Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 29. Sayı (Ekim 2004) / Energy & Cogeneration World - Enerji & Kojenerasyon Dünyası

42 MAKALE / ARTICLE oO PVreorjifeiccat timionpleamndenctearttiioficnaatinodn m- BoynitDoOrinEg of carbon benefits. o lssuance of Emission Reduction Units (ERUs) or Certified Emission !. '. Expected Growth of Emissions Trading Market /�' - 25.000 � 20,000 f 15,000 ·e Estlmated size ofthe market for GHG emlsslons tradlng � 10,000 5,000 +-------=-- O .ı--=;::::��-��-��-�-1 �"' '\, i"' �c:J'- �c::,"> i"' �,s, �"'"' �"'Qı �""' � ........ �....'\, Sourctt: EcoSıcuıffiıt, !PCC f UNFCCC, Porıt Cırtıorı, JotıfJınuırı oR eAdcuccot ui onnt sT(rCa nEsRf es )r -b yT ot hpe uEr cxheacsuet irvse B o a r d WAnhnoexArIeCtohuenPtrliaeyse: r3s9?developed countries -- can and will increase in the fcuotuunr et r i Ne so nC- DA Mn n Ee xx eI cCu toi vuen tBr ioeas r: da: l l soutpheerrvci soeusntthr iee sC, DmMo, sut lnyddeer vt heel oapui nt hg o r i t y and guidance of the COP/MOP, and is fully accountable to the COP/MOP '' :x . '· Sharc of Rcncwablcs ın Currcnt CDM and JI ProJccts . \ Share ofrenewable energy projects in JI and CDM "� 5% 17% 2% Ol'Yk.,■Oıd'oıd. HnrYcık. t.o.Aırıtltt, kkıılı l•W, Tht Htpt c ga ■BBiıoomesss o Geotlıenn el oHy ■Wlcndto cL,n:ınıı gas r::ı Otlıer ı::.-cjecı types - tCo Dt hMe MB oe at hr do doonl ogguyi dPe al i nneesl : troersmp oe nt hsoi bdl eo l ot ogri edsetvoer l ob ap isnegl i nr ee sc oamn dm me nodnai ttoi or innsg pCl aDnMs A- cecvrael ud ai t at et i,ognr aPdaen ea ln: dr easpppor nosvi eb l es utbomr ei tst et adbml i sehtihnogdgoul oi dgei el isn e s a n d caecrctri feydei tmi n gi sDs ieosni grneadtuecdt i oOnpseDr aetsi oi gn naal Et endt i tNi east iwo nhaol wAiul l tvhaolri di tayt: eDpNr oAj'escmt suasnt d asupsptraoivneabelaecdhelvoeclao!pCmDeMnt/JcIripterorijae)c. t (and ensure that it conforms to their DE xe es ci gunt ai vtee dB oOapred r taot i vo an lai dl aEtnet ipt ireosj e: cDt sOaEnsd acreer tai fcyc er emdi ist es di o nb yr et hdeu cCt iDo Mn s . NidGenOtisfi:cWatioornk/tdoeevnesloupremreunlet.s are followed; sometimes are active in projeci p cP r r r o e iv j d e a it t c s e t . d Seevcet ol orp: Ae rcst, i vceo ni ns ut hl tea nmt sa rt koept r ion j ev cair idoeuvsewl oapyesr ,st, haonudg hb r mo koesrtsl y oaf s ER Purchasers: Multilateral organisations (WB Prototype Carbon Fund), pDreivnamteasrekc, tFoirnfliarmnsd)in. Annex I countries, Annex I governments (Netherl ands, TChoenfTusuiroknishreCgaornduinngdrTuumrkey's status regarding the UNFCCC and the KP Will Turkey ratify the KP? (lf so, when? CDM vs. JI?) tWorhaapt phraosvtinhge pgroovjeecrntsm?ent done to establish guidelines and procedures t dF h e o e v r c e n a l e o p w p a m c b ie t u y n s t b i n o u e f il s d p s i r n o g oje p a c p t i o t o h rt p e u p l n o o i c t rt i a e u ! s n le it in v ie e Ts l , u a id r n k e d e n y e ti , f s ic it t a a ib s ti l oi n s n e h o c m f e e p s n r s o t a j o ery f c T i t o o u pr d k p e is o t h r e t ur D m n O it in i E e e s s . , 1) Capacity Building at the Local Level O - eff WNec e it t e h iv d in e c t g a h u p e i a d g c e o it li y v n ee a r s t n s m to e e r v n pe t r r , o a t j l o e l e c b v i e a e a p ls p b r l e o v to a l e s t a b l i s h p r o p e r a n d o o c p r r i o te c r e ia ss o- cWointhsiunlttahnetsprivate sector, to be able to identify good projects oo pbraonjkesci developers o Resources: WB, UNEP/UNDP, Government, aid agencies i' 3) Dcvclopmcnt of ProJcct Opportunıtıcs __)\ • 4) Establ ishmcnt of Local DOEs _ Projectıı>oı�oio Evaluetlon Appıovel & Reglsıtetlon lnltlıl Pr C o noc) ııcptt Pro)tct 1-;�-----.....�,-ı� lmplımıntıtlon Pro)ect Preparetıon Coınmercıaı;,ecıon ol cıırbon crodlts Otnı:..: ı. Oıdıııd.tit• Yoık, Lo,Aırı•IH. P.ıod. Jwııo,Tlıt Hıpt 2)Identification of Projeci Opportunities MonCO<lng & Veriflcellon Pl')ffltrllor ernııııon Rectuc11onı os t uNdei eesd tao bcroi dn gc ree tbeetpwr oejeenc iGoHp pGo irnt uv neint iteosr i e s and other b r o a d -- AGroeotdh eprreo j ek ec yi ospepcot or tr us ni ni t i eTsu rakreeyotfht ea nt phri od vd iedne ignoloadr gper or ej epcoir t s o op O ip d o v er e n t t r u i v f n y ie it g w ie o s s o ? t d u doipepsobrrtuidngitiniegsthe gap can raise awareness and oasRsoecsioautirocness: WB, UN, REEEP, aid agencies, industry o Are s t M u c a r o n r n k s c e ol t u n a s b pio le ro n G j : e HctGs qeumailsi fsyiionng rteodr uCcDt iMo n/sJ Icsatnatsuisgnificantly e n h a n c e oo Ti nhoe r dcaerrbtoonr Tmuar krkeeyt tios ldaekveeal odpvi an ngt ar agpei dol yf C D M / J I o p p o r t u n i t i e s , o ii t n n T T e h u e e r d k r s e e y t c o , o r c u a l l a d n r g b if in y e g i m t f r r a o o n l m e y / c p o o o p n s p s i o ti u o rt lt n u a nni tci ey satsosri gnnemwebnut ss i nt oe spsr ovj eecnit u r e s development 1ENERJj & KOJENERASYON DÜNYASI ♦ "Kojenerasyon: Yüksek Veı1m, Temiz Çevre, Ene�lde Yeniden Yapılanma"