Kısa süre önce yapılan aç_ıklama/ar, gerçekleri ortaya dökmüş oldu: Yenilebilir enerji için AB'nin koymuş olduğu hedeflere ulaşmak; AB üye ülkeleri, fazladan politika/ar, geliştirmedikçe ve önlemler. almadıkça olanaksız görünüyor. Bu önlem ve politikalar arasında sadece yenilenebilir enerji üretimi ve tüketimiyle ilgili değil. A}'.'.nı zamanda enerji verimliğine de gitikkç_e daha fazla odaklanılması gerekiyor. Enerji tüketimi azaltılırsa daha fazla yenilebilir enerji kaynağının kullanıma girmesi mümkün olacak. ENERJİ & KOJENERASYON DÜNYASI 52 - -- --- --- - -- -- - - - -- -- Energy Efficiency The Forgotten Option? Recent announcements have made it clear: EU targets far renewable energy are beyond reach, unless EU Member States put extra policies and measures into place. These will not only concern production and consumption of renewable energy, but should increasingly focus on energy efficiency. By reducing energy consumption, it will be easier to obtain a larger share of renewables. Mirjam Harmelink of Ecofys and Raif de Vos of GreenPrices Report. Striving towards a sustainable energy supply, in the last decade the European Union strongly focused on providing a framework and developing policies in the field of renewable energy. it all started with the Green and White Papers or renewable energy, which stated the general persectives tor renewable energy. These were followed by the Campaign tor take- off, supporting all initiatives in this field, the Directive on Renewabla Electricity andlast added-the Directive on Biofuels. AII these tools are used to enlarge the share of renewables in the European Union. But evaluations of these policies show that the relative targets set far renewable energy will not be met with current policies. These bad tidings were officially confirmed in a recent communication from the European Commission, published just betore the large international renewable energy conference in Bonn. The communication said: "EU targets tor 201 O will only be met through the full implementation of the legal framework by Member States togetherwith complementary proactive measures geared to national conditions. Additional measures- notably financial-are alsa needed at EU level." in Bonn the European Commission announced some new actions within the next few months, in order to increase the contribution of renewables to the European energy supply. The announcement of the Community action plan far biomass (betore October next year) and the intention to develop renewable energy actions in heating and cooling (a doctument will be announced before the end of 2004) are notable. lndeed policies concerning biomass and renewable sources far heating and cooling contain large potentials that are stil unexploited. Besides this, boosts in offshore wind policies, solar power generation and profitable financial arrangements tor renewables can contribute greatly in bringing the 201 O target closer. ♦ "Kojenerasyon: Yüksek Verim, Temiz Çevre, Enerjide Yeniden Yapılanma''