Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 29. Sayı (Ekim 2004) / Energy & Cogeneration World - Enerji & Kojenerasyon Dünyası

40 MAKALE/ ARTICLE Cavid Antonioli EMcaonSaegceur roitfi eAsdvisory Services İklim değişikliği sürecinde iş dünyası için yeni açılımlar Bs auğçl aadl ı şı ğmı at i cdaar, i Koyl aont oa kml aerk ai nnci zeml e an ml a ri şı nt iı rn. ÇB ei r rl eçşemv ei ş SMöizl l leetşl emr eİ ks li i m( İ DDÇeSğ)i şKi kyl oi ğtio sPırnoı trol aknodl üı r m( KaPv) ,esaezr aa l tgmaaz ı s a l ı m l a r ı n ı yp aü zk aü rmdl üüzl üeknl ee rği innii k- Oa rr şt aı l ak mY üarkü tümz ee r(eJ,oüi nçt Dl müpzleenmeeğni t{aCt il oe na n- JDI e) ,vTeel omp imz eKnat l k ı n m a M(EemcihsaynoinsmTr-aCdiDngM)-) kvuellSanamlıma Tizincai reti vs ee rr am eg katzeı dsi ra. l Jı nI ,ı mE lka Ir ıTnaı rbaef ll ai r rl i ı bairrapsrı on jdea p kB r a i o r p j p es r y a o e m je d ı d n a e d y n a a s i l a n ı d ğ bi l i r a r m n K a e y y n o i t E o o m l d ai ü s n z y a e o k n n lı e k İn ğ ı d l i a d ir n ir im . BE iRr i Um)l e, rpi r (oEj emni i sn sgi oenr çReek dl euşct itri oi l dn i ğUi nTi tasr a- f üs el kremnai ny es ay laı mt ı r iı zmnı i yaazpaal ınr kTeanr, aof ı np r o j e y e ek uml liasynoı l an bi zi l inr .i nCi DarMtt,ırsmaaykı siaç li n yy oü kl uünmd al ükl üi k( El ekr i I bduı şl uı )n Tmaaryaaf lna rgi el el i şEmk e1 Td aayr aafllıabr ıaaşkr aasbı ni rddaüuzyegnuel ak tni ra. nBpurojeye ds aü zğel anneakn, EOknI adyı şl aı nTma rı aş f lEa mr ai,spyroonje l e r d e n iİznndii rvi me rl ei r ;r iEn ikEI kTIaTr aafrl aarfıl an ar ı ni saea, k2t0a0r m0 a yb aı l ışnldaamna isl kı nyaükkaüdmal ür lgüekr çdeöknl eeşmei nn i np r o j e eo tnkai nylliak lnemr i ınşdeemn i ks ay yonn ai nk ldainr iamnl e r i n i , yh eü sk aü bmal ükl üakt md aö noel amn ian ğd ıeskai ğbl aa şr .aEr ıml a irsı yi çoi nn Ti çiicnabr ee tl iir, l es en er an gt uatzaı rsl aar dl ı naınmdl aarhı ak eazn doi ll ea rni Eb ök l üI mT aürnaüf l aört ıenkai , EekmI i sTyaor anf il zairnı nl ear isnai nt mbai r olanağı vermektedir. Ecosecurities Danışma Serv David ANTONIOLI, İklim DeisğiişMikülidğüi rü PCoDl Mi t i kParl oajreı nl ear ii nl i şi nk Hi n aozl aı r lraankmpao tvaen sOi ynealy Aşamaları hakkında bilgi vermektedir. 1ENERJj & KOJENERASYON DÜNYASI New Perspectives for Business Opportunities in Climate Change EoncogSreeecnuhriotieusseLgtda. spmroivt iigdaetsi olne,asduinsgtaeindagbeleexfopreerstitsrye, irneenmeweargbinlegeennevrgiroy namnednftinaal mncaer.kets, focusing wi t iitnhcoi nrtpeor nraattei osnsacl iceonvt ief irca, gpeo liinc yt h, ef i nAamn ceirai cl aasn,dEeunrvoipr oen, mA seinat aalnkdnAo wu sl et rdagl iea .i n a s i n g l e o r g a n i s a t i o n Ta nhde mc oamj opr acnoyr phoarsa tai odnvsi s oe nd sUcni ei t ne tdi f i Nc ,apt i oo lni csy Aagnedncc oi ems ,mNear ct i ioanl ai sl sGu oe vs errenl amt ee nd t tso, pCr ol i mj eactiedCe vheal no gp ee ,r s including the development of potential CDM projects. eEnceorSgeycaunridtiessusotfafeinrsabulneiqfoureesetxryp.ertise in the emerging market of greenhouse gases, renewable lindceonrtpifyorfaintianngcpiaollicoyp,psocriteunnciteie, asnadnfdinainnvceestimn aenstisngle organisation, EcoSecurities is