Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 3. Sayı (Mayıs 2001) / Ecogeneration World, Waste Recovery, Renewables & On-site Generation - Kojenerasyon Atıktan Enerji, Yenilebilir Enerji, Yerinde Üretim

FOSTER WHEELER rr rmrurı w�ıırn Co enemtwn, Waste recovarı, 'Renewa6fe.s &ı Otı-site @meraticn $ aU 7 l lt 5 U im S m a i t i n l e li v o ly e n , s $ o to 2 f r 3 e b 7 q o u mn it d y il s l i c o . a n T p h w it e a a ls i n at in e n v d re e $ s s t t 1 e 6 ra d 2 t e i m n r i te l h li p o e r n e n s e p e l w a n c t f e e a d d c , il i a i n ti t e i t ns h s , e t w i t t u i i t m t h io e n ­ onfoncrloescionugr,steheprtoigjehtcetsftinsapnrceiandg.of any international bond-financed t bin ie in r be t e s o c t o t r h a m e d i i n r it g i s o un a i a t e bl u p o s r f o i n e je e x c s c t s e d l p lee a n v r t e t n s lo e e p r r , m v F ic e o e n s s t t . -e O r f W i n n l a y h n e F c e o in l s e g t r e , a r e d W n d g s h in e ae e n e l o e r t r in h c g e o , r m ­ gplroobcaulr teemceh nnti c, ac ol en xspt reurctti si oena, nadn de qo upieprma tei onnt s-uwp pi t lhy .u n p a r a l l e l e d Petropower around the Globe PEenetrrogPiaowLiemr itada wt haast Fs oosst eu cr cWehs es feul le r eisradlesvimeloilapring sevj wP e e c o t t r r s ld o t . p h "o r T w o h u e e g r h h p o a r u o rd t the wF oosr kt ei nr vWehset eedl ebr yi n P sre t e r la u tr t c o i t o x u n r b s in u h g s ip i t n, h e ne s e s ating contacts, g otiol i nbetaoinuinr gfuftiunraenpcrinogje, catsn"d, sbauyilds inKgartpheenssekfi.acilities will truly streamA refinery upgrade and new 100 MW cogeneration facility in WW haer reel ne,r PPeonwnesry Sl vyasntieaml esasdi sg nt eh ed wt haeyf. i risnt AUuSg u-sbt a1 s9e9d9 , F o s t e r A iP t e l i l s e tr g eo h x p e p o n e w y c e t E e r d n a e g t r h r g e a y e t . m F T o e h s n e t t e p w r r i W o th je h U c e i n e i i s l t e e v r d a w R lu ill e e e f d i x n a e in t c g u $ t 3 C e 0 o t 0 m h t e p o a e $ n n 4 y g 0 i a n 0 e n m e d r il i l n io g n , . ep rryo caunrde mc oegn et , naenr ad tci oonn setqr uu icptmi oen n, at . l oCnogn swt irtuhcst iuopn pml yai nyg bme ga ijno rarse f i n ­ early as 2001 . iPmhpi l ll ei pmp ien netsi n' gP et ht er o ns aCmoer pi d. , etah .e Fpoasrttei ar l lWy shteaet el e- or wp lnaends rt oe fiinnveer ys, t i s e ca o q b k u o e i u t - y t f u $ p e 3 a l 0 l r e t 0 i d c m i c p o i a ll g t io io e n n n .e i n A r a t h t n i e o e n w $ p 1 h l . a y 1 d n 2 t r o b w c il i r l l i a l o g c n k e p e n r r e o , r j c a e o l c e k t i 3 t n o 6 g r 5 f 7 a 0c ipl i teyr, caenndt MW of power etoxpseucptpelyd tinhe20re0f3in.ery and the Luzon power grid. Completion is Al e sa dwei trhs hCi ph ii lse 'csr ePaetti rnogp sotwr aet er pg ri co j pe ac ri t, nFeorssthei pr sW. Ah en ed l et hr ' es i rb tuesci nh en sos logical expertise is turning the coker/cogeneration synergy into reality. Although neilher Petrox nor Foster Wheeler knew it at the time PetroPower Energia Limitada started with a single telephone cali in the lale 1980s. Pelrox asked Foster Wheeler USA, based in Houston, to prepare design tor a new delayed coker. Foster Wheeler through our lberia (Spain) office had already worked with Petrox and RPC -its sisler refinery, on several pası projects. The idea expanded when Foster Wheeler proposed the integration of the coker and cogeneration projects. With a mission to search tor and implement build-own-operate projecıs, Foster Wheeler Power Systems recognized that lhis unique opportunity could bring together the besi of Foster Wheeler's capabililies and expertise. Power Systems offered to become a business partner. Petrox agreed. Foster Wheeler created Conslructura Foster Wheeler Concepcion Limilada (CFWC) to execute the design and conslruction of PelroPower Energia Limitada. CFWC was alsa chartered to operate the cogeneration unit. CFWC then drew from the umbrella of Fosıer Wheeler entities to bring the highest levels of service, expertise, and products ıo the projeci. Having intimate knowledge and experience with the refinery already, Foster Wheeler lberia was the clear choice tor ıurnkey design, procurement, and construction. They worked hand-in-hand with Foster Wheeler Energia S.A., the organization responsible tor final fabrication drawings, manufacture, and ereclion of the circulating fluidized-bed boiler. Energia based their final design on preliminary process layout by Foster Wheeler in California and detailed design by Foster Wheeler energy Cooperation in New Jersey. Energia fabricated most of the boiler in Spain, allhough Energy Cooperation fabricated lhe steam drum and steam-cooled cyclone in the Uniled States. Fosler Wheeler lber i a alsa relied on experts at Foster Wheeler BIMAS, in lstanbul, Turkey, to do a portion of the detailed design work, ad on Fi controls to provide the conlrol system tor the cogeneration unit. Equipment and supplies ultimately came from all over lhe globe. The careful logistics converged in Chile. Foster Wheeler Chile S.A. performed much of the detailed utilily and site design, and assisted with construction supervision. Foster Wheeler lberia broughl a key team of construction supervisory staff to the site, and construction began. in keeping wilh their commitmenı to Petrox to use local contractors, vendors, and employees, Constructura hired and trained about 40 Chileans to operale the cogeneration planı and they are now generating 59 megawatts of power while exporting 26 tons per hour of steam. Ali /rom a single phone cali. E-COGENERATI0N WORL0 & Reneoble Energy ı1l