Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 29. Sayı (Ekim 2004) / Energy & Cogeneration World - Enerji & Kojenerasyon Dünyası

CDM and JI Objectives oo "AFsl es ixsitb Ai l i tnyn eMxe Ic ch ao un ni stmr i ess" o( 3f 9t hdee vKeylootpoePd r oc tooucnot rl i e s ) a n d t h e i r ainnddusretrdieusctaiocnhiceovme mcoitmmpelniatnsce with their quantified limitation o Assist Parties not included in Annex I in achieving sustainable development CDM and JI Objectives Tkehye r Ko lyeoat os i nPsr ot rtuomc eo nl ' st spi rnopj er ocvi i dmi negc haabnui ss imn ess, sCcDaMs e al onrdf iJn Ia, nschi nogu lsdu sh taavi neaab l e development. They can play an important role in the area of technology tarnadn spf er or , vhi deel p i en cnegnatgi veensofno Ar tnhnee fxu 1r t ch oe ur nrtar ti ei f si c ai nt itohne ac nl i md aetnet cr yh ai nnt og ef oprrcoec eosf s , the Protocol itself. SB ianncke htah se beeset anbal icsthi vme ei nn tp or of mt hoet iPn gr otthoet yupsee Co fatrhbeo np r oF juencdi bi na s1e9s9 m9 , etchheaWn i somr l ds a ci ( "sC dDeMf i "n)ea n du nJdoei nr tt hl me pKl eymo teon tPartoi ot on c(o" Jl , I "t h) . ePCr ol ej eacnt sDuenvdeel rotphme se en tmMeecchhaan ni si smms hi netl hp ei ngtl oh be asl acml i me at itme ea nr ed dluecvien gr a tghi neg cfoi nnacnecni tar lart ei osno ou fr cgerse ef onrh poruosj ee cgt sa si ne s developing countries and EITs (economies in transition ). Be ceoc naou ms ei et sh ea nedffef cu trst hoefr ad icshaadnvgai nntgacglei mtah et e paoroer el i kset l py et oo pdl ies,r u! hpet tWh eo rwl de aBkaenskt sPer oejse ci ttss rtoal keei na dh veal pni tnaggceooufn!thr ii se si mt hpaot aar net pooptpeonrt ti au nl hi toystthsr oo uf gChDcMa paancdi t yJ I rt building and in catalyzing the global carbon market. wCpr o D o r j M e ld c , pt s a r o n a j d r e e c e t b a s y r r n d e e c d f r u i e n c d i e t i i t o s en m c lo a is c ll s e a i d t o e n C d s e i n i r n t i i n f e i d e li u g d s i b t E r l m e ia l i c i s z o s e u i d o n nt c r o R ie u e s n d t in u rie c ts t h i e o a nn d s d e ( v e C e c E l o o R n p o s in m ) g . i J e Is iEnmtriasnssioitnioRn ethdautcatiroenpUarntiytsto(EthReUKsy)o. to Protocol, and resul! in credits called Ta chceer es satroe l soewv-ecroasl tbGe Hn eGf i tes mf oi sr sci oo nmsp raendi eu sc tui osni nogptphoer tCu nDi tMi e. si tbperfoovr ei d et hse dofeam amnodrefosruCstEaRinsaibnlcereloaws-ecsa;rabonnopepcoorntoumnityy to adjust to the new reality amhaer ak ed tosf at hned ct oe mc hpneot il toi og ni e; sa na nadl s ao sospopcoi ar tt uensi tti eh es tcooi mn vpeasnt yi nwni et hws, uesxtpaai nnad bi nl eg dceovmemloupnmiteienst,aarondunednv!hireonwmoerlndt.al and social improvements in developing _ i· How Do the CDM/JI Achıeve Aıms? '"'\ A transfer of finances to Host Nation project Flow of Finances lnvestor Nation Host Nation F/ow of Credits A transfer of Efui to Investor Nation Offlc:fflıOdııd,.HrırYcnt.LMA-c:•ı..,bı4'J..,iıo,'nıHııpılnV9S Or oBeRneedfiutsceofGCHDGM/eJmI cisasniobnes explained briefly as below: oo TTrraannssffeerr csuktiltlsinganeddgkenotweclehdngoelogy to Host Nation o lncrease use of renewable or sustainable energy and forestry - MAKALE / ARTICLE ooac A L ti o s v w s it i i s e e t s r wc oitmh pml iiatingcaetiocnossttsrai tneAg inense x 1 countries 1' lmpact of ERs on Project IRRs '"'.,..