Cogen from bagasse has significant potential, suggests assessment Cogeneration from bagasse could supply 25% of power in caneproducing countries, according to a report from the World Alliance tor Decentralized Energy. The overall potential share in the world's major developing country producers exceeds 7%, but no more than 15% of this potential has yet been realized, says the report, 'Bagasse Cogeneration - Global Review & Potential.' Bagasse cogeneration describes the use of fibrous sugarcane waste to cogenerate heat and electricity at high efficiency in sugar mills. "The critical condition for the full exploitation of this major opportunity is that mill owners should be able to secure competitive rates for the electricity they supply to the grid or to other power consumers," it explains. "Currently, these buyback rates only rarely reflect the fair value of the electricity to the system - disincentivising producers and preventing high efficiency cogeneration plants from being optimally sized to meet heat demand." There is "abundant opportunity" for wider use of bagasse-based cogeneration in the world's main caneproducing countries of Brazil, lndia, Thailand, Pakistan, Mexico, Cuba, Colombia and The Philippines. The world's major cane producers (excluding China) collectively produce 70% of global cane, and bagasse cogeneration could account for 25% of Cuba's demand, 12% in Brazil andan average of 7% of the eight countries. Total cane production in the group is 945 million tonnes a year, which provides the potential for 95,000 GWh of electricity generation. "The benefits arising from the fulfilment of this potential would be extensive," the report explains, including "near-zero fuel costs" paid in local currency, commercial use of a waste product and increased fuel efficiency leading to an increase in the economic viability of sugar milis. it would also increase the security, diversity, reliability and widespread supply of electricity for local consumers, and reduce transmission and distribution costs because the generation would be located near the load. There would be greater employment for local residents and lower emissions of CO2 than from conventional fossil fuel generation. "The economic development potential of bagasse cogeneration should not be underestimated," it cautions. "Most cane producing countries are poor or extremely poor, with high unemployment and low rates of access to electricity supplies" and many are heavy consumers of coal or oil to generate power, so the use of bagasse to generate electricity and heat can have a "significant impact" on emissions reduction. The output of electricity from bagasse cogeneration plants is "fundamentally dependent on the prevailing electricity market rules," and inadequate buyback prices paid to mili owners by the utility create a "substantial disincentive" to size cogeneration plants to meet heat demand. "Conversely, higher rates can incentivise owners to upgrade their energy facilities to enable maximum on-site efficiency," and the report says that is the key to enabling the potential for bagasse-based cogeneration to be achieved. HABERLER/ NEWS Değerlendirmeler küspeden elde edilen kojenerasyonun önemli bir potansiyele sahip olduğunu gösteriyor Dünya Dağıtılmış Enerji İttifakı tarafından hazırlanan bir rapora göre küspe kullanımıyla gerçekleştirilecek kojenerasyon ile, şeker kamışı üreten ülkelerde toplam üretilen enerjinin %25'i üretilebilir. "Küspe Kojenerasyonu - Global Değerlendirme ve Potansiyeli" adlı rapora göre dünyadaki belli başlı gelişmekte olan ülkelerdeki üreticilerin toplam potansiyelde %7 oranında bir payı bulunuyor, ancak bu potansiyelin %15'inden fazlası henüz işletilmiyor. Küspe kojenerasyonunda lifli şeker kamışı atıkları ile şeker fabrikalarında yüksek verimliliğe sahip ısı ve elektrik enerji üretilebiliyor. Brezilya, Hindistan, Tayland, Pakistan, Meksika, Küba, Kolombiya ve Filipinler gibi dünyanın önde gelen şeker kamışı üreten ülkelerinde küspe kullanılarak kojenerasyonlu enerji kullanımında "çok sayıda fırsat" olduğu belirtiliyor. Dünyanın başlıca şeker kamışı üreticileri (Çin hariç) toplamda dünyadaki şeker kamışının %70'ini üretiyor ve küspeli kojenerasyon ile Küba'daki elektrik ihtiyacının %25'i, Brezilya'nın %12'si ve diğer sekiz ülkede ortalama %7 elektrik ihtiyacı karşılanabiliyor. Bu gruptaki toplam şeker kamış üretimi yılda 945 milyon tona ulaşıyor ve böylece şeker kamışı küspesi elektrik üretimi için 95,000 GWh kapasiteli bir potansiyel ouşturuyor. The issue is being addressed in parts of lndia, where the introduction of biomass feed-in tariffs are ensuring that the external benefits of bagasse cogeneration are recognised by markets. The cost burden to lndia will be reduced by almost US$1 billion a year through a buyback rate of 7ıf,/kWh to maximize of cogeneration ♦ c.==== = = == = == ==--_'.E::'..'.N.E':.:R.J::'..'..l .:&_::KO:J:_~EN'.:'.ERA'.'.'..S:'..:Y::'.ON'..'.O~ÜN'.:Y'.'.'.:AS'.'....' r- "Kojenerasyon: Yüksek Verim, Temiz Çevre, Enerjide Yeniden Yapılanma" 23