ARTICLE / MAKALE resource pooling. This article explores a stili broader, more future-oriented view of the network that incorporates its capabilities and responsibilities in an environment characterized by a large number of renewable and conventionally fired distributed energy (DE) technologies. in such an environment, properly "informated" networks, appropriately organized and regulated, become a crucial market-facilitating element in any liberalization or restructuring policy. Walt Patterson, Associate Fellow of the Royal lnstitute of lnternational Affairs and author of several influential books on electricity. observes that today's synchronized AC network is effectively a huge machine spanning hundreds, if not thousands, of miles. While its reach may be its greatest attribute, it is also its greatest weakness, since failure of a single component can induce catastrophic system collapse. Decentralized networks, which rely on market mechanisms and reduce or eliminate traditional centralized dispatch and other automatic generation control (ACC) functions, exploit the attributes of todays grids, while potentially mitigating their weaknesses. DE technology, decarbonization and climate change objectives all create the need for revised network-operating protocols, as do energy diversity and security objectives that have acquired new prominence as a consequence of various geo-political concerns. The recent British Energy While Paper, for example, establishes the challenge to produce 20% of UK electricity with renewables by 2020. Similarly, the EU has set indicative renewables targets, and the US Congress has considered, though not acted on. its 10% renewable energy mandate. Electricity networks are essential in efficiently attaining these objectives. The liberalized systems that policymakers created, however, can only deliver commodity electrons that are centrally purchased - pool style - under complex bidding rules. They cannot deliver energy efficiency or energy diversity and security. Neither can they promote the efficient deployment of renewables and DE in general. Network operators have no role and worse, no incentives to induce generators to strategically locate new supply sources - and no incentives to ~ s "t:l "' o _, Time of day , Figııre 1. Meetiııg ılıe daily /oad profıle. Tlıe system dispatclıer focııses on a siııg/e objecıive - ıııeeting ılıe rising load cıırve. Tlıis represeıııs a ıııass producıioıı sıraıegy. Wheıı disaggregaıed, ılıe load curve consisıs of ııı illions of power ıraıısacıioııs ı/ıaı vaıy sigııifıcaıııly in ıype and va/ue. As opposed ıo beiııg a siııgle market, 'elecıricity ' al any ınoınenı is ııo doubı a comp/ex of dozens of producıs aııd per/ıaps markets. 56 1 ENERJi & KOJENERASYON OÜNYASI Mass customization: transaction-based networks Mass production versus mass customization O Henry Ford's Model T: 'Any colour as long as it's black' O Deli Computer and Burger King: 'Have it your way'. Mass customization: abandan simplistic aggregated load figure O masks underlying dynamics of millions of transactions O inhibits integration of intermittent resources O forces all resources to look like gas turbines. Decentralized decision-making: no central control O large information volumes and broad connectivity. How loads function in a decentralized system Loads contract for baseload, load-following and fringe load power, their own back-up and load power factor correction (reactive power), as proposed by Lester Fink. lf its supplier fails, the load's back-up supplier must immediately support that portion of a customer's load that the primary supplier served. The informated system will not allow a load to 'lean on the network'. in this environment, individual actions ofa load and its suppliers do not affect system balance to the extent it does in today's networks. promote efficient delivery and use of electricity. Attaining renewables targets in established electricity systems will require particular attention to the incentives and disincentives that network operators face in integrating these technologies. This article explores a set novel and somewhat radical ideas designed to enhance the efficient functioning of power grids in a liberalized environment. They incorporate mass customization concepts, as compared to the mass production paradigms that currently govern electricity production and distribution - see box top right. These strategies lor organizing, operating, regulating and pricing our power networks are designed to create market-driven incentives that will induce network operators and system participants to efficiently integrate DE into our networks, and to enhance the efficient functioning of more fully liberalized electricity markets. Decentralized network strategies rely on strict bilateral contracting for power and certain ancillary services. They largely eliminate AGC dispatch and other centrally provided functions. properly implemented, these strategies and protocols transform today's networks into an integral part of a re-conceptualized electricity production and delivery system designed for 21st-century efficiency, quality and decarbonization. With effective governance and regulation, and specifically formulated balanced incentive tariff structures, intelligent networks can accelerate DE deployment and can actively exploit intermittent renewables and enhance energy efficiency in ways that make today's demand-side management and efficiency efforts seem feeble. "Kojenerasyon: Yüksek Verim, Temiz Çevre, Enerjide Yeniden Yapılanma"