� FORTUM ENGINEERING /frn�fı\l flıtllw 111 w � ıı rn Cogeneratwn, Waste recovery, 1{enewabfes & Qn.. site §�neratimı Harnösand CHP- Yenilenebilir ve Bio Yakıtları üzerinde Veni Yanma Tekniklerinin Kojenerasyona Uygulandığı Bir Tesis Harnösand Energi & Miljö AB ve Fortum Engineering Ltd., Harnösand-İsveç'te biomass yakıtlı bir kojenerasyon santralının inşası konusunda anlaşmaya vardılar. Stockholm'un 360 km kuzeyinde bulunan Harnösand, toplam %90 oranındaki (hatta baca gazı kondenseriyle birlikte %1 OO'den fazla) enerji ve rimiyle şehre ve civarına bölgesel ısıtma ve elektrik sağlamak üzere değişik tipte biomass yakıtlarından etkili olarak faydalanmak için ideal şartlar sunmaktadır. Çevresel açıdan ise, yeni santral etkili emisyon düşürme teknikleri ile donatılacaktır. Harnösand güç santralı, Fortum'un yeni biomass kullanım tekniğini de tanıtmış olacaktır. Santral, Fortum'un düşük çevresel emisyonlu ve güvenilir işlet meyi garanti eden yeni oda tipi yanma teknolojisini içer mektedir. _J1ı E-COGENERATION WORLD & Renewoble Energy H arnösand Energi & Miljö AB and Fortum Engineering Ltd have agreed upon the construction of a biomass-fired combined heat and power (CHP) plant in Harnösand, Sweden. Located some 360 km north of Stockholm Harnösand offers ideal con ditions to utilize effectively different types of biomass fuels to generale district heat and e\ectrici ty to the city and nearby areas with a total energy efficiency of 90 percent (even more than 100% with flue gas condenser). From the environmental point of view, the new planı will be equipped with effective emission reduction techniques. Figure 1) HARNÖSAND cogeneration plant in Sweden, Electric output: 11.7 MW District heat output: 25.9 MWt 7 MW heat from flue gas condensor. Fuels: Peat, wood chips, forest residues, bark or saw dust BACKGROUNDS in Sweden and Finland, the use of biomass has traditionally played an important role resulting from the availability of wood-based biomass and industry infrastructure. Because of the strong role of the pulp and paper and sawmill industry as well as metal industry the use of biomass for energy gen-eration makes a notable contribu tion to the overall energy mix in both countries. lndustrial processes and the need for space heating during wintertime have been major drivers for the utilization of CHP and DH (district heating) already from the beginning of the \ast century. Especially in Finland medium and small scale CHP plants have long traditions in energy sector. Fluidized bed combustion (FBC) is a natura\ option when there is a need to produce energy from low rank fuels as different biomass and waste derived fuels, brown coal and peat. Fortum has util-ized fluidized bed combustion in its power plants for different biomass fuels for more than 1 O years in 6 plants with total capacity of 150 MW electricity and 640 MW of district heat and steam for in-dustrial processes. HARNÖSAND CHPINTEGRATING NOVEL COMBUSTION OF RENEWABLE FUELS AND 810 FUELS TO EFFECTIVE CHP PROCESS Fortum Engineering has also been the turnkey supplier of most of these plants and additionally been the turnkey deliverer for 9 other FBC power plants with total capacity of more than 600 MW electricity and more than 900 MW dis trict heat and process steam together. TOWARDS THE FORTUM 810-CHP Based on the Fortum-experience - engineering and delivery of the plants, continuous feed-back