t a o el f . l w w i i n n d d "Kojenerasyon: Yüksek Verim, Temiz Çevre, Enerjide Yeniden Yapılanma"