\ - Counlry Projeci Type % 1RR % 1RR IRR lncrease % 1RR wlo w/cer's [% eoinlsJ lncrease Romania Dislricl healing 10.5 11 .4 0.9 9 Cosla Rica Wınd 9.7 10.6 0.9 9 Jamaica Wind 17.0 18.0 1 .0 6 Morocco Wınd 12.7 14.0 1 .3 10 Chile Hydro 9.2 10.4 1 .2 13 Cosla Rica Hydro 7.1 9.7 2.6 37 Gııyana Bagasse 7.2 7.7 0.5 7 Nicaragua Bagasse 14.6 18.2 3.6 25 Brazil Biomass 8.3 13.5 5.2 63 Lalvia Melhane 11 .4 18.8 7.4 65 ndia Melhane 13.8 18.7 4.9 36 Souır:e: World Bank. July 2001 �tnôıfo,d, t-ltır Ycık, t.o.Aııctlu, Riı::ıdtJueiıo, Tlıt H -c,ıı �ıreMll&iiiN . i ' Carbon Market Volumes -:c-Y\ ' (Source Poınt C;ırboıı Glob,ıl r,ı;ırket Outlooh. _O'O:ıı _. 180.000,000 1&0.000,000 140,000,000 120,000,000 100,000,000 ao.000.000 80,000,000 40000,000 20000.000 190IS lffl iM iM 20CX> 2001 2002 2003 Offbt iıı Odoıd,. Ntw Yort, Lot A�tltt, Rlo d, MW, Tiı. Hıııu ■Olhef JI []Cetı,pt ClMUs aeu ETS ■NcwSOUlhw. DUK ,es Marl<et ■UKAucııon ■ l'CF ■Olhef■ COM Olhef Cl Noıth Amencı ClENpt ■ Denmar1t Emission Trading is a flexible mechanism that allows lor transfer of assigned Unit Amounts among industrialised countries. A member's ai t ss sei mg ni sesdi oanmroeudnutcitsi oi nt scnoemt mg riet me nehnot uusned egratsh ee mKiysosti oo nPbr outdogceotl . b a s e d o n Tgeyoptehseormf aprojects supported by CDM are Renewable Energy (wind, l, low head hydropower, biomass, cogeneration, other), Fugitive mMeetthhaannee,(plaipnedlfiinlles, leaanakaergoebsic), dFiugeelsStiwon of agricultural wastes, coalmine itching (coal to gas, fossil fuel to bu ipogmr aadsess, ,eet hnad n- uosl , ebr i oe df fi iecsi eenl c) , yEunpegr gr ayd Ee sf f)i cai enndc Ly a( gn de nUesr ae t ai onnd eFf foi cr ei esnt cr yy (Rauffleorselsotar tpioan, reforestation). rticipation of projects can be listed as: O Additionality -- WH oi lwl t hwei l lpCr oDj eMc ihper lopcteheedpwr oi tj eh coiu ta Cd vDaMn c?e ? oo HSuossttacinoaubntlerydaepvperloovpamlent benefits: environmental, social, oO A eA c p p o p p n r ro o o v v m a a i l c l o b, y f t e m Cc e h D t n M h o o lo E d g o xi e l c o c a g u l i e tisve Board o Cre D d P M u ro c jt P e io r c o n i j s e D c a e i c s C c ig o y n r c d l D e in og in c t c u o l m u a d e n e n s t a - p 8 q p u sr a o ta v n g e ti e d fi s c m. a T t e i h o t e h n s o o e d f o a b lo r a e g s : y e,limneonand projected itoring plan, stakeholder consultation oo HV oa sl i dt antai ot ino n- bAyp par oDveasl i g- nbayt eDde Os i gpnear at et ido nNaal tEi onnt iat yl A( Du tOh oEr)i t y ( D N A ) o Registration - with the CDM Executive Board "Kojenerasyon: Yüksek Verim, Temiz Çevre, Enerjide Yeniden Yapılanma" ♦ ENERJi & KOJENERASYON OÜNYASI I 41