able to accurately tor the clients we serve, both at the domestic as awcetlil oanss iinnt et hr en aat ri oenaaol fl egvreele. nUhl toi mu saet egl ya,si tesmeirsvsei os nasr eag ublrai dt igoen sb. ei tt waedevni s ep su bcl liice nptosl i co yn aa nl l da sbpuesci nt se sosf greenhouse gas mitigation in the forestry, energy, corporate and policy-making sectors. Tr ehseu sl t ei nrgv i fcreosm pcr ou rvried netd ebnyv iEr ocnomS ee cn tuar ilt ipeosl i ci nyc sl uhdi fet si di ne ni nt i df i cu sattri oi anl ao nf ds t reamt eegrigci nbgu sci on uenstsr i eo sp ,p coar trubnoi tni e s c i s n o e te m q g u m e ra s o t t d e ra i d ti t e p io s r n o . j qeucat nstt irfui ccat ut iroens, , ei nmvies ss ti omnesn tt reavdai nl gu apt iool ni c ya nadn af i lnyasni sc ai anl ds tpr ur ocjteucr ii ndgeuvseilnogp me nevnitr osnemr vei cnet as ,l EcoSecurities offers clients an inclusive perspective on the negotiations and decision-making -s-ui rnrfoour nmdai nt igo nt ht eh ai mt i ps l ec mr i t ei cnat lattoi or ns tor fact el i mg i ca tpel acnhnai nn gg ea pn od l iac si esse at tmbaont ah gi netme rennat t ii on nt ah el apnrdi v na at et i oannad l pl euvbel il cs sector. tOh eu r di ni ssci gu hs tssi oi nn s! ht hi sa tf i ei nl fdl uaernecbeaps oe ldi c oy nd et hcei swi oonrsk; ocfoov ue rr i ni ngt esrunbaj tei oc nt sa lasst adfi vf et hr as te haass mc eo tnht or i bd uotl oe gd i et os tpor or ct oacl co ul sl a, tei nv ga l ueamt ii sn sg i ot hnebma seer i lti sn eosf , dai fcf ec roeunntt icnagr bt oornf of i nr easnt cr yi nsge mq ueecsht ar ant ii somn ,sm, aonndi t onrei nggo tai antdi n gv epr iof isciat i toi on ns oAfsvpaarriotiucsippaanrttsieins,tbhleosces kaenyd dsistackueshsoioldnesr, sw. e put this insight and knowledge to work tor clients i(nAcul su tdrianlgi a i, nUt eKr ,n aNtei ot hn ea rl l ai nnsdt ist u, tDi oennsm( Wa r ok ,r lCd oBsat an kR, i Fc aA,Oa, nUd NBDr aPz, i lU) , NNCGTOAsD (, FUoSr eAsItDT) ,r eg nodvse, r Wn moer nl dt s W se i c ld to lif r e . Fund, Pro-Natura, Conservation lnternational, The Nature Conservancy) and !he private D cE a c L r o b e s o a e n d c i mu n r g a it i r c e k o s e m : t pany specialized in !he -( p rAodj evci si oer vs /acl uoa- pt iroonj e, cbta sdeelvi neel o, p e r s vamlidoantiitoonr)ing plans, assistance with oo wa lol treldcwhindoelogies D- ePnr oejregcyi /di nedvuesl ot pr ye rasn(dE cLoUMLeUt hCaFn e , j o i n t v - e F nt a u c r i e lit s y ) managers (ESSB Carbon Facility) ' Y. Tlıe Greerıhouse Effect -, lk.ırnıno ,�•" fo•ho •�• c.eu•� • m..ı•ı. ı ve ıncre,a, o( or e,enhinouu,o. gonl"Qulll oe ,. ıı,ı ın tM eın-,oı.phe,• Heıu lrOOl lhe su ıhe ertt,·• su,t ne.wn,n\ı ın,,a.ıı_l Q•O•nhou'"" t. M: o•- cauM rrıore of u,., At.ıovı /O'M, or thl• ııeıu •• ı,eat to be rcıu, ıneıa ıetı.cı•d b ın ıKk ınto •l),IK• ıtıe oımo11pN,. ond moıe hoet to bo roO.Ctod l)aCk 10 lho larth o o- A Sln t d t r e v a r i t s n e o a g r t i s c io o a n n a lli l a : p n oo c f li f c e ic y e w , s c it ha in p S a U t c a K it n , y d N a b e r u t d i h l d e B i r n a la g n n k ad L n s d a , n U E d S U o, n E B ( T r f a i S n z ailncing projects) ♦ "Kojenerasyon: Yüksek Verim, Temiz Çevre, Enerjide Yeniden Yapılanma"