20 HABERLER/ NEWS Trigeneration Scheme Commissioned At UK Licensing Agency UK-based ENER-G has completed the installation and commissioning of a trigeneration packaged energy system tor the Driver Vehicle and Licensing Agency (DVLA) in Swansea, Wales. The new system has the capacity to reduce dramatically DVLA's energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions. The DriverVehicle and Licensing Agency in Swansea, UK - home to a customengineered trigeneration energy system Specified tollowing a competitive tender, ENERoG has provided a containerized trigen system, featuring a 1 MW CHP unit and a 700 kW absorption ehiller. These systems operate seven days a week, providing electricity, medium temperature hol water (MTHW) and chilled water (CHW) to the site. The ENER-G 1150 natural gas-fired CHP unit recovers heat from both the engine cooling circuit and from the exhaust gases, enabling it to provide 1400 kW of heat at full output. The unit also delivers 1 150 kW of electrical power at 100% output and is configured to match the electrical demand of the site, thereby preventing the export of excess power to the grid. The absorption ehiller is driven by hol water to complement the three existing 1 .2 MW electrical chillers. This enables high utilization of the CHP heat output during warm periods when !here is a small demand tor heating and hot water, but when cooling demand is high, fuel savings to DVLA is maximized. AII the main planı is located externally in a compact area previously used tor standby generators. The scheme is financed by ENER-G with investment recovered via the company's Discount Energy Purchase (DEP) scheme. The DEP scheme is based on a sliding, variable scale dependent upon the level of generation of the CHP unit - the more the unit is able to run at full output, the lower the DEP rate Fumes-To-Fuel Project Cuts Emissions, Produces Fuel The Ford Motor Company has received a Clean Air Excellence Award from the US Environmental Protection Agency tor its innovative 'fumes-to-fuel' process that turns paint fumes into hydrogen fuel to create electricity. Ford's process, installed at the Dearborn Truck Planı at the Ford Rouge Center, was selected in the EPA's Clean Air Technology category from among 120 applications and was cited tor its impact, innovation and replicability.lnstalled in the paint shop of the Dearborn Truck Plant at the Ford Rouge Center, the fumes-to-fuel pilot system was developed by Ford and Detroit Edison. The system captures the volatile organic compounds - or VOCs - found in paint fumes, and concentrates them into a rich mixture of hydrocarbons. The mixture is then fed into a reformer that turns it into a hydrogen-rich gas. From there, the gas is fed into a stack of solid oxide fuel cells, where a chemical reaction between hydrogen and oxygen creates electricity, water vapour and a trace amount of carbon dioxide.The Dearborn Truck Plant Paint Shop pilot generates about 5 kW of electricity - enough to power an average home. A larger system, to be.The fumes-to-fuel projeci is a sustainable business solution that improves the environment by substantially improving emissions. At the same time, it improves business by reducing fuel costs incurred by traditional incineration methods and actually generates usable energy from a waste product; said Tim O'Brien, Ford Vice President, Corporate Relations. 'When fully developed, this system has the potential to save Ford millions of dollars by reducing the cost of incinerating paint fumes in natural gas-fired furnaces, as we do now,' explained Mark Wherrett, fumesto-fuel projeci leader and Principal Environmental Engineer, Ford Environmental Quality Office. 'it also will cost much less to install and maintain, virtually eliminate carbon dioxide emissions and enable us to continue using solventbased paints which produce a better quality finish than powder- or water-based paints.' The projeci is the resul! of a collaborative effort between several entities, including Ford, Detroit Edison, Fuel Celi Technologies, Ltd, Climate Technologies, and the State of Michigan (Public Service Commission). İngiliz Lisanslama Ajansı'nda Trijenerasyon Planı İçin Görevlendirme Yapıldı İngiliz şirket ENER?G, Galler'in Swansea kentindeki Sürücü Araç ve Lisanslama Ajansı (DVLA) için geliştirilen trijenerasyon paketli enerji sisteminin kurulumunu ve işletmesini devralacak kurumun görevlendirilmesini tamamladı. Yeni sistemle DVLA 'nın enerji tüketimi ve karbondiyoksit emisyonları önemli ölçüde azaltılmış olacak. Rekabetçi bir ihaleden sonra ENER?G 1 MW kapasiteli CHP birimi ile 700 kW kapasiteli soğurma çillerinden oluşan konteynerleştirilmiş trijenerasyon sistemi kurmuş oldu. Bu sistemler haftanın yedi günü çalışarak elektrik, ılık denecek sıcaklıkta su ve soğutulmuş su üreterek tesise iletecek. Dumandan-Yakıta Projesi Emisyonları Azaltıyor, Yakıt Üretiyor Elektrik üretmek için boya dumanı ve tozlarını hidrojen yakıtına dönüştüren yaratıcı ve yenilikçi "dumandan yakıta" işlem süreciyle Ford, ABD Çevre Koruma Ajansı'nın Excellence (Fazilet) Ödülü'nü aldı. Ford'un Rouge Center'da bulunan Dearborn Kamyon Üretim Tesisi'nde uygulamaya koyduğu işlem süreci EPA 'nın Temiz Hava Teknoloji/eri kategorisinde 120 aday arasından seçilerek etkisi, yaratıcılığı ve başkaları tarafından yinelenebilirliği sayesinde ödüle layık görüldü. Ford ve Detroit Edison tarafından geliştirilen proje sayesinde Dearborn Kamyon Üretim Tesisi yaklaşık 5 kW yani bir evi aydınlatmaya yetecek kadar elektrik üretebiliyor. Dumandan-yakıta projesi emisyonları azaltarak çevreyi geliştiren ve sürdürülebilir bir ticari çözüm. Aynı zamanda alışılagelen atık yakma yöntemleriyle oluşan yakıt maliyetini azaltarak ticareti geliştirmiş oluyor ve atık maddelerden kullanılabilir enerji üretebiliyor. IENERJİ & KOJENERASYON DÜNYASI ♦ "Kojenerasyon: Yüksek Verim, Temiz Çevre, Enerjide Yeniden Yapılanma"