Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 29. Sayı (Ekim 2004) / Energy & Cogeneration World - Enerji & Kojenerasyon Dünyası

□□ OlnzteornneatOioenpalel Wtioante(orsnly countries in transition) □ □ LPaenrsdisOteengtraOdragtaionnic Pollutants - POPs History of the GEF - A Tiıneline • GEF Pilot Phase 1991-199-l-- $1 Billioıı liS Dollars • Replenishment: 2 1 19 9 0 9 9 0 9 5 2 - - - 2 2 1 0 9 0 9 0 0 8 1 5 - -- - - - S $ $ 2 2 2 . . . 2 8 9 5 B B B i il l l l i i l i o l o i ı ı o ı ı n l l ı i l s S1 S D D D o o l l o l l a a ll r r a s s r s World Bank is thc Tnıstcc ofthc GEF Tnıst Fuııd World Bank is the Trustee ot the GEF Trust Fund CONVENTIONS Provides Guidance on Policy & Programme Issues □ C yEcxl ee cMuat innag gAe gmeenncti easr e" wFi At hOs, hUaNr eI dO Or e, sI pF oAnOs,i bAi l iftryi c taonr G E F P r o j e c t tOoer vReel ocpomn setnr ut cBt ai onnka, An ds iOa ne vOeel ovpeml oep nmt e, lnntt eBra- An km, eErui craonp e a n B a n k Oevelopment Bank. T" nheewGaEn Fd ai sdndoi tti oan parl "ofj eu cntdfsi ntao nacdi edrr ,ebs us tgal opbraolj eecntvCi r oon- fmi neanntcai lei rs sp r o v i d i n g ues. This faugnrdeiendg gislotboaml eenevt itrhoenmagerneteadl binecnreefmitse.ntal costs of measures to achieve GEF Operational Programmes in Climate Change includes removal of baad rorpi et ri osnt oo ferneenregwy aebf fl ei c ieenn ec rygaynbdy erneemr goyv i cn og nbsaerrrvi eartsi oann; dp rroemd uoct i inngg t h e implementation costs; reducing the long-term costs ot low-greenhouse Sgauss-teaminiattbinlegTErnaenrsgpyoTrt.echnologies and promoting Environmentally Ts uhset aGi nEaFb ai l i nt yd i int st hsetraf ti eelgdi ;ct po riidoer i nt i tei tsy awr ee l l t-od emf ianxeidmpi zeer fporromj eacntci me pt aarcgtest a n d indicators; to consider developing a programmatic approach and preparing MAKALE / ARTICLE budget tor each area of operation. ainsa: ddition this, prioritiesfrom international Conventions can be summarized pldlaenntsif,ynantaiotionnaal dl iparlioogriutieescothnrsough reports, strategies, action ultations, ete. - al dpepnrtoi faycghaepss( iinncpl ur od ji ne cgi mp oorntiftoolri oi n ga nadnpdr oejveacltusawt i oi tnh i n n o v a t i v e ) GUpEdFaStetrian fteogr micaPt iroi onr irtei egsutl aorrl yCal i mn da treefCochuasn gper i oarri tei e: s as necessary Sonhifmt afrrokmettmecehcnhoalnoigsymdsemonstration to barrier removal, emphasis Transformation of markets tor energy-efficient high volume products and processes elnncerregayseadndacecneesrgsytoefloficcaielnscoyurces of financing tor renewable aPnodweernesergcytoerffpicoileicnycyfra(gmoevweornraksncseu)pportive of renewable energy Productive uses of renewable energy Global market aggregation and national innovation ot emerging tMeoc dh an ol sl ohgi fi tess i n urban transport and clean vehicle/fuel - tSehcohno rt - Adapttaelt o r io g m n iems easures GA gEeFn cP ireosj e, cNt so nc-aGn obvee er nx me ceuntteadl Ob yr gGaonvi zear nt i mo nesn, t BAi lgaet en rcai el sO, eUvNe l oS pp me cei an lti z e d Cooperation Agencies and Others from the private sector/institutes. GEF Funding Categories are classified as given below: □ Full-size projects ($1 million and up) □ M :lium-sized projects (up to $1 million) □ Fi ıcing can be available tor preparing projects - Projeci Oevelopment Fu ; (POF) POı A up to $25,000 POF-B up to 350,000 POF-Cup to $1 million □ D ESnmaabl l · nGgr aanct tsi vPi t ireosg r a m m e (up to $50,000) GEF Small Grants Program (SGP), provides direct funding to NGOs and CBOs for up to a maximum of US $50,000/project. c iis t o o r u e p n s e t p r r a y o t n p e s r s i o b g il n e r a t a o m r d . de P e c s r e o i n g g t n r r a a in m l g iz n e is a d t li e a o d n n d a b l y f S le a G x i P N bl ae s t t ir o m a n t a e a n g l n y S e a t r e n b e d y r a i n e p g s p t r C a o o b v m l i i n s m g h i i i n n tt g d e i e v ai d that ual grants; majority of members trom civil society. Other Project Eligibility Requirements are: □ Country-driven and endorsed by host Government □ D PPraodrticuicpeatiidoennotiffiaalbl laeffgeloctbeadl bgeronuepfistsand transparency □ Consistency with the Conventions □ D PF ionsasnecsi as l lsyt rsounsgt asi cn iaebnl tei f iac nadn cdotset c- ehfnf ei ccat li vme e r i t □ lnclude processes tor monitoring, evaluation, and incorporation D oPflaleyscsaotnaslylteicarrnoeledthat leverages other financing UNOP/GEF CC Portfolio: August 2004 □ 192 projects approved(full projects, mediun-size projects, POF, enabling activities, and short-term response measures) □ > $ 413 M funding approved □ 1st in number of projects, 2nd in tunding D Larger share of RE projects UNOP-GEF'S Mandate The United Nations Oevelopment Programme (UNOP), the development aFramciloityf t(hGeEUFnited Nations, was designated by the Global Environment ) as one of its three lmplementing Agencies. With its special cmoannvdeanttei otnr os m, UtNh eO PU nwi toerdk sNtaot iaodn vs aGn ec en et rhael UA Ns sae gmebnl yd aa nodn gdleovbeallo p m e n t . "Kojenerasyon: Yüksek Verim, Temiz Çevre, Enerjide Yeniden Yapılanma" ♦ ENERJi & KOJENEAASYON OÜNYASI I